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Chapter 24


It only took three fucking days in the woods to fall more in love with Zolina than I already was. Three days to completely forget about business and only think about her. Three days to forget that I am supposed to be taking over for my father after he dies. Three days to make her mine.

When I checked my phone on the way back to Noir Sands, I realized I had a ridiculous amount of missed phone calls. I now sit in the living room, sipping a glass of whiskey and taking care of business on the phone.

“Who did it?” My question is curt to the man on the other end of my call. “No, I fucking understand that. I meant, who the fuck is stupid enough to come into my club and rob me? Did you shoot them?” I wait for him to fill me in on the details. “Good. I’ll come downstairs this evening after I get my wife and her friend to bed.” I nod my head, knowing he can’t see it. “Yes, Jacob, keep him alive so I can still ask him questions later.” I hang up without waiting for his stupid ass to reply.

I dial my father in order to return his many calls. I don’t want to talk to him, but I might as well get the inevitable bullshit out of the way now rather than later.

“Atlis. We need to talk about your brother.”

“No, we really don’t.” I roll my eyes. He always wants to talk about Kias. My father can be unrelenting in his questioning and won’t give up until I give him the info he wants. One more reason why I dislike him. I can have secrets if I want to.

“Someone found his body. He was murdered.”

“Yes. Who do you think did it? I was tired of his selfishness.”

I hear them coming down the stairs. They are both giggling like prepubescent school girls. I’m glad I texted Jezi once we got cell service. Zolina needs her best friend, and since she hadn’t caused any issues at the wedding, I figured that maybe we could trust her.

“I'll get back to you in the morning.” I end the call with my father screaming and turn my attention to the girls. “Did you have a nice time up there?” I ask as Zolina sits down next to me on the couch, leaning her head against my shoulder. Jezi takes a seat across from us, shucks off her shoes, and gets comfortable.

“Yes, we did,” my wife answers. Both of their cheeks turn pink, and I can’t help but smirk– dirty girls. Zolina will see what happens later to dirty girls who can’t keep secrets.

“Now that that's settled, we need to talk,” Jezi catches our attention. Her smiling face has fallen, and she looks at us in seriousness.

I had taken a shower while they were upstairs and got dressed in my normal day-to-day clothes– a suit and tie. One hand lies over my wife’s shoulders, the other in my pants pocket, as we wait for Jezi’s explanation. “What happened while we were gone, Jezi?”

Chapter 25


Jezi fell asleep on the couch after telling Atlis and me all that had happened since we went off to the woods. She was snoring by the time we got up and retreated from the living room.

I am in the bathroom brushing my hair, having gotten out of the shower. My period was short this month, but that's normal with PCOS. The conversation we had about it on the way down the mountain went fairly quickly. I explained everything about the disorder after we talked about having kids. He was shocked but very understanding.

“Come here, wife,” Atlis calls to me, patting his hand on the blanket. He sits on the bed, watching me since I had gotten out of his clothing. “I have something else for you.”

I turn to face him, holding the brush in my hand. “What’s that? Another surprise?” This man is filled with secrets and mystery. I will beg him to tell me everything one day. If this is what my life has become, then I love it. I want his attention. Too long have I sat around and waited for a knight in shining armor to take me away from the lonely tower I called home. Too long have I waited for someone to claim my body and my mind.

Atlis beckons me with a finger, pulling me towards him like a moth to a flame. His eyes light up with intent.

He wants to play a game, and this time I am all too happy to oblige. I unwrap my body like a present, slowly holding the towel away from me before dropping it to the tile.

I sling my hair to my back and saunter over to him. Licking my lips sensually, I edge the bed with my knees. If he can tease me with his words, then I will tease him with my body. “Yes, my husband?” I pout. “How can I be of service?”

He stands and grabs a handful of my wet hair, pulling my head back. I didn’t know this was what I craved from him. It is a need to be humiliated and degraded by my husband while he looks at me like I am a miracle whispered into existence by the Gods. He devours me with his eyes.

“Lay down on your back,” he orders into my ear. Without giving me a chance to obey, he flings me onto the mattress. “Good girl.”

I enjoy his praise, even though I've done nothing to earn it, yet. The feeling of a thousand tiny fireflies takes root in my stomach.

He leans over me, still dressed, and growls into my ear. “I’m going to fuck your pretty little mouth again. This time you will open when I fucking tell you to.”

Atlis stands up and unzips his pants, still clothed but now with easy access. My mouth falls open when he crawls on top of me. He sits directly on my chest without putting his full weight on me.

“Touch yourself, wife.”
