Page 59 of Talk Swoony to Me

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What’s the worst that can happen?

I don’t know.

I’m not sure I even care anymore.



The sun rises. Most of the city still sleeps, but not us. I’m still wide awake. I watch Chicago go by from the backseat of Seth’s truck. Jenna does the same, looking about as perky as she always does. Seth snoozes in the passenger’s seat, killing the mood now and then with a sharp snore.

We’ll chuckle for a second before embracing the silence again.

I glance at the rearview mirror ahead of us and Drew’s gaze catches mine. He smiles in acknowledgment before focusing on the road. I spot him looking at me three more times, each lock of eye contact a flutter of butterfly wings and a crushing weight at the same time.

Drew turns onto Shanty Row. I pick up my sketchbook as we roll into our driveway and Drew parks the truck.

Drew quietly opens his door and hops outside, giving Jenna and I a way to exit without waking Seth. I keep my hand on the truck, feeling sluggish after being out all night long, but I guess this new college girl should get used to that. Drew closes the door with a quick peek through the window at Seth.

Seth twitches, but doesn’t wake up. Dead to the world.

The three of us walk up the lawn to the porch.

Jenna widens her stride a little. “Well, I’m gonna go rinse the sand out of my cootch and pass out.” She opens the front door and abandons us on the porch. Probably on purpose given the quick wink she gives me. “Later, guys.”

Drew chuckles. “Later, Jenna.”

The screen door closes. And then there were two.

I pause on the stoop, politely nodding at Drew. “Thanks for the ride back,” I say.

“Don’t mention it,” he says. “You have fun?”

“Oh, yeah.” I smile. “I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun.”

“Me neither.”

“We should do it again sometime. The group of us, I mean… assuming Seth and Jenna can stop bickering at each other.”

Drew laughs. “Yeah, we should.”

“Anyway, um…” I step back. “I’m going to go get some sleep.”

“Yeah. Me, too.”

“Drive safe.”

“Will do.”

I open the screen door and step inside, letting it close behind me. I kick off my sandals, leaving them with the intent to come back and shake off the last of the sand later.

“Every night, I lie awake and I think about kissing you.”

I stop. I turn around to face Drew standing on the porch behind the door. For a second, I think I imagined it. I think my mind went on some exhausted fantasy overload and told me what I wanted to hear, but the look on his face tells me everything. His eyes, tired and tortured beneath a furrowed brow. His partially open mouth, hanging between the shock of what he said and the desire to repeat it.

My breaths come shallow. My senses go numb. All I can do is stand here and stare at him.

“Heidi?” Drew asks through the screen.
