Page 16 of Tame Me

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Within a half-hour, I have my paperwork, I’m dressed, and being helped into a wheelchair so I can leave. My mom walks out with me as the guys make sure the car is close and I have help getting in. For a few more days my family will stay here while the rest of the Wild Kings leave for home. Pops is the only other one staying here.

“Your chariot awaits,” Jameson says, holding the door open for me while Trax sits behind the wheel.

My dads help me get in and give me a kiss before we all take off for Trax’s house. They’ll spend some time with us there before checking into the hotel. I love that they’re here, but I want some time with Trax too. We’ve barely been alone since I woke up and I’m ready to figure out where this is going. Other than being officially claimed, I don’t know what he expects from me.

“You’re quiet, Pixie,” he says, looking at me for a second before turning his eyes back to the road.

“Just thinking,” I answer as I continue to stare out the window.

“I’m here for you to talk to,” he says, his voice gentle as he looks at me.

“I know. We’ll talk later when my family leaves. You sure you want to claim me with them?” I ask.

“Yep. Knew from the second I laid eyes on you that you’d be mine. Now we have the time to figure things out. And for me to get on your nerves about everythin’.”

I laugh at the thought of being annoyed with him. I can see it now; motorcycle parts littering every surface, dirty clothes all over, and all the other messes a man in a motorcycle club leaves behind in his wake. It’s shit I’m used to since I grew up in a club. Not that my dads were ever like that in the house. I can’t say the same thing about some of my uncles, but that’s okay. It doesn’t take but two seconds to pick a part or something up and I don’t have a problem making sure the house is clean for Trax because it’s how I was raised.

The rest of our ride is spent in silence as we take in the changes about to happen in our lives. Rumbling from the bikes following us is the only noise surrounding us and it soothes me to my soul. A sound I’ve grown up listening to and knowing the freedom it represents. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to slide closed and sleep to claim me as Trax rests his hand on my thigh carefully so he doesn’t hurt me.

Chapter Eight


PULLING INTO THE driveway of the house I bought last year, I try to see it through Reagan’s eyes. The whole reason I don’t have a house on the compound is because I like my space away from everyone. Yeah, I can lock myself away in my house on the compound, but this is better for me and my mental health when I need to take a break away from everything club related. I found a log cabin style home about five minutes from the clubhouse. The very first thing I did was have a large fence installed around the entire property that’s high enough no one can look in and see what’s going on. There’s a large gate that opens for us to pull through. It’s wrought iron with bullet proof glass installed so no one can fire shots into my yard for any reason. The driveway is long and paved for my bikes. I make my way down the driveway and pull in front of the garage but don’t go inside right now. My head turns to the side as I take in the house.

There’s a large wraparound porch at the top of five steps. I’ve got a few chairs and a small table out there already that I use every day I’m here. When I’m home, I don’t smoke inside my house. I’m not sure why, but I just never have. The large front door is a dark wood with glass in the very center of it so I can always see who’s at my house. Though the only ones who can get past my gate are members of the club. Those I trust with the information and no one else. Inside on the first floor is the living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, an office, a guest room, and a large room I turned into a gym.

The second floor has the master suite with three more bedrooms. A bathroom is between all the bedrooms. I’ve also got a game room upstairs that I don’t really use as a game room. Right now it sits empty because I haven’t figured out what to do with it. My basement is completely finished and that’s where the game room, or man cave, is. It’s got a pool table, dart board, bar, TV, and seats down there. I want to add a few more things, but I’m not sure what to put down there. Maybe Reagan can help me figure it out.

“This is your fuckin’ house?” Brandon asks when I get out of the car and stretch my back from sitting in the hospital so damn long.

“Yeah. Bought it a year ago now. It’s still a work in progress. But, there’s room downstairs for Reagan to be comfortable and plenty of room for the wheelchair. I’ve got an entire gym setup just past the room she’ll be in and I’ve had the equipment she’ll need for therapy brought in. Out back I just had a hot tub installed for when she can use one of them. I’m sure it will help loosen her muscles if she’s having a bad day. I won’t let her stay in it for too long because I know that if she overheats she can have a seizure,” I answer him while keeping my eyes locked on the three men she adores more than anyone else. Cage, Joker, and Pops.

For now they all look impressed with the house and everything I’ve said. Yes, when I was in the hospital waiting by Reagan’s side, I looked up everything about her condition that I could. I devoured the information and made sure to make notes in my phone about anything I’ll need to ask her about. I could go to her parents for the information, but I’d rather talk to Reagan about her medical condition so she knows I’m interested in learning what I have to do to help her. Plus, she’ll know I’ve already taken steps to start learning about her seizures. I have a feeling that will mean so much to her because she wants her independence and the only way I can give that to her is to know and understand her limits.

“That’s a good thing you’ve done for her, Trax,” Pops says as he watches me round the car and carefully open the passenger door.

Leaning in the passenger side, I unbuckle Reagan’s seatbelt and then pull her into my arms. I’m careful of her arm and knee as I lift her against my chest and hold her close. Savage comes up and closes the door once I’m clear of it and he’s grabbed the bag holding her things. Cage brings over the wheelchair but I shake my head at him in response. I’m going to carry my girl into the house. Savage goes in front of me and puts in the code to unlock the front door. Swinging it open, he lets me pass before following me.

“She in the bedroom down here?” he questions me, moving around me so he can head to the door and open it for me.

“Yeah. I’ve got it all setup. I’m just glad there’s a bathroom in there and she won’t have to try and use the one in the hallway,” I answer him as everyone else follows us in the house and to the room Reagan will be in until she can go upstairs.

Savage walks in to pull the blankets back for his sister. I gently lay her down and make sure there’s a pillow under her knee to keep it elevated. Before covering her up, I put another pillow under her lower leg so it’s not hanging at some weird angle. With the blankets covering her completely, I stand from the bed and look down at my girl. She’s fucking gorgeous and I know she already fucking owns me. The entire time, Reagan has never once stirred or shown any signs she’s going to wake up. I back out of the room and lead her family to the gym next to her bedroom. Opening the door, I let them all go in front of me so they can check things out.

“Fuck, Trax. This is better than anythin’ I’ve seen in a long time,” Joker says, looking at all the equipment I have in here. “You did all this for our girl?”

“I mean I had most of it there to begin with. The only thing I really had to order were the bars she’ll use when her knee heals, the bike that’s better than the one I use, and the stuff in that corner over there. When I’m here, I workout a lot,” I inform him, looking around the room.

“You did good, son,” Pops says, as he steps up to me and holds his hand out. “Welcome to the family. I know we’re not an easy bunch to get to know. Just remember, Reagan is our princess and you’ll treat her as such.”

Shaking his hand, a large smile spreads across my face. “She might be your princess, but she’s my fuckin’ queen. That’s how she’ll be treated, Pops. I can assure you Reagan will never want for anythin’. For now, I’ve got a second desk setup in my office so she can do her classes online if that’s what she wants to do. I know she won’t be able to go back to campus right away. Until she can go back to campus, she can still attend her lectures online and continue her education without puttin’ it on hold.”

“Fuck, Trax. You really did think of everythin’. How the fuck did you get all this shit setup? You haven’t left her side for two seconds since she was taken to the hospital,” Cage finally speaks up, looking around the room again.

“The Prospects and a few of the guys took care of lettin’ the delivery drivers in and then I had them make sure everythin’ was installed properly. They put the desk together and then Hawk came in to set up her new computer and shit. He made sure the printer and everythin’ else she’ll need for her work is ready to go. I’ve also made sure to get the foods I know she likes. If I’ve forgotten anythin’ I’ll run to the store and get it for her. There’s also a stash of chocolate in the drawer next to the bed for her. She did tell me about her sweet tooth so I’m prepared for that,” I inform them as I open the door of my office and show them Reagan’s setup for school.

“This is really amazing, Trax. Thank you for taking such good care of our girl. Now, I want you to tell me about you claiming her with your club. You said they already know and have accepted it. Are you sure the two of you are ready to take that step?” Skylar questions me as we leave the office and head toward the living room.
