Page 78 of The Witch's Destiny

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“We need to find him someone,” I say as I watch him go.

“He does all right on his own,” Jesse says. “I think he prefers it that way.”

“He might’ve before Erik got involved with Steph. I’m afraid he’s feeling like the odd man out.”

He turns to pull me into a tight hug. “I love how much you worry over the ones you care about. Leif has no problems finding company, and if and when he wants to settle down, he’ll do so.”

“If you say so…”

“And no more talking about Leif,” he says when my words trail off. “I want to talk about what we’re going to do with the two hours we have to kill between now and your meeting with Steph.”

“Oh, really?” I ask, blinking coquettishly. “Whatever did you have in mind?”

I squeal when I suddenly find myself over his shoulder in the same way Erik carried Steph upstairs. Jesse’s hand cracks against my ass, making me squeal again, and my laughter follows us all the way up the stairs to our room.

I couldn’t have come up with a better plan to kill time if I’d tried.



“Okay, tell me everything I need to know.”

We’re back downstairs in one of the parlors, and it’s hard not to miss the glow of euphoria in Steph’s cheeks. I’m sure I look the same…or I would if my blood was warm and rushed to my cheeks the way it did before I turned into a vampire.

“Are you sure it’s safe to speak here?” Steph asks, casting a quick glance toward the closed door.

It takes me a minute to discern what she’s worried about, and then it hits me. We’re at Belloy Manor, and there are ears everywhere. Vamps all over the house can hear every word we say. If Steph starts discussing witch business and the wrong person hears it––for instance, a vampire who refuses to accept any kind of alliance and still sees witches as the enemy––they could use any information they may hear against the covens.

“I trust everyone here,” Jesse says when no one else responds, “but if you’d feel more comfortable, we can take this conversation up to my bathroom. No one can hear us in there.”

Steph stares at him for a long moment, then shakes her head. “It’s fine. If you trust them, I trust them, too. Besides, I don’t really know much about these meetings, anyway, besides what Aunt Bernie told me before…”

She died. We all hear the words she doesn’t say, and Erik reaches out to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Steph takes that comfort, clears her throat, and straightens her posture.

“So, we’ll go in together, but you’ll need to stand in the back while I take my chair at the head of the table. The council will discuss any pressing business, motions for change, and grievances. When we’re done, I’ll motion to add a chair for the Grundelier coven, and you’ll step up to be officially…sworn in, I guess? I don’t know what they call it, but you’ll be designated as the holder of that chair since you’re the last Grundelier.”

“Sounds pretty straightforward,” I say, attempting to ignore the twisting feeling in my gut.

It’s just nerves. This is kind of a big deal. The witches adding a vampire to the ranks of their most powerful organization? A big fucking deal.

“And after you’re officially a member, you can address the subject of the prophecy. Someone at that table has to know something.”

I nod at Steph, really hoping she’s right. If they don’t know anything about it––or more likely, refuse to tell me what they do know––I don’t know what I’m going to do.

When it’s time to go, I kiss Jesse while Erik lifts Steph into a bear hug and furiously whispers warnings in her ear to stay on her guard and never relax in there for a second. We walk out to the SUV with Leif, who’s driving us to the church where the meeting will be held. Jesse and Erik will follow on foot and hide nearby where they can listen in undetected.

As much as Steph and I have proven we can take care of ourselves, their protective nature won’t allow them to completely sit this one out. But they won’t come into the building unless we call them, even if the discussion over my acceptance gets heated.

The drive to the church is short and uneventful. Leif parks the SUV between a rusted, late model brown sedan and a bright yellow Range Rover. The contrast between the two vehicles makes me wonder if some coven members are making a killing while others are barely scraping by…and if the ones who are rich are using their magic to help things along.

The thoughts fly right out of my mind as we climb out of our vehicle. My nerves spike as Steph walks confidently toward the entrance of the building. My steps slow as she pulls open the door and holds it for me.

Shit. Can I even enter a church? I know there’s some lore about vampires not being able to enter hallowed ground…

I shake my head to clear it. Jesse definitely would’ve told me if I couldn’t walk into a church when the location was first revealed. Stiffening my spine, I step over the threshold and into the building without issue.
