Page 24 of Tame Me

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Right now, Reagan’s been cleared for everything other than her arm. She asked the doctor if she could have sex and I thought my head was going to explode when that question flew out of her mouth. I can admit the sexual tension between the two of us is off the fucking charts, but I didn’t realize she’d been thinking about it. I know she’s a virgin because of how sheltered she’s been. Now, all I can think about is worshiping her body and showing her how much I want her. I’m just trying to wait for a sign from her that she’s ready. I’m not gonna push her for sex until she’s fucking begging me for it.

Today, I’ve been at the garage working and trying not to think about my pixie being on campus with her fucking attacker. We’re busy as fuck and I haven’t been pulling my weight since I’ve been taking care of Reagan and spending time with her. No one’s said a word about it because they all would’ve been doing the same thing if it were them and the girl they wanted more than anything in the world. However, since she’s back to school and Reaper won’t let me go to the campus when she’s there, there’s no reason for me not to be at work during the day.

“When the fuck are we bringin’ someone else in here to work?” Savage growls walking back in the shop from picking up a tow.

“No clue. Jonah’s at college now and Reaper is goin’ back and forth between handlin’ the customers who come in the office and workin’ on cars out here. We definitely need more people here. Everyone has been steppin’ up to help out, but they don’t work as fast as we do,” I answer him, working on the minivan in front of me.

“What are ya bitchin’ about, Savage?” Reaper questions walking back in the shop from the office.

“We need more help here. There’s too much fuckin’ work for three of us with Jonah gone. None of this shit will ever get worked on without the customer havin’ to wait for fuckin’ ever for their vehicle. Plus, we can’t work on any bike projects because we’re so fuckin’ backed up. I know I’m partly to blame for that with everythin’ goin’ on with Reagan, but that doesn’t mean we still don’t need the fuckin’ help,” he says, looking at the cars out in the parking lot that are waiting for us to pull in the shop and repair.

“I know. I’ve got applications to go through. Now that you two are back, I can do that shit and get some people in here to work. Especially someone for the fuckin’ office. I’m tired of runnin’ back and forth. It’s not like I’m gettin’ a ton of sleep right now. The baby is up every few hours to eat and I’m not lettin’ Alex do that shit alone,” Reaper states, exhaustion filling his face as I take a good look at him. “How are things at school with Reagan?”

“Not great. That stupid fuck is still showin’ up everywhere she seems to be. Kidd has been keepin’ him away from her. Though Peter did try to go in the bathroom when she was in there the other day. Almost got past Connor. If Kidd hadn’t stepped up, I have a feelin’ Reagan would’ve been hurt even worse than the first time he got his hands on her,” I answer him honestly, rage filling me. “I don’t fuckin’ want Connor on her anymore. She doesn’t trust him and I’m beginnin’ to feel the same fuckin’ way about him.”

“Alright. We’ll get one of the other guys on her. I’m not gonna put one of the new guys we have comin’ in though. They don’t have the experience to defend her if somethin’ happens. And I know neither one of you would be willin’ to put them with her. I’ll talk to Greg on him startin’ tomorrow,” Reaper says, pulling his phone out and messaging someone. “Let’s get back to fuckin’ work. The day is almost over and we can get the fuck outta here.”

I go back to work on the minivan while Savage pulls a car in his bay and Reaper gets back to work on the truck in his bay. We’ve got the doors open to let in the breeze even if it’s chilly out. Rock music blares through the speakers in the shop as we all get lost in our work. I try to keep my focus on that shit and not Reagan and what’s going on at school. The last thing I need to think about is that right now because I won’t get a damn thing done here.

By the time I’m done with the minivan and a few easier repairs I’ve got for the day, it’s time to clean the fuck up and head out. It’s gonna take me an hour to get to Iron Head and I want to be there by the time my pixie is done with her last class of the day. So, after cleaning up my bay and washing up, I head straight for my car and get in. I pull out and wave to Savage before he heads toward the clubhouse. Leaving Clinton City behind, I make the trip to see my pixie.

Finally pulling up to the campus, I immediately spot my girl. She’s sitting in her wheelchair and no one’s fucking with her. Well, Kidd and Connor aren’t fucking with her. Peter is up in her fucking face and I see red. Getting out of the car after making sure it’s in park, I race to get to my girl. Shoving Peter out of the fucking way, I hear the tail end of what he’s spewing at Reagan.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard that bitch you call your man will never want to touch you again. No man is gonna want a skank who’s been defiled by a better man than he is. Not to mention all the damage I’ll do. You won’t be able to have sex for a long time after I’m done with you,” he threatens Reagan as she trembles in her chair with tears sliding down her face.

“You wanna say that shit to my fuckin’ face you little bitch?” I growl out, knocking Peter on his fucking ass with one punch to the jaw from me. “You’re never gonna fuckin’ touch my girl like that. She’s better than you in every fuckin’ way and the fact that you have to sit here and terrorize a woman you’ve put in the hospital shows how much of a pussy you truly fuckin’ are.”

I don’t hold back as I beat the shit out of him. Peter’s on the ground as I land one punch after another on him. He’s crying and screaming like the bitch he is and not even trying to defend himself. Of course he wouldn’t when it comes to putting his hands on a man. I’m bigger than he is and Reagan’s so fucking small in comparison. That’s one of the many reasons he chose her to terrorize I’m sure. What he doesn’t realize is that if she weren’t already scared, she’d kick his fucking ass without hesitation and he’d really look like a pussy.

I’m not sure how much time has passed when I’m finally pulled off Peter. His clothes are covered in blood and there’s a ton of it covering his face. Looking up as my chest heaves with my breaths, I see a decent sized crowd watching what I just did.

“You like that? This fucker was just tellin’ my girl how he was gonna rape her and hurt her bad enough she wouldn’t be able to have sex again. This is the kind of sick fuck you’re goin’ to school with. All because his Mommy and Daddy threw money at the school to keep him here. My girl is in a fuckin’ wheelchair because of him and the beatin’ he gave her before. Yet, you all walk around this fuckin’ place with him as if nothin’ happened. Wake the fuck up!” I inform everyone standing around as they begin to murmur and look at Peter. Hopefully they realize how fucking sick he truly is because this asshat shouldn’t be attending school here or anywhere else.

“And where the fuck were you?” I yell, turning to face Kidd and Connor as they stand next to Reagan. “Neither fuckin’ one of you were near her when I got here. Found him in her fuckin’ face. What’s the fuckin’ point of either of you here if you’re not gonna do your fuckin’ job?”

“I went to the bathroom. Connor didn’t want to wait for me to take a piss. Said he’d bring her out to the car and wait for me. I gave him the keys and everythin’. She shouldn’t have been out in the open without him at her side,” Kidd informs me, turning a glare on Connor as he looks right at me.

“I dropped the keys somewhere on our way out. I don’t know when it happened so I went back to look for them,” Connor says and I know it’s nothing more than a lie as he stares me straight in the eyes.

“Not fuckin’ good enough!” I yell, finally making my way over to stand in front of Reagan and making sure I calm myself down before talking to her. “Are you okay, pixie?”

“No. Get me out of here, Trax. I just want to go home,” she says, tears still sliding down her face as she buries her face in my waist.

“We’re leavin’, pixie. I suggest the two of you get your fuckin’ asses back to the clubhouse. Reaper will hear about this shit. Whatever happens when you get there is up to him. If I deal with your fuckin’ shit, you won’t like me at all. Connor, your fuckin’ days are numbered. I’d suggest tellin’ the fuckin’ truth when you’re with Reaper. I know you’re lyin’ and he’s a hell of a lot better than I am at figurin’ that shit out. I already know you won’t be comin’ here with my pixie ever again. Back on shit duty at the clubhouse for you. And I’ll make sure you get the worst fuckin’ jobs while everyone else fuckin’ coasts along right next to you,” I promise the Prospect as anger fills his face and I wait for him to make a move against me. It’ll be the last fucking thing he ever does.

Pushing my girl to the car, I lift her in the passenger seat and help her get buckled in before closing the door on her. Getting the wheelchair in the trunk, I see that no one’s helping Peter off the ground. He’s still rolling around like a fucking pussy while everyone else leaves him there alone. Kidd runs to the car he brought today and Connor slowly follows him. I hope Kidd fucking leaves him behind.

Getting in the driver’s seat, I rest my hand on Reagan’s thigh as she reaches down to link our fingers together. I pull away from the campus and make the drive back home. This shit isn’t gonna happen again. Peter will not get fucking close to Reagan again. If I find out Connor has anything to do with this shit, he’ll be put to ground without hesitation. I’m not even gonna make his ass suffer because he’s not worth it. One bullet between the fucking eyes and he’s done. Though, I can’t say Savage will feel the same way I do about the situation. As long as I’m the one who gets the kill shot, I’ll be happy. Savage can take his fucking time with Connor if he’s involved in this shit at all.

Pulling out my phone, I call Reaper. After explaining what happened at school, he’s pissed. He’s going to make sure something is done about this shit so it never happens again until we can get rid of Peter. If that means having two members with her and Greg, then that’s what we’ll do so there’s always someone with her and we don’t have to worry about the Prospects being left to take care of her. Reagan doesn’t deserve to deal with this shit. For now, he’s gonna talk to Savage before Kidd and Connor get back. He’ll make sure he’s calm before they walk in the door or that he’ll leave for a while until he can get himself back under control.

Lifting our hands, I press a kiss to the knuckles of Reagan’s hand. She offers me a soft smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. She’s no longer crying, but I know she’s lost in her head and thinking about what Peter said to her. Right now isn’t the time for me to say anything to her about it though. My pixie has to work shit out for herself before she’ll make a decision and move forward. When she’s got everything straight in her head, she’ll let me know what’s going on and how she wants to proceed with the situation. So, I’m gonna give her the space and time she needs to work through her thoughts and emotions. My girl knows I’m here when she’s ready to talk and that’s all that matters to me. So, I turn the radio on and keep the volume low as we head home with Kidd following us.

Chapter Fifteen


THE ENTIRE RIDE home, I was lost in my head. Seeing Peter walk up to me on the edge of the campus and knowing I was all alone filled me with the same fear I had the day he beat the shit out of me. There was nothing I could do to get away from him in the wheelchair because Connor left me in the fucking grass instead of the sidewalk. I feel as if the two of them planned that shit the second Kidd said he had to go to the bathroom. He wanted me to wait just outside the bathroom and I was prepared to do that. However, Connor made it a big deal about him being able to watch over me just as good as Kidd can. Instead, he left me sitting, vulnerable, and alone. Fucking cocksucker!

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