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“Isn’t it, though? One you didn't know you were playing?” Micah chuckles.

Truly, nothing I can do will be fitting enough torture for this vile man. “If you don't start talking now, I will just kill you where you stand.” I chuckle darkly, “Hang on, my bad. Just tell me, and I’ll go easy on you. After all, if you know so much about me from the circles we run in, you should know if I take my time, you'll regret every last second I allow you on Earth.”

All he does is laugh harder and hang his head, refusing to answer.

All I can do is growl. This piece of fucking shit. “You will pay. For everything.” I turn and walk out of the playroom and onto the elevator. That motherfucker needs something special. He deserves the absolute worst thing imaginable. The elevator dings and the doors slide open– time to go grocery shopping.

After I gather everything I need from my fridge and pantry, I head back downstairs. He is still hanging where I left him and still alive. What a shame.

Putting down the contents in my hand, I make my way over to the drawers that line the wall. I pick up the tape, chastity cage, and a bandana. I laugh to myself as I imagine someone buying these items, and only these items, at a store. What a fucked-up combination.

“I don't want to hear anything else from you. I don't care what you say. You're obviously worthless to me, but I might as well have some fun, hmm?” I tell him, setting more items on the table next to us. I grab the bandana and wad it into a ball. Walking over to the gas can, I douse the cloth until it drips from my hand.

“What can you do that will actually harm me? You can kill me, but it won't hurt like you think. I have medical issues. Pain doesn't affect me like normal people,” the dumbass says.

Without replying, I shove the bandana into his mouth. He chokes back a gag, his eyes bulging. “Take that, fucker. No pain, my ass.”

I walk back to the table and start chopping up the produce while humming Big Weenie by Eminem. He struggles in the background, the chains jingling, almost to the beat of the silent song. I pick up the cage and the other products I brought from the kitchen, positioning myself back towards him.

“You ready, little guy?” I ask his dick once I’ve freed it from his pants. It’s so small that he probably needs tweezers to jerk off. Micah's face is comical. His confusion as to why I'm talking to his cock instead of him is quite hilarious to me.

Taking his limp dick in my gloved hand, I slide the spiked chastity cage onto him. Inside the cage are pieces of Tombstone Ghost peppers. They will seep into his open skin, forcing his body to feel the effects of them. Pain, swelling, and redness will occur. Once his appendage becomes inflamed, his dick will have nowhere to go except for the little breathing spots in the cage. Every movement he makes will force the cage to shift a little and abrade his cock, causing the peppers to seep further into his skin. “There ya go. Have fun in hell, little buddy.”

Micah's eyes have already started watering. I don't know if it's from the peppers or because he knows he will feel this pain. Either way, it’s perfect for him. I take the gag out of his mouth so he can scream if he wants. It’ll give him the false hope that he needs because no one will be able to hear him anyway.

“For someone who broke in, kidnapped me, and is now letting me hang like an animal in a butcher shop, you aren't very perceptive. Did you think to check the goddamn basement?”

I'll finish with him later. He can stay and ‘hang’ out until then.

I turn and head towards the elevator, picking up the phone as I go and call the boys. “Alright, you two. Gather a group. I have a location for my wife. I’ll meet you there. Call Zolina’s bodyguard and tell her to come stay in the playroom with my toy. Let’s go get my fucking wife.”

Chapter 35


“FUCK!” I scream into the empty basement.

“Atlis, what the fuck is going on?” Jacob asks me.

“We were lied to. He lied straight to my face!” I huff. Pacing around in circles, I drag my hands through my hair in anger.

How did he manage to lie to me? Better question, how did I fucking fall for it? All I want is my wife, back in bed with me, by my side. And hell, at this point, I’d even take her arguing with me.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the chirping of a phone coming from the dark.

“What the fuck?” Harris quietly asks. “Where is that coming from?

I stop pacing, letting my ears tune into the sound. “Over there.” I point to the ominous dark corner. Clicking on my flashlight, we can now see a phone sitting alone on an end table. “That’s not creepy.”

“Not at all,” Jacob murmurs in agreement.

Walking over, I pick up the phone and hit the green call button before putting it on speaker. “Uhm… hello?”

“Atlis, I was hoping it was you. You don’t know who I am, so listen carefully. My name is Cecilia Connors. I have your wife. She is safe.”

“I want proof before you continue.”

“Fine,” she barks. “Speak to your husband.”
