Page 22 of Tame Me

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“Reaper, the run was postponed. Do you know when the group will be headin’ out to meet with the club to pick up the guns?” Titan asks from his seat at the table.

“Yeah. I was gonna bring that up next. Kidd, Eagle, Cash, Tripp, and Connor will be headin’ out tonight. Savage and Trax, you need to figure out which one of you are gonna go with them. The other will stay with Reagan. I’d prefer her to stay here while you’re gone if it’s you, Trax. I know Savage will stay at the house with her, but she’d be surrounded here at the clubhouse,” Reaper says as Savage and I look at one another.

“I’ll go. I’m the one who was supposed to go on the run anyway. Not to mention if Doc can get the DNA test done in the next day or two, Savage is gonna need to be here for that so there’s not a delay,” I answer, my voice filled with guilt because I don’t wanna leave my girl behind or have her stay here at the clubhouse when I’m not here.

“Good. You’ll all be leavin’ in a few hours. Do what you gotta do. Trax, make sure Reagan is comfortable stayin’ here and get what she needs from the house before you leave tonight. I don’t want a fuckin’ thing to delay this run. We won’t have another one for a few weeks and this needs to happen because our buyers are gettin’ fuckin’ riled up at the delay. I can’t blame them, but we might have to start thinkin’ about usin’ a new supplier. I don’t want to go that route, but the delays seem to be happenin’ more frequently and there’s always some kind of excuse. The last shipment we got was short. Make sure this one isn’t before you fuckin’ leave with the merchandise. There should be extra if anythin’ to make up for the shortage the last time,” Reaper informs us as he looks around at the guys who will be going on the run.

Eagle will lead us since he’s the Vice President of the club. We all have our role to play when we’re on a run and today will be no different. Connor will be the one following us in the truck we use to transport any merchandise we pick up. We don’t use our vans and shit for this because there’s not enough places to hide a ton of guns or whatever else we’re dealing with on each run. So, Reaper brought it to the club to buy a few trucks and already have cargo in them when we head out on a run. It’s worked so far the time or two the Prospect has been stopped for one reason or another. They don’t even fucking check to see if the manifest is correct most of the time. So, it’s worked out in our favor.

“If there’s nothin’ else, get the fuck outta here and get ready if you’re headin’ out tonight. Connor is already fillin’ the truck up and makin’ sure it’s clean and ready to go. Double check your bikes so we know that skank didn’t try to do somethin’ to them. If you find anythin’, let me know immediately,” Reaper says, slamming the gavel on the table once again and calling our meeting.

Heading out of church, I grab my phone and gun from the Prospect at the door before making my way toward the common room. My girl is still sitting with Rebel as she holds Marsha on her lap with her good hand. Reaper makes his way over to her immediately and scoops Marsha up in his arms as she gives out a giggle of delight. I can’t help but smile as my sweet pixie laughs at the little girl.

Rebel and Reaper soon leave us and I sit down to talk to Reagan about the run I’ll be leaving on soon.

“Pixie, I’ve gotta head out tonight on a run. It shouldn’t take more than a day or two before I’m back. Reaper wants you to stay here at the clubhouse so there’s more protection for you than if you were at the house. Savage will be here with you and you can stay in our room here. It’s on the second floor, but Savage and the others can help you up and down them at the beginnin’ and end of each day,” I inform her as she looks at me with concern in her eyes.

“Do you think Peter knows where your house is? Is that why he wants me to stay here?” she questions me, her voice trembling with fear as she looks around like Peter’s going to pop up in the common room of our clubhouse.

“No, pixie. I don’t think Peter knows where the house is at all. It’s just if you’re here at the clubhouse then it will be more than just Savage who can help you when you need it. You don’t have therapy yet so there’s no reason to remain at the house with just your brother. I’d feel better knowin’ you were here too. Rebel and Alex can help you with the bathroom shit if you need it,” I tell her, my voice gentle because I know this is the last thing Reagan was expecting tonight.

“Okay. How am I gonna get what I need from the house though? I don’t have any of my medicine or anything here with me because I thought we’d be going back there tonight,” she asks, looking from me to her brother and back again.

“I’m gonna go pack you a bag of things to keep here. I can almost guarantee this isn’t gonna be the last time this shit happens so it’ll be better if you have what you need here already. The bed was just changed the other day so you could take your nap that ended up not happenin’ and as I’ve already told you there isn’t a single thing in our room that’s been touched by a Fallen girl,” I inform her because I know that’ll be a thought in her mind when I’m not here to assure her that everything is new and not tainted by my past with the Fallen girls.

“Okay. Can you bring my burger from last night? I’m gonna get hungry again and I don’t want to be a bother to anyone here when it happens. Plus the last of the mozzarella sticks. I think that’ll keep me going before I go to bed. I’ll need to eat with my pain medicine so this will accomplish two things at the same time,” she says, a pout on her face as her mouth waters with the thought of her burger and mozzarella sticks.

“Of course. Anythin’ else you want?” I question her, a smile on my face as I wait to hear what else she has to say.

“Oh! My e-reader and the charging cord please. I can at least read while you’re gone so I’m not completely bored out of my mind with only Savage for company,” she says, laughing as her brother’s head whips around so he’s facing her now.

“Excuse me, Reagan. I’ll be happy to let you know that I’m great company. You’ll never find anyone better in this clubhouse to keep you entertained and laughin’,” he says, offended at her insinuation that he’s boring filling his voice.

“Keep telling yourself that, Jameson. Maybe one day someone here will believe your words as much as you do,” she says, laughter consuming her as a few tears fall from her eyes because she’s laughing so hard.

I leave the two of them bantering back and forth so I can get what’s needed at the house for my girl. It doesn’t take me long to find her e-reader, pack some clothes, and grab the food I know she’ll want to have in our room so she can snack when she’s reading. If there’s one thing I learned about my girl it’s that she loves to read her smut books and have a snack while doing it. It doesn’t usually matter what she has as a snack unless there’s chocolate nearby. Chocolate is her go to snack and it doesn’t really matter what kind of chocolate it is. Give her chocolate and chips, Reagan is good to go.

After grabbing everything my girl needs, I load everything up in my saddle bags to head back to the clubhouse. Savage has his own SUV and the club has a few if Reagan has to go anywhere while I’m gone. On our way back from the run, I’ll swing by and grab my car so I can get her home when we’re ready to leave the clubhouse. Now I just have to get myself ready to head out before I’m needed. I don’t have that much time left and I want to spend as much of it with Reagan as I can. This will be the first time I’m going on a run and leaving an ol’ lady behind. It makes me want to stay behind and be there with her. However, I have to do what I gotta do for the club. Reagan understands that and it’s the only reason I know I’ll be able to leave here tonight.

Chapter Thirteen


TODAY IS A day I’ve both been looking forward to and dreading all at the same time. I went to the doctor again last week and was cleared to return to school. While I’ve been enjoying completing my work online, it’s different than being in a lecture hall and interacting with the other students. I can only watch the lectures online and there’s no interaction. I simply sit back and watch the lesson and listen to the other students talk and ask questions. It’s allowed me to get ahead in every class I’m taking right now which is a good thing because I won’t feel as if I’m lagging behind everyone else thanks to Peter’s attack. That’s about the only reason why I’m looking forward to returning to campus. Well, and getting away from the house and clubhouse. Those are the only two places I’ve been besides the doctor’s office in Iron Head since this all happened to me.

However, at the same time I know Peter is still on campus. Apparently his parents threw a ton of money at the school so he wouldn’t be expelled. Can’t expel their precious baby and have a mark go against him I guess. Peter is getting away with what he did to me and won’t pay for his crimes. This is one of the many reasons why I don’t always like the criminal justice system. There’s corruption and people can buy their way out of situations they should be serving prison time for. But, if I don’t return to school, then I let that twatwaffle win and I’m not about to do that shit. So, it’s time for me to go back.

The only reason I didn’t start last week is because I had to talk to the Dean and get everything set in place for the Prospects and a member or two to be with me in class. No one wants me left alone so we’re using me still being in a wheelchair as the reason I need the help and someone with me at all times. If Peter can fucking lie and pay off the school, then I’m going to fucking lie so I can make sure I’m not alone on campus. An added bonus is that I know Peter’s gonna be pissed he won’t be able to get close to me. No one will let him come near me no matter where I am on campus. Including when I’m in the bathroom. The guys with me will remain at the door and check the room before I even enter it before they push me inside and make sure I can get on the toilet. Peter will have his work cut out for him if he wants to get anywhere near me.

Savage and Trax are losing their fucking minds because they can’t be there with me. Reaper doesn’t want them anywhere near campus and I get why he gave them that order. So, for now, they have to remain in Clinton City and away from Iron Head. I don’t see that happening the way Reaper wants, but I could be wrong. It’s happened before. For now, I’m just going to focus on getting through my first day back and getting back into some kind of routine.

Trax helped me shower this morning. I have to use one of those shower seats in order to take one so I’m not standing on my leg for a long period of time yet, but it was worth it to get clean and take an actual shower. Until this morning, I’ve been washing up the best I could with a washcloth and soap. It’s worked, but I’ve been dreaming about a shower. Trax wrapped a bag around my arm and made sure there was no point that water could get in to ruin the bandages covering my healing wound. I dread seeing what my arm’s gonna look like when this is all over with and I don’t have this shit covering me any longer. Maybe I’ll cover it with a tattoo when things are completely healed and the scar can be covered in ink.

Anyway, Trax washed my hair, conditioned it, and then helped me wash my body. It was one of the best things I’ve experienced in my life and there was nothing sexual about it. I might have been naked, but Trax kept a pair of boxers on while he was in the shower with me. When he washed my body, he didn’t linger in any area for longer than it took to clean me. The best part of the entire situation was feeling his fingers massaging my head as he put the shampoo and conditioner in. I couldn’t stop the moan from escaping as my eyes slid closed and I tried to ignore the feelings he was stirring in my body. Feelings I’ve never experienced before. That was the only sexual moment of our shower and I have to tell you it makes me wonder what shower sex with Trax would be like. I might have pictured it as he was drying me off so I could get dressed for the day.

After brushing out my hair and helping me get dressed in a simple pair of leggings and one of his tee-shirts, I also have my rag now and I wear it proudly. While I usually wouldn’t wear it in a cage, right now it’s too much work to get on and off when I get transferred from the seat to the wheelchair and then back again. I forgo putting on any make-up because there’s still evidence of the bruising that’s covered my body from Peter’s attack on me. I want that stupid fucker to see every fucking mark he left behind regardless of it’s almost faded to nothing or not. Everyone on campus can look at me and see what the fuck he’s done. I’ll be every single female’s warning to stay the fuck away from the psycho. I don’t have a problem doing that either. If I can save someone else from going through what I did, then I’ll do whatever is necessary.

Trax surprised the hell out of me when he gave me my rag. We were at the clubhouse and had just finished eating dinner with everyone. Savage brought up a box and I immediately knew what was inside. Trax didn’t make any grand speeches or anything else as he handed over the box and let me open it on the table I was pushed in front of. He lifted the leather from the box and tissue paper before helping me slide it on my back. Usually, I’d stand tall and proud wearing his name on my back. Since that can’t happen just yet, I made sure to kiss him with all the passion and feelings I have for him. I won’t say it’s love just yet, but it’s pretty fucking close.
