Page 21 of Tame Me

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“I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit, Reagan,” Reaper says, running a hand down his face as he looks at me.

“It’s not the first time I’m gonna have to deal with some skank who thinks she’s got a claim on Trax. He has a past here and I understand that. Plus, my man is sexy as fuck and women are gonna look at him and hit on him even if I’m standing right next to him. Growing up in a club, you see this shit all the time so I know what I’m getting into with this,” I tell him honestly because I’ve seen countless women over the years hit on both of my dads, my uncles, and everyone else associated with the club.

“You handled the situation perfectly, pixie. You’re claimin’ me back without usin’ physical violence is hot. Now, what the fuck are we gonna do about this shitty situation? Someone is obviously helpin’ Precious and the only ones who are supposedly seein’ her are members and the Prospects who stand in the doorway whenever a tray of food and drink gets taken to her. Doc hasn’t been in to see her since doin’ the pregnancy test either. So, how the fuck did this shit happen?” Trax asks, rubbing my shoulder as he speaks.

“Hawk, look at the camera feed and find out who the fuck let her out of the room. Or who’s been to see her. I want you to watch the outside feeds as well. Just because someone isn’t talkin’ to her in here doesn’t mean they aren’t talkin’ to her through the window in the room. Despite the bars linin’ the window, she can still open it for fresh air which means she can also talk to someone standin’ outside the room,” Reaper says as they remain in front of me and not caring about discussing club business out in the open with me here.

“I’m on it. Give me a few hours and I’ll make sure to go through everythin’ I can so there’s no doubt in any of our minds about who’s helpin’ the skank. We’ll deal with them both the second we get the results of the DNA test so this entire clusterfuck can be over. There’s too much other shit for us to be dealin’ with and Precious shouldn’t be takin’ up this much time for us,” Hawk responds, a lethal note to his voice.

“I agree. We’ll discuss the other matter in church tonight. We need to have church after dinner. Are you gonna be okay keepin’ an eye on Marsha while we’re in there? Alex hasn’t been able to rest a lot lately and I’d rather bring Marsha here so she can nap if Addie’s sleepin’,” Reaper questions me.

“Of course. As long as I have everything prepared already, I can take care of her. It will just be too hard to make a bottle with one hand. So as long as she makes sure that’s taken care of, we’ll be golden out here. Rebel also said she’d help me if I need it. I like her and know she’ll hang out with me while you’re in church,” I answer, thinking of the Fallen girl who isn’t all about jumping on a man’s cock.

“You don’t have a problem hangin’ out with Rebel or the other Fallen girls?” Titan, the club’s Enforcer, asks me, confusion filling his face.

“No, I don’t. Like everything else in life, you get the good with the bad. Rebel is a good woman who has chosen to be a Fallen girl for her own reasons. She helps the club and goes above what you all expect of her. She’s never going to go after another woman’s man because she’s a petty bitch. As long as the Fallen girls treat me with respect, I have no problem doing the same in return. There’s no reason we can’t get along at the end of the day and she’s more than willing to help me out,” I inform the men surrounding me with a smile on my face.

“Yeah, you grew up in a fuckin’ club,” Titan laughs as he looks at me and winks. Trax growls in response which makes me laugh at my caveman.

“Reaper, we need to take care of a situation. Pixie, I’ll see you in a little bit. Don’t get into any more trouble,” Trax says, leaning down to kiss me as I look up at him with a smile on my face.

“I promise no such thing, Trax,” I state as my brother starts laughing his ass off.

I’ll be talking to him later on about this shit with Precious. She finally admitted to not carrying his baby, but I know Jameson more than anyone else here. Including Trax. He’s gonna carry this shit on his shoulders until he gets concrete evidence that the baby isn’t his. That’s from the DNA test and nothing more. The guys all disappear from the common room and I wait for the Prospect to get here with Marsha. Rebel brings me out a sandwich and something to drink while offering me a smile and thanking me for the kind words I said about her. It’s nothing but the truth and I hate knowing she’s been beaten down so badly in her life that the truth of who she is as a person means she ends up with tears in her eyes. Eventually I’ll make sure the woman sees herself the way I do. A strong woman who goes above and beyond what’s been asked of her simply to help others out.

Chapter Twelve


SPENDING THE DAY at the clubhouse reminds me so quickly why I haven’t been around here so much since I claimed Reagan. The fucking drama with the Fallen girls is too damn much. However, seeing my ol’ lady stand up for herself against the skank was hot as fuck and I can’t wait to see what the fuck else my girl can do. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that if she weren’t still healing right now, she’d have wiped the fucking floor with Precious with a smile on her face as she beat the shit out of her. I might be a little unhinged to think that way, but I can’t say that any of the other guys in this club wouldn’t feel the exact same way I do. We’re all a little unhinged and want to see our girls claim us the way we claim them. It just proves to us that we made the right decision in our life partner and I know Reagan is the girl who I’ll spend the rest of my life worshiping because she wants me as much as I want her.

Not to mention the fact that she picks up on shit no one else would have been able to. Alex would because she’s always watching her surroundings, but a lot of other women would’ve been focused on the men in front of them and nothing else. Not my girl. Growing up in the club with the Wild Kings means she realizes more than most women who step through the front door of our clubhouse. That’s why I wasn’t surprised at all when she watched Nails’ go pale when Precious was taken back to the room she’s supposed to be locked in. So, after talking to the guys really quick, Savage went to get her and bring her to Reaper’s office in order to ensure we have a little talk with the skank. However, she wasn’t in the kitchen when he went to get her. No one knows where she is.

So, we all hung out in the common room while keeping an eye out for the bitch to return. She’ll be back. It’s just a matter of time before she shows her face around here again. Nails isn’t going to leave the clubhouse for too long because she knows what she gets from being here. All the cock she can handle, a roof over her head, food, and all the alcohol she can drink. Plus, we offer a layer of protection she won’t get anywhere else. It’s not as much as what the ol’ ladies of the club are given, but they still get protection from the club and most of them want or need that shit. So, she’ll be back and that’s when we’ll question her. Now, it’s just a matter of what Hawk finds on the camera footage so we can properly take care of the fuckers helping Precious accomplish her end game. The bitch isn’t gonna win this shit and she’ll learn that lesson the hard way. Sometimes that’s the only way to deal with the Fallen girls though.

Savage and Reagan have been talking about a ton of shit, mainly Precious throughout the day. He still feels some type of way despite the skank saying he’s not the baby’s father. Reagan tried to get him out of his head about the situation, but he can’t seem to take her words in and process them. So, we’ve concentrated on spending our time with him because he needs both of us right now. That’s not going to change until the results of the DNA test are back and he knows without a doubt that the baby isn’t his.

We’ve eaten an amazing meal of steak, grilled chicken, salads, fruit, rolls, and some dessert that Rebel made. I don’t know what the hell it was, but it was really good. Even Reagan praised it and Savage told me she’s a hard one to impress because of all the shit their mom makes on a regular basis. Skylar is one of the best bakers they know and Reagan doesn’t offer praise to just anyone when it comes to food. Neither one of them do if I’m being honest. Savage is always comparing what he eats to what he’s been fed by his mom and the other ol’ ladies of the Wild Kings.

“Everyone get your ass into church,” Reaper suddenly barks out as Hawk appears at the end of the hall.

Alex brings Marsha over to Reagan where she sits near the couch. Rebel is on the couch while the other Fallen girls clean up the mess from dinner. Getting up, I give my girl a kiss and promise her I’ll be back out soon. She knows what this meeting is about and I’m sure she can’t wait to find out what has been discovered by Hawk. We’ll also hopefully be learning when Doc will come perform the DNA test for Savage and then he can move on with his life. That’s all I want for my best friend because he doesn’t need this shit hanging over his head when he’s already so fucking torn up about what he feels for Zoey and how he’s not doing anything about it. That shit weighs on him heavier than anything else and he refuses to talk about it.

Handing over my phone and gun, I make my way in and take my seat with Savage right behind me. The door closes behind us and Reaper slams the gavel on the table in front of him, calling church to session as we look at Hawk to find out what he’s discovered.

“Hawk, what the hell is goin’ on with that bitch? Who helped her get out of the room?” Reaper asks, anger filling his voice now that we’re not in front of the women.

“Not a fuckin’ thing. All the cameras in that hallway and outside were shut off somehow. I don’t know who the fuck shut them off or how, but it happened. It would’ve been easier for them to be put on a fuckin’ loop, but that didn’t happen. So it tells me that someone knows where the hidden cameras are and cut their power along with the ones that are obvious. They didn’t even hack into my system because I would’ve been able to trace that shit. So, we have no leads as to who the fuck turned the cameras off or who let her out of the fuckin’ room. We don’t even know how long she was free,” Hawk answers, his frustration coming out in his voice as he looks around the table.

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Savage barks out, slamming his hands on the table.

“Nope. I wish I were. So, we’re gonna need to fuckin’ find Nails and see what the fuck she knows. Trax and Reagan both saw her face go pale when she realized Precious was in the clubhouse and that we caught her. That means she knows somethin’. I’ve got the cameras back up and runnin’ and tonight I’ll place a few more around the hall that are run on a separate power source and so this shit doesn’t happen again. Eventually, I’ll get the entire clubhouse redone so we always have footage when it’s needed. I’m so fuckin’ pissed about this and I will find out who did it if it’s the last thing I fuckin’ do,” Hawk states, slamming the top of his laptop closed so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t break.

“Okay, Hawk. You do what you gotta do. Use club funds to get everythin’ you need and get it taken care of. For now, we’ll figure out where the fuck Nails is while you continue workin’ on diggin’ up everythin’ you can find about Peter and his parents. I want Reagan to feel safe on campus when she goes back. We all know it’s just a matter of time before she goes back. So, get us what we need to eliminate him and shit. If he’s this much of a fuckin’ douche canoe, there’s no doubt in my mind his parents are just as fuckin’ dirty,” Reaper says, more anger filling his voice as he looks between Savage and me. “Jay and Jonas will be on campus every day. They’ve both been accepted as students there and start this comin’ week. So, we’re gonna be down two Prospects while classes are in session. If we have to, we’ll find some guys to bring in to fill their spots.”

“Are we gonna keep others on Reagan when she goes back?” I ask, knowing Savage wants to find out the same information as me because it’s about his sister.

“Yeah. We’ll figure it out when we know she’s been cleared. I’ll also have a few members on rotation to be on campus when she’s there. Trax and Savage, you will not be goin’ with her. You’re far too close and won’t hesitate to take the fucker out before we’re ready for it to happen. So, for now, you’ll remain away from campus as much as possible. Let Reagan do what she has to do and get her education,” Reaper orders us and I know Savage and I aren’t fucking happy with this news. We should be there with her and be the ones protecting her from Peter and whatever he’s gonna fucking try to do to her.
