Page 4 of Tame Me

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She’s got honey-colored hair cascading down to her waist. It’s hanging loose as she takes her first step inside the clubhouse. I take in her mile-long legs up to the tiny pair of shorts she’s wearing. A flowing tank top covers her upper body but does nothing to hide the generous rack she’s got. I’ll firmly admit I’m a boob man and what I see on her has my mouth-watering. Reagan barely comes to my shoulder. She looks like a pixie and I want to protect her with everything in me. I want her more than anyone I’ve ever wanted in my life. The feeling is unsettling as I take her in.

What fully captures my attention is her face. There’s a look of innocence, bare of most make-up. The only thing I see covering her face is some smokey color above her hazel eyes. She doesn’t even need that shit to make her look beautiful. However, there’s also pain swirling in her eyes. A hurt so deep I’m surprised Savage and everyone else here can’t see it from miles away. I don’t even know this girl and I can see it clearly. Reagan hurts on a deep level and something needs to be done about it because I’m not going to sit around and let her continue to hurt like this.

Surprise registers on her face as she sees Savage. Without any thought, she runs to her brother and jumps in his arms. Her body shakes slightly with emotion as he wraps his arms around her and an overwhelming urge to rip his arms from his body fills me. Brother or not, I don’t want to see anyone touching her. I’ve never felt this shit before and I’m confused as hell. Reagan buries her face in his neck and the two siblings take a few minutes just for themselves. I know it’s been a long time since they’ve seen one another and it’s been killing my best friend. He won’t say anything, but he misses Reagan more than anyone else from here. Maybe not Zoey, but Reagan is his twin and he’s not been here for her like he’s been in the past. It weighs on him.

When the twins pull apart, Reagan finally notices me. Within seconds, she’s eye fucking me and I can’t stop the smirk from covering my face. I know I’m a good looking guy and I work hard on my body daily. So, I let her continue to eye fuck me while I try to find my voice. It seems to have left me for the moment. That’s definitely never happened before. I’m usually all about finding my next piece of strange for the night and have no problem talking to any female.

“Savage, care to introduce me?” I ask, keeping the smirk covering my face in place.

“Trax, this is my sister Reagan. Reagan, this is Trax.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” she says, holding out her hand as a blush covers her face while she lowers her eyes slightly.

“You too. I’ve heard a lot about you, babe,” I say, deciding I need to get a small taste of the woman standing before me.

Reagan’s voice is soft and melodic to the point it does something to me deep inside and I want to hear her talk about anything and everything. I don’t give a shit what she’s saying as long as her melodic voice keeps coming at me. She could tell me about the weather or read me her damn grocery list and I’d be falling at her fucking feet. Fuck! What is she doing to me?

After meeting Reagan, I watch as she’s swallowed up by her parents. I step back to give them a few minutes while I try to get my body back under control. My cock is hard as fuck and wanting his own taste of Reagan. I think about anything other than her to get my pants to fit better. I’m not sure adjusting myself is a good move right now with one of her brothers and both of her dads standing right next to me. Not to mention the clubhouse full of men she has wrapped around her little finger. It’s easy to see from an outside perspective that every single man in this clubhouse has a soft spot in their heart for her. They all love her and want to protect her almost as much as I do.

They have a conversation about her wanting to get out and attend school in Ironside. I don’t mean to listen in, but my heart starts racing because that’s somewhat close to us. I could see Reagan and try to figure out what the fuck is going on. Pride fills me as I look at her standing in front of her family with nothing but determination and the resolve that they let her go away to attend school. I know a little of her history, but I didn’t realize it’s as bad as I’m currently picturing based on how she’s looking at her family.

I stay back with Savage as Reagan gets led to the bar after her family comes up to hug and congratulate her. Savage isn’t left out of his own share of birthday wishes from this part of his family. His first family that will always have the largest part of his heart. My eyes never stray far from her until I notice a pretty little thing she was talking to get up and leave the clubhouse. Savage follows the girl with his eyes and it hits me who she is. That’s Zoey. He got drunk one night and spilled his guts about loving her since the second he laid eyes on her.

“Go get her,” I tell him, nudging him in the direction of the door where his eyes are still locked.

“No. She’s got too much life to live. I’m not draggin’ her down,” he answers, walking over to the bar and ignoring what he wants deep in his heart and soul.

Sitting on one side of Reagan, I lean in close to her. I pretend to listen to what my friend is saying to her, but in reality, I want to be as close to her as possible. She smells like apples and something uniquely her. It’s fucking intoxicating and the more I breathe her in, the harder it is to resist whatever is starting to fucking fill me when it comes to this girl. The only thing making me move is the clearing of a throat from in front of me. Another one of her brothers stands there and won’t take his eyes off me.

“Happy birthday, guys! Jameson, it’s good to see you,” he says, never taking his eyes off me.

“Brandon, get us some shots,” Savage says, not correcting anyone about his road name. He won’t do that here because this is his family from before. They don’t know him as Savage at all.

“So, Trax, what do you do in the club?” Reagan asks, turning her full attention to me as she waits for our shots.

“I’m the Road Captain. I got patched in just before your brother showed up to Prospect,” I tell her, leaning in close once again.

“How did you get your road name?” she asks, taking the shot of Jack in front of her and slamming it back.

“You sure you want to know the answer to that?” I question, taking my own shot while watching a bead of Jack slip down from the corner of her mouth.

“Yep,” she says, not taking her eyes off me as she waits for my answer.

“Instead of usin’ a gun or any other weapon on a guy I’m beatin’ the fuck out of, I end his life with my tires. I’ll run a motherfucker over in a heartbeat,” I answer her, reaching up to wipe the drop of alcohol away from her mouth.

Reagan watches me as I slip my thumb in my mouth. Her pupils dilate and my cock once again makes his presence known. The woman sitting before me grew up in a club, but she’s as innocent as the day she was born. I have no business talking to her, but I’m a selfish man and I’m going to take whatever she’ll fucking give me. However, I have to make sure Savage is okay with this shit. I’m not about to cause problems in my club because this woman is doing something to me I’ve never experienced before.

“Reagan, when do you leave for school?” Savage asks, pulling her attention from me.

He gives me a knowing look over her head and slightly shakes his head. Savage is warning me away from his sister. I nod my head at him and stare him down as he waits for her reply. We’ll be having words later. I’m not just going to accept a shake of his head when he doesn’t fucking know what is going on within me yet. I’ve never once felt this shit and I want to find out what it means.

“In a few weeks. I just got the acceptance letters and made my decision on the way here,” she says, her melodic voice once again hitting me.

“How’s your drawin’ goin’?” he asks. My attention perks up.

“Okay. I’m stuck on a piece for myself. I’ll get it though. Have you seen the newest tat on Uncle Irish?” she asks, looking through the crowd for him.

“No. You do it?”
