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“Not yet. Our date isn’t finished.”

“Kias. I don’t want to be here anymore. Take. Me. Home,” I plead. I don’t know why he is being so stubborn.

“Zolina,” Atlis calls to me from the darkness he walked off into. “I’ll take you home. No funny business. Come on.”

“I–Fine. If you won’t take me home, I’ll just go with your brother,” I tell Kias.

“Fine! Fuck! I’ll take you fucking home,” Kias yells, standing up. He sighs and stalks off towards his car, leaving me in the sand alone.

I roll my eyes and stand up, gathering everything together and stomping back to Kias’s car. I’m now frustrated that I have the female equivalent of blue balls, and that I allowed both of these men to get under my skin. Why can’t I have a backbone and just ignore the things that come out of Atlis’s mouth? I open the door and get in, crossing my arms over my chest and waiting for Kias, who leans against the door.

Kias slides into the driver's seat moments later, frustrated and pissy. JD gets into her own car, unamused by our outbursts, but not injecting herself into the same torture. The look on her face says it all.

“I don’t know why you allow him to get to you. Just ignore him and move on. You waste too much of your breath talking to him– you really shouldn’t. Did you really think about letting my brother take you home? After I proposed to you? What the hell, Zolina?”

“Seriously?!” I yell. “You were going to sit on the beach and pretend that I didn’t ask you to take me home. I don’t care if you proposed to me or if the Pope did. When I want to go home, as your fiance, you should take me home without me having to ask a second time. Yes, I was going to go home with JD or your brother because I don’t want to sit here and deal with everyone's shitty attitude!” Sometimes, my temper gets the best of me, and I can’t stop the words that come from my lips. Especially when they’re the truth.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, putting a comforting hand on my thigh. “I’m just not good at this shit. I want to marry you before we make love. I just wanted to stay on the beach and talk and hang out. You are way too perfect, and I don’t want to taint your body with the wrongdoings from my past. I love you, and marrying you will not only make me the happiest man alive but also help me rectify things and put me back in good standing with my father. He has always looked to Atlis for help, and once we’re married, I can step up to the plate. Just wait for me, please? For us? I know I should have listened to you. I’m sorry, okay?”

The corners of my mouth lift into a small, understanding smile. I uncross my arms, dropping my hands on his and lacing our fingers together. If he can wait, then so can I. One day, I’ll get what I want. What I deserve. I lean to my left and gently press my lips to his jawline just below his ear. It’s his favorite place to be kissed and his grip tightens around my leg.

Before Kias can put the car into gear, Atlis appears at the hood. The headlights radiate off his muscular, tattooed body. He is wearing an unzipped sweatshirt, showing off his abs and all the intricate drawings he has inked into his skin. His body glistens with the dew from the fog that has rolled in.

I take in the view as Kias rolls down the window and hangs his head out. “What the fuck do you want, Atlis?”

“We have places to go and people to see. Get Zolina home and then make sure your ass meets me at the club.” He waits for Kias to answer, then finally moves. As he walks away, he turns right before his brother rolls up the window, "Oh, and Zolina, when you decide you're finished with my brother, just ask him for my number. I'll be waiting for you, Pet."

My jaw drops, and I don’t hide the look on my face from Kias. How dare he say that. It’s funny and rude at the same time. I will not be brother-hopping. I’d rather kill myself than do that. Atlis will never be able to get into my pants.

We pull out onto the dark street, only able to see the white and yellow lines of the road.

Chapter 10


I wake up in my canopy bed, stretch my arms to the intricate ceiling, and pry my eyes open. The sun shines in my eyes from the open curtain that hangs over the window. I haven't seen Kias in a couple of days, since the night of the beach, but I will tonight. My phone dings with his daily ‘good morning beautiful’ text.

I am, again, irritated, having discussed his lack of punctuation numerous times and him still not using any. It doesn’t display his expensive education, which I know had been purchased for him. The least he could do was add a capital letter, maybe even a period. However, this morning’s text is accompanied by a birthday wish and several party emoticons. I break out with a smile as I read both the message and the date. Today is Halloween. It’s also my 21st birthday.

My plush comforter falls to the floor as I shimmy out of bed, slip my feet into my feather slippers, and head straight to the bathroom. After I finish my morning routine, minus skincare, my slippers hit the bedroom carpet, and I giggle aloud as I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door.

“Good morning, my princess!” My father boisterously announces while entering my room with a small entourage trailing behind him. “It’s a wonderful fall morning. Perfect for a birthday.”

“Oh, spooky vibes and everything! How perfect,” I giggle again. I may sound stupid to some people, but making my Daddy smile is worth it. I will keep up the princess facade for him.

Following behind him and JD, comes the eccentric hairstylist, Christopher, and the makeup artist, Madeline. All three are dressed and ready for the party. I skip over to my vanity and plop onto the stool that awaits me.

“Take good care of her. Make her even more beautiful than she already is, if that’s even possible.” Daddy smiles down warmly at me before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

It takes several hours to get my hair and makeup done. It always takes a while because Christopher and Madeline are so much fun. He always plays with my hair for a bit before getting down to business, and she gets distracted by all the makeup options and how to match them to my hair and wardrobe.

JD lounges on my bed after straightening the comforter and fixing the pillows. She watches the three of us pointedly, playing on her phone and occasionally chiming into the conversations or laughing until I finish getting ready.

“How do I look?” I ask as I spin around in circles. My hair is in a low chignon with several pieces criss-crossed over the top, creating a braided effect. The crown is teased to give volume and body, and a few strands of beautiful, loose curls hang from the bun and lightly brush against my neck and shoulders. A jeweled comb has been placed into the knot at the base of the crown, completing the look.

Madeline has made my skin appear crystal clear and glowing, while my eyes have gradient white, mercury, and smoky colors painted and finished with sharp-winged eyeliner. My false lashes tickle my penciled-in eyebrows every time I look upwards, and my lips are accentuated with a subtle dusty rose color.

“Gorgeous, baby girl! Tonight’s going to be so perfect!” Christopher grabs my hands and squeals in excitement.
