Page 10 of Tame Me

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“You know I might be pregnant right?” she asks, trying a new maneuver.

“By who?” Reaper asks.

“Savage,” she answers, looking at the man on my side.

“The fuck?” he questions. “I’ve never fucked you and I never would. I’m not an office holdin’ member.”

“There was a night not that long ago. It was before your birthday. We were both drunk as fuck,” she tries saying.

“I’ll get Doc in here in the mornin’. Until then, lock her in one of the rooms. I don’t want anyone in or out of there until he gets here to do a test. We’ll take it from there if she is,” Reaper says.

Savage walks away pissed as fuck. I know he hasn’t been with the bitch, but until we know if she’s pregnant, she’ll be kept here. Because it could be someone else’s baby here in the clubhouse. Turning my attention to the bitch in my room, I motion for her to get the fuck out so I can get her locked in one of the rooms. No one will go to her because no one other than officers have the keys to our locked rooms. Reaper will put the word out and if anyone does go in to see her, they’ll be dealt with. I’ll also make sure a Prospect is posted outside the door to ensure she remains alone.

“You know I’m not leaving here. I’ll be around forever and eventually, I’ll break you down, Trax,” she purrs, turning and trying to run her fingers down my chest.

“You’re not gettin’ near me. And the shit you’re tryin’ to pull with Savage right now won’t work either. We know you’re a lyin’ ass cheat and have been with guys outside the club. Why do you think no one touches your ass anymore?” I tell her, letting the anger running through me out in my voice.

My words make her steps falter and a paleness overtake her face. Yeah, she knows we’re on to her game now and we’ll make sure the baby doesn’t belong to a brother. If she’s even pregnant. If she is and it does end up being the kid of one of ours, we’ll make sure he gets the baby and she’s nowhere in the picture once the kid is born. She’d be a horrible mother and none of us will watch a baby be used as a pawn or treated like shit because she’s a selfish, greedy skank who only gives a fuck about herself.

Once I take care of Precious, I make my way back into my room. Stripping my bed, I throw the bedding in a pile to be burned later on. I don’t want anything she touched near me at all. I won’t taint my room, or Reagan, with that shit. Before I settle down, I shoot a message off to my girl. I’m not going to have the chance to talk to her tonight because now I have to go find out how the fuck she broke into my room.

Reaper and Alex are sitting in the corner when I make my way back into the common room. Savage is at the bar with a bottle in front of him and his head hanging down. He’s gotta be pissed as fuck and we all know to leave him alone when he’s like this. He didn’t get the name Savage for no reason.

“Pres, sorry to interrupt, but I want to know how the fuck she got in my room. It’s not sittin’ right with me that she was able to do that when she’s been left here durin’ the day with the rest of the girls,” I say, sitting down next to them.

“Gonna have Hawk and Eagle pull the footage. We’ll figure it out. And if it was a brother or Prospect that helped her, we’ll make sure they get the punishment they deserve. Go rest and I’ll get with you as soon as I know anythin’ more,” Reaper tells me before turning his attention back to Alex.

As soon as I’m back in my room, I make my bed and see if Reagan messaged me back. She didn’t and I’m not surprised. Poor girl has to be exhausted with the events of the day catching up to her. Then trying to organize her new room. I’ll check on her as soon as I get up.

Chapter Five


I’VE BEEN AT school for almost two weeks now. My classes are okay and I’ve made a few friends. Most of the kids want to know about all the guys that dropped me off when I got here. Even if they weren’t here or anywhere near my dorm, everyone seems to know that I’m the daughter of a guy in a motorcycle club. The guys want to know what it’s like to be one of the men and think I’m a slut while the girls all want to know how to land their own man in the club. It’s never going to happen, but they’ll figure that out on their own.

One guy, Peter, has been showing me a lot of attention and tonight is our first date. I’ve agreed to it because he doesn’t seem to show the slightest interest in trying to get in good with my family. Peter doesn’t want to be a part of the club. In fact, when we first started talking, he was disgusted by the fact I grew up in the Wild Kings. I didn’t speak with him for a while because no one is going to insult my fucking family. It took him apologizing and me explaining why I was pissed before I got over the shit he spewed. Not that I’m really over it. I just know how some people feel about bikers and the way they live their lives. I’m part of that because of my family.

Peter is a clean-cut guy. Every hair on his head is in place at all times. We don’t have a lot in common either. Hell, I don’t honestly know if we have anything in common. He’s always dressed like he’s ready to go to the country club and is the complete opposite of men I’ve been raised around. I don’t honestly know how to act around him sometimes with the way he can seem arrogant and like he knows everything.

I might be being naive but this whole dating thing is new to me and I’m going to give Peter a second chance. This is the last chance he’ll get from me though. My parents didn’t raise me to be stupid. Since this is all so new to me, I’m going to give him this date and see what happens.

Trax is never far from my mind either. We still talk daily and I love that he takes time out of his day to check on me and just talk about random things. He’s a man I could easily fall in love with. This is the only reason I’m going out with Peter. I don’t want to regret anything when I finally take that step with Trax. It’s what my dad was talking about and I understand.

We’ve talked about my date with Peter. Trax isn’t happy about it. I don’t expect him to be. However, he understands the need to take this chance. I’ve voiced my concerns to him about how different we are and we’ve talked about it in detail. One date can’t hurt anything. It’s not like I’m setting myself up to marry Peter. I’m going to get some experience under my belt in the dating scene before Trax and I talk about where we’re going.

I’m finishing up my hair when my phone goes off. It’s a message from Peter that he’s waiting for me outside. He can’t get in my building. Taking one last look in the mirror I hung on the back of my bathroom door, I try to see myself through his eyes. I’m wearing a pair of jeans with a tank top. My favorite boots cover my feet and my hair is pulled up into a messy bun. I’ve done my eyes in a smokey shadow while the rest of my face is left bare. Rings adorn my fingers and the necklace Pops got me with the Wild Kings logo hangs around my neck. If Peter doesn’t like my look, he’ll just have to suck it up.

Grabbing my purse and phone, I lock my room before making my way outside. As soon as I’m through the door, I look for Peter. He’s not standing anywhere here so I don’t know where he is. Before I can pull my phone out of my back pocket, a horn begins to honk. What the fuck? He can’t even come up to my door to get me.

I walk to his car which is a flashy sports car of some kind. Definitely not something I’m used to riding in. When the guys have to take a cage it’s a truck or muscle car. Not something proclaiming to the world how much money your parents have and spend on you. Everyone I know works hard for everything they have and I’m the same way.

Peter takes off before my door is barely closed and I don’t have my seat belt on. He peels out of the parking lot without looking at me or saying a single word to me. This is not what I signed up to do.

“Where are we going?” I ask once I have my belt on.

“Dinner and then we’ll see from there,” he answers, driving way too fast for my liking.

“Um, do you mind slowing down a little?” I ask, holding onto the door as hard as I can.
