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“Oh.” She lets her eyes fall closed for a moment. “I don’t know if this marriage is what I want. I don’t know you.” Her eyes find mine, holding them as she searches my own for something. She relaxes for only a moment more before sliding off my lap.

“I call you Pet because you follow everyone's directions like a fucking puppy. Pleasing every-fucking-one else, but she still can't listen to her master,” I add before she walks out of the room and up the stairs.

“I’m nobody's Pet.”

Chapter 15


My skin burns from his touch. His hands fit perfectly around my throat, like he was made to hold me like that. The way he effortlessly pulled my body onto his, like I weighed nothing to him, left my heart racing and my lungs breathless. I rub my thighs together, seeking some much-needed relief and receiving nothing. I have to leave this place before I do things I’ll regret later. Like fuck my husband or something crazy like that.

I shouldn’t have this reaction to someone who killed my fiancé– who killed his fucking brother. I’ve had my fill of murder and trauma throughout my life. Trauma that I have tried so hard to forget. Atlis is trouble, a danger that I don’t want to be caught up in. I need to remember that he isn’t the man from my childhood. Yet, something about the way his silver eyes bore into mine makes me wet and needy.

Crawling into my bed, I pull the covers up to my chin as my hand slithers down my body. I tuck my fingers into my panties, feeling how soaked Atlis made me just from the minimal contact. My fingers brush over my clit, tangling in the strings of wetness that attach. My pussy has its own pulse, waiting to be set free, begging for attention. I slide a finger inside, fucking myself slowly and building the pressure in my lower abdomen.

He is so controlling. So dominating. So… no! I can’t think like this. I can’t imagine myself by his side or under him. I need to run. I yank my hand from myself and out of the blanket. What am I doing?

I need to get the fuck out of here. Nothing he says makes sense. He is confusing my body and my mind. He killed someone because of me. I am no stranger to death and blood, but still, I don’t need more of it. I need to get away from it.

I throw the covers off of my body, and a decision is made. Walking to the door, I crack it open, sticking my head out, and listening for Atlis.

Sneaking downstairs, I make my way to the duffle bag in the living room, trying to be as quiet as possible as I rummage through it once more. There are no signs of Atlis. I have no fucking clue where he went. I find pants and a pair of socks. If I can make it to the main road, it should be plowed, and I can make the getaway.

I dress as quickly and quietly as possible. Finding his dress shoes next to the door, I put them on as well. None of this will be good in the snow, but I will deal with the consequences later.

Pulling open the front door, I am greeted by the cold. I close it as silently as possible, hoping that the door doesn’t creak and I can slip out quietly. His shoes are too big for my feet, but they don’t stop me.

I bounce from tree to tree, careful of each step. I know he could catch up to me quickly, so I have to be fast and unpredictable. It’s freezing, but it’s worth it. I can’t be around him anymore without betraying myself.

Chapter 16


I hear retreating footsteps on the front porch, but other than that, it’s silent. Not like an ‘I am in my room, getting away from you,’ but more of an eerie silence. I finish up in the bathroom and peer out of the doorway. If someone is here, then I need to get to them first. What I need to do is get to my gun.

I clear the kitchen and the living room. Walking over to the couch, I check under the pillow for my pistol, find it, and take the safety off. I will fucking kill anyone if they try to harm me or, more importantly, my wife. With stealth and precision, I clear every room in the house except for Zolina’s. With my right hand holding the gun, I open the door with my left. The room is empty, except for her dress. It mocks me as it hangs.


Like a body from a noose.

Either someone took her, or she ran.

I take the stairs two at a time. Reaching for my shoes, I realize they’re gone. Oh, Pet, how irresponsible of you. I throw the safety back on and tuck the pistol back underneath the pillow. No one is dumb enough to travel this far up the mountain in this storm.

Two can play this game.

I open the coat closet, find the boots I shoved in there last year, and pull them on. I still have sweatpants on, but I don’t care. Without a shirt, I leave the house, following her footsteps through the snow.


It doesn’t take long for me to find her. She hasn’t gotten very far in my shoes. I watch from a distance as Zolina tries to keep her footing. One hand is holding the sweatpants that she stole onto her tiny frame. With the other, she uses it to steady herself from tree to tree as she makes her trek.

“Oh, Zolina!” I call into the forest while hiding behind a large tree, taunting her. I am close enough to hear the way she inhales in fear. Desperate to get away, she picks up her pace, zig-zagging through the forest. “I told you that you could run, but what else did I tell you, Pet?”

“Leave me alone, Atlis!” She screams into the still-falling snow.

“Where is the fun in that, wife? Once I find you, I’m going to have some fun.”
