Page 3 of Tame Me

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He’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my life. The man in question has long dark hair, much like my dad Cage. The black shirt he’s wearing under his cut is stretched tight across his muscles. I can see ink running down his arm and up his neck on one side. The well-worn jeans he’s wearing are stretched over his thighs. What really captures my attention is his eyes. They’re the brightest green I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s got an earring in one ear and his lip is pierced too. Fuck, he’s sexy.

My heart beats rapidly as I continue to take in the man. A cocky smirk graces his face as I continue to eye fuck him. Jameson laughing breaks me out of the moment and I quickly turn my attention back to my brother.

“Savage, care to introduce me?” the man asks, his deep, warm voice causing a chill to race through my body.

“Trax, this is my sister Reagan. Reagan, this is Trax.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say, holding out my hand like a dumbass.

“You too. I’ve heard a lot about you, babe,” he says, his deep voice sending a thrill through me once more.

Trax pulls my hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it. I can’t stop the blush creeping up my skin. Jameson breaks out in laughter, effectively breaking any spell Trax was beginning to weave over me. At the same time, my parents rush us and wrap Jameson and I up in their arms.

“Happy birthday, guys! I can’t believe you’re twenty-one already,” my mom says, pulling me in for a hug as her tears wet my skin.

“Um, well, about that. With all of you here, I think we need to talk,” I say, my nerves about to overcome me.

“What’s goin’ on, baby?” Cage asks.

“I’ve been accepted to a few colleges and I’m going to one of them. They’re not local and I really need you to understand I can’t be here, suffocated and treated like a baby anymore. This is something I need to do for me,” I say, rushing out my words in an attempt to get them out there.

For a few minutes, no one says a word to me. They all stand in a circle around me and look at one another. Jameson is the first one to pull me into a hug. He whispers that he has my back and supports my decision to finally break free of their hold on me.

“Where?” my dad Joker asks.

“Iron Head,” I say, knowing which school I want to go to already.

Iron Head is a small town that got its name for the ironworks there. Most of the businesses have shut down now, but it used to thrive. I don’t want to go to a city where I’ll be lost in the crowd. My dream is to get out from under my parents watchful eye and meet people. Not be lost in a sea of people that are only out for themselves. I want to attend a small school where the students are more than just a number in a lecture hall or around campus. To have a chance to finally make some friends and experience things like a normal college student even if I’m starting three years later than most everyone else.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” my mom asks, a frown forming as she looks at me with confusion in her eyes.

“It is. I know you’re all worried I’ll relapse, but I can’t stay here and not have a life of my own. Let me have this time,” I plead with them as I look from my mom to each one of my dads hoping they see how much I need this.

My parents surprise me and all nod their heads in my direction. They’re not going to put up a fight about me leaving in a few weeks. For this, I’m grateful. Now, I need to get through this party so I can go home and try to figure out what I’m going to do out on my own.

“Everyone listen up!” my dad Cage shouts. “Not only are we celebratin’ the twenty-first birthday of our kids, our baby girl is goin’ away to school. She’s leavin’ the nest and will accomplish great things in her quest. I’m not happy, but we’ll figure it out as we go.”

Everyone rushes up to our little circle. I’m surrounded by my family as my parents and Jameson are pushed to the back. Irish is the last one to come up to me. As he pulls me in for a big hug, he whispers how proud of me he is before leading me to the bar.

I perch on a stool next to Zoey. She’s watching my brother closer than ever. She hasn’t seen him since he walked out the door and followed Reaper away from us. I can feel the pain she feels at seeing him surrounded by our family while ignoring her. He’s never seen her the way she sees him and I’ve watched it break her heart on a daily basis. Even when he hasn’t been here, she’s still saving herself for the stupid ass. Jameson could have an amazing life with a wonderful woman at his side but he chooses to fuck his way through life with random pieces of strange and the club whores in the clubhouse.

“Hey, Zoey,” I say, wrapping my arm around one of my best friends. “Go talk to him.”

“No. If he wanted to talk, he’d talk to me. I’m not a blip on his radar anymore. Not that I’ve ever been anywhere on his radar. Why would I be when he’s got a fresh supply of pussy on tap waiting for him back home? I’m just a girl with a stupid crush on a biker who will never give her the time of day. I’m used to being broken by him,” she says, a sad smile on her face as she turns to face me and takes her attention off my twin.

“You know better than that. He loves you. He’s just waiting for you to get done with school,” I tell her.

“I used to believe that,” she says, standing up and walking out the front door of the clubhouse.

Turning my attention to my twin, I watch him follow her with his eyes out of the building. A pained look crosses his face before he quickly puts his mask back into place. Trax and him walk over to the bar and surround me as we order our drinks and proceed to get drunk.

Chapter Two


WHEN SAVAGE TOLD me he was going home to celebrate his birthday, I decided to tag along. We didn’t have anything going on with the club and I could use a fucking break. It’s been a rough few months dealing with someone fucking with our shipments and trying to get the houses we bought set up for any domestic violence victims we find that need our help. It seems as if it’s been one thing after another for so long and I’m burnt the fuck out. It’s time to get away and take a breather. Reaper already knows how I’m feeling because I honestly did talk to him about going Nomad for a while. Just for a change of scenery and to reset myself. There’s only so much I can do here without falling into some kind of trap or rut. Especially when the Fallen girls are just waiting for one of us to fuck up so they can trap us.

The last thing on my mind was watching Savage’s sister walk in the clubhouse. She’s stunning and a breath of fresh air. We’re standing around, waiting on her to show up when I turn my attention toward the door being flung open. Standing there, the sun shining from behind her, is Reagan. I’d recognize her anywhere from the pictures Savage has shown me.
