Page 37 of The Vampire's Mate

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“I knew you were going to,” he says, giving me a soft smile and taking my hand.

“I gave her details,” I say, my embarrassment heightening. “Not about your identity, but about our connection and the things you do to me.”

“Okay,” he says, nodding before his lips turn up in a satisfied grin.

“Shut up,” I say, rolling my eyes as a smile I can’t fight turns up my own lips before fading. “My point is, she was jealous. She wanted me to find out if you have any vampire friends we could hook her up with. Does that sound like something a witch would say?”

“She could’ve been saying what you’d expect to hear in order to hide her true nature,” he suggests, but I shake my head.

“I don’t think so,” I say. “I know her, and she was happy for me. Supportive. I would’ve been able to sense any hesitancy, and if she were a witch with a full understanding of their history with vampires, she would’ve tried to talk me out of seeing you. She wouldn’t have begged me to find her a vampire lover who could make her come on demand.”

His eyebrows hike up, and I’m not sure if I’ve convinced him, or he’s just surprised by my candid admission. He stares at me for a long moment, then nods once.

“You’re right. She wouldn’t respond that way if she’d grown up knowing she’s a witch.”

“What am I going to do?” I ask, pushing myself up to pace again. “I shouldn’t be the one to tell her, but if I try to pretend like everything is normal, she’ll see right through me.”

“You can’t tell her, Eden,” he says gently. “There’s a reason someone bound her magic an kept her in the dark. And if you try to tell her…they will feel compelled to stop you. And if anyone tried to hurt you…”

He lets that hang in the air, but his expression tells me he wouldn’t be using his words to resolve the issue. I nod slowly, but my mind is turning, trying to come up with another solution.

Steph is important to me. I can’t just stay away from her forever. I need to figure out how to be around her without making it obvious I’m keeping a secret.

I stop pacing and close my eyes. When I open them, Jesse is standing in front of me. His hands land on my shoulders, and he holds my gaze hostage as he speaks.

“This is a lot more complicated than you realize, Eden. If the person who magic-bound Steph finds out you’re with me, they’ll assume I’ve told you witches exist. I don’t know if anyone noticed me that day outside the coffee shop, but if they did, then they know I know about them. If they think I’ve told you the truth, and they’re trying to keep it from Steph, they could take measures to assure themselves you won’t be telling her the truth.”

“You mean…”

“I mean they’ll do whatever it takes to stop you from revealing the truth.”

We stare at each other for several beats before Jesse pulls me into his arms. He hugs me as I process his words. I can’t tell Steph what I know, and I can’t let anyone in her coven think there’s a chance I’ll tell her. How in the hell am I supposed to do that?

“I’m sorry, Eden,” Jesse murmurs into my hair. “I’ve made your life more complicated than it should be.”

“No,” I say, pulling back to look into his eyes. “I don’t regret you, Jesse. I never could. We’ll figure this out. I know we will.”

I press my mouth to his, and he kisses me back like his life depends upon it. My hands brush down his back as I hold him close, and I feel my need spark to life. I moan as his mouth presses hot kisses down my throat, and I rub my body against his, reveling in the friction.

His entire body goes rigid, and I freeze. I study his intense expression, but before I can open my mouth to ask what’s wrong, he’s gone. He stops at my door, swinging it open to reveal the two Vikings standing on the other side of the threshold.

“Erik,” Jesse says, nodding to the one who gave me the business card when they came by here before. To the other man, he says, “Leif.”

“My prince,” Erik says, leaning over in a shallow bow, which Leif copies.

“What are you doing here? I told you I am not to be disturbed again. I will let you know when I’m ready to return to my father.”

“We apologize, your highness, but the situation has become dire.”

Situation? What are they talking about?

Jesse must not know, either, because his body grows even more stiff than it was before. “What situation?”

“It’s your father,” Leif says, speaking for the first time.

“My father?”

“You need to return to Los Angeles, at once,” Erik says, his expression solemn. “Your father is dying.”
