Page 23 of Tame Me

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“Are you ready to go now?” Trax asks me once I’m dressed and he’s brushed out my hair before putting it up in a messy bun.

“Yeah. I have to get new books at the bookstore because he destroyed all the ones I previously bought. The Dean assured me I wouldn’t pay a cent for the replacements. I’ve only got two classes today so it’ll be a short day for me. Tomorrow is my longest day and I just want to get it over with. Trax, he can’t win. I won’t let him beat me and make me leave school,” I tell him again with determination in my voice.

“I know, pixie. If you need me at all, I’ll have my phone on me. Call or text if somethin’ happens. I might not be on campus, but Savage and I decided it was a good day to get the cars out and take them for a ride,” he informs me, a smirk on his face that drives me wild.

“I figured as much. I’m sure I’ll see him, but the Prospects won’t let him get close to me. Plus you both have told me that Jay and Jonah are there taking classes. Since we’re all freshmen, we’ll have some similar classes together. At least I hope we do,” I tell him as dread and fear fill me even more now that it’s time to leave the house.

“Jonah is in most of your classes, pixie. He’s gonna go for his accountin’ degree like you so he can help the club out when he graduates. He wasn’t really too happy about goin’ to college in the beginnin’, but he’s changed his mind and loves it. Doesn’t go to the parties and shit since he’s still Prospectin’ for the club, but he doesn’t mind that shit at all. He’d rather be at the clubhouse with us instead,” Trax tells me making me happy that I’ll have Jonah close by.

I’ve met him and he’s a nice guy. He’s willing to go above and beyond for the club even if it’s something he can’t fucking stand. So, I’m glad that he’ll be in most, if not all, of my classes. It doesn’t make the dread or fear lessen, but it’s a start for now.

Today I’ve got Kidd and Connor with me. I don’t know why, but there’s something off about Connor. I don’t feel comfortable with him, but Trax and Savage trust him to be with me. So, for now, I’m going to let it go and not worry about it. At this point, it could simply be everything I’m feeling about Peter and that’s affecting everything else because I don’t ever fully trust a Prospect. Especially one who hasn’t already proven himself in the eyes of the club. Connor hasn’t from what I’ve been told even though they continuously try to help him. So, I let Kidd know I want him to push me around campus and he’s more than happy to make it happen.

When we pulled up to the campus this morning, the first person I saw was Peter. He was holding fucking court in the courtyard by the building where my first class is held. It’s almost as if he knew I’d be back today but no one besides the members of the club knew when I’d return. I’d not even told the Dean about coming back because I didn’t want Peter to find out and pull a fucking stunt like this. There are a ton of girls surrounding him as he tells them all some story that’s most likely nothing but a fucking lie. The guy doesn’t know how to tell the truth and would die before he spoke a single truthful word to anyone around him.

“Don’t pay him any fuckin’ attention, Reagan. He doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing,” Kidd whispers as Connor walks several steps behind us.

If I weren’t paying attention, I’d miss the slight nod from Peter toward the Prospect. However, I catch it and make a mental note to say something to Kidd as soon as I get a chance. Just as we’re about to pass the group, I know my luck has run out.

“It’s good to see you back on campus, Reagan. Such a tragedy that you were hurt,” Peter says, pushing through the group of students surrounding him.

“Yeah? Funny you say that considering this is all because of you. I guess it helps when you have Mommy and Daddy there to bail you out of any trouble you get in. Too bad you didn’t get expelled so the girls could truly be free here on campus. They can’t when there’s a fucking asshole like you on the loose. Ladies, if you don’t want to be beaten and sexually assaulted, I suggest you stay as far away from Peter as you can,” I announce loud while trying to keep my voice strong and steady.

“That’s a fucking lie!” Peter bursts out, trying to get in my face.

Kidd stops him from getting close to me but Connor doesn’t move to take a spot close to me at all. He remains hanging back as Jonah rushes up to my side while Jay gets on the other one. The three of them protect me while Connor fucks around doing nothing at all. He was already warned by Trax and my brother not to let anything hurt me or get too close. I guess he wants his fucking ass beat because that’s what’s gonna happen to him when the guys find out. And I won’t be the one saying a single word about it. The guys will.

“Shut your fucking whore mouth, Reagan. I didn’t do anything you didn’t want me to,” Peter screams out, losing his fucking mind.

“I wanted to be almost sexually assaulted and beaten so badly that my arm now has rods and pins in it? I wanted to be hurt so bad that I had a seizure in the back of the ambulance and now have to be on medicine to ensure I don’t have any more seizures moving forward because I’ve had them in the past? No. You got pissed off because I had the balls to stand up to you and leave the date that was going horribly wrong. You hurt me before we even entered my dorm room. Then you proceeded to have a tantrum worse than any bitch I’ve ever seen throw by shredding everything I own. I might not be as clean cut as you, but I’m better in every fucking aspect.

“My family has more money than your fucked-up parents will ever have, I have a man at my side that would never lay his hands on me in a fit of rage, and I’m surrounded by a family of blood and my choosing that will burn this fucking world to the ground to ensure you’re taken down one way or another. Before you fucking ask, that’s not a fucking threat, Peter. It’s a fucking promise,” I state as the fear filling me finally starts to overflow and I know it’s just a matter of time before I go into a full-blown panic attack. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’m not gonna waste any more time on this little bitch.”

There’s several gasps from people around me as the truth of what happened finally comes out. More than a few girls race from the area and look back over their shoulders to make sure Peter isn’t following them. There’s fear in their eyes and I know they’ll be looking over their shoulders from now on to make sure he’s nowhere near them. I have a feeling they’ll also be walking in groups from one area to the next while on campus and in the surrounding area. Good. That means he won’t be able to hurt them the way he did to me.

“This isn’t fucking over with, Reagan. You’re nothing more than a fucking whore and I told you already that you’re mine. I don’t give a fuck what some little pussy biker said about you being his. You. Are. Mine,” Peter states as Jonah holds himself back from punching him in his face while Kidd pushes me past the stupid fucker.

Connor runs to catch up to us and I see Kidd look back at him with questions filling his eyes. He’s not gonna say anything right now, but by the end of the day, Connor will know he fucked up. I just hope I’m there so I can let Trax and Savage know about my feelings when it comes to him because I don’t want him here at school with me again. I don’t care how many people are here with me, Connor will not be one of them if I have my way.

Kidd gets me to my first class of the day and I remain at the back of the lecture hall because there are steps leading down and I obviously can’t go down them in a wheelchair. Jonah and Jay are both in this class with me and remain at the back of the room with us. Kidd doesn’t leave the back of my wheelchair as the professor enters from his office and sees the small entourage I have with me. He welcomes me back to class before getting right into his lesson for the day. I take notes and pay attention while trying to keep pushing down the fear that’s still lingering despite the words I said to Peter.

When my first class of the day is over, there’s about an hour to kill before my next one. I have Kidd take me to one of the small food stands and get some lunch with Jonah. We eat outside since it’s pretty warm and sunny out. Connor doesn’t get too close to us, but I watch him as he spends all of his time on his cell phone. It’s not long before Peter comes near us but he doesn’t say a word this time. It’s almost as if he just wants me to know he’s here and that he’s not going anywhere. Fuck him and the mind games he’s trying to play with me. I’m not going to let him win as I ignore him and don’t pay him any attention.

Peter is in my next class of the day and he makes sure to sit close but not close enough that Kidd and Jonah will say something to him. He’s not man enough to go up against guys preferring to beat the hell out of women instead. Fucking pussy. Again, I don’t give him the attention he’s desperately craving and he fidgets all class long. He’s dying to say something to me and cause a scene, but I’m sure his parents told him to make sure he didn’t create too many waves when I came back. If I’m right in my thinking, it won’t be long before one of them contacts me and tries to offer me a bribe of some kind so I recant my words about the attack and what their son did to me. It’s not gonna happen, but they’ll make the attempt.

The rest of the day I’m on campus, I see Peter so often it’s not funny. Before I never once saw him as much as I have today. It fucking sucks, but there’s nothing I can do it other than ignore him and pretend he doesn’t exist to me. Eventually he’ll learn that I’m not some meek woman who’s going to take what the fuck he did to may laying down. I will get my hits in one way or another. Then, I’ll let Trax and Savage deal with him in a more permanent manner. Or we’ll ensure he gets sent to prison and rots in there until he takes his last breath. Either way works for me if I’m being honest. In prison, I know he’ll become someone’s bitch and that’s a funny thought to me.

Chapter Fourteen


THE LAST TWO weeks have been excruciating. Reagan is seeing that fucking twatbag all over the campus and it doesn’t matter where the hell she is. He’s even fucking tried to go in the women’s bathroom to get to her because he can’t get close to her anywhere else. Kidd has volunteered to be with her every day on campus because he doesn’t like the situation. Not just with Peter either. There’s something going on with Connor because he’s always on his fucking phone and there’s no reason for Peter to know where the fuck my girl is at all times if he’s not getting some kind of updates about her. Right now, we can’t prove he’s doing anything wrong, but he’s gonna fuck up one way or another and if my girl gets hurt because of him, I’ll gut him and make him die a very slow and painful fucking death.

Nails is also still missing. The day Precious was locked back in the room, she vanished from the clubhouse and I believe Clinton City altogether because no one’s seen her anywhere around town. While Clinton City isn’t small, it shouldn’t be hard to find a fucking slut like Nails. She’s almost as bad as Precious is. Though, she wasn’t fucking guys outside of the club to our knowledge. For the most part she remained here at all times unless the girls planned a spa day or whatever the fuck else they do. Reaper wants us all to keep our eyes open for now and if we spot her, we’ll bring her the fuck in and go from there. Otherwise, it’s business as usual for now and we’ll figure this shit out.

The DNA test has been performed and now we’re waiting on the results. Precious fucking fought it like crazy when Doc went in to do what was necessary to get the sample. Savage stood in the doorway and watched with pure hatred filling his face. I’ve never seen my best friend this fucking worked up and I can’t blame him for how he feels. If I were in his position, I don’t honestly know what I’d do. For now, Reagan and I are going to be here for Savage no matter what the results are because if the baby is his by some miracle, he’s gonna need both of us and the rest of the club to help him deal with the new direction of his life. And I know it’s only going to make him push Zoey farther away than what he’s already doing right now. So, we’re just waiting on Doc to get back and then we’ll go from there.

Last week Reagan went back to the doctor. She’s still got her arm wrapped up tight and that won’t change for about two more weeks at least. Once she goes back to the doctor, we’ll know if the bandages will be switched out for some kind of brace and then she’ll have to go through physical therapy on her knee and arm and wrist. For now, she’s able to stand and walk. At school, Reagan’s still using the wheelchair because it’s too much walking for her. Even on her short days it’s too much and she can’t handle the pain it causes her. So, the doctors are okay with her using the wheelchair as long as she needs it while she goes through physical therapy to strengthen the joint and get back to where she can walk long distances without an issue.
