Page 6 of Tame Me

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For the next few minutes, I watch the girl that’s captured my full attention. She’s ready to fall asleep and I know it’s a matter of time before she passes out. I ask her if she has a room here and she nods her head. Standing up, I pick her up in my arms and let her point out the way to the room she has here. No one stops me, but I do get a few questioning looks cast my way. I’m just thankful her dads aren’t here anymore. I’ll go toe to toe with them, but I don’t want to this second. Reagan will be mine. Right now, I’m savoring the feeling of her in my arms and pressed against my chest as she clings to me.

As soon as I get her in the room she calls her own, I lay her down on the bed. A thunk sounds as I stand back up and I look to find her cell phone laying on the floor by the bed. I pick it up and take a chance she doesn’t have it locked. She doesn’t. I put my number in her phone before snapping a picture of the beautiful woman before me. Quickly sending it to myself, I save her number in my phone and place hers on the nightstand after saving mine in her phone. Turning to leave, a hand stops me. Reagan has reached out and stopped my movement.

“Don’t go. Stay with me?” she asks, sleep lacing her voice.

I must be in deep. I toe off my boots and slide in the bed next to her. Reagan curls her body into mine and lays her head on my chest. Wrapping my arms around her, I run my fingers through her thick, silky hair and listen to the sounds of her breath evening out as it soothes me enough to find sleep. Something I don’t usually find easily.

Chapter Three


THE LAST FEW weeks have been busy as hell. I’ve packed up my room, turned in my notice to the shop, and my mom’s taken me shopping for everything I could ever need for a dorm room. My dads have been there and tried to be supportive of my decision, but I know it’s killing them. Especially with me going so far away. However, they’ve done everything they can to help make the transition easier on me and make sure all the totes and boxes my things have been packed into are ready to be loaded up for the trip to Ironside.

I’ve been messaging with Trax since they left to go back home. I got to spend two days with Jameson before he took off again. They both promised to come visit me at school, but I know they have their own lives and I’m nothing more than a passing thought to them. Still, it was nice to have my brother back for those two days and it was like nothing changed between the two of us. We’ve always been closer than our other siblings and I have a feeling it’s because my brother worries about me even though he won’t admit it to anyone but me. He has to always appear to be strong as fuck and like a man. No, he wasn’t taught that way, it’s just how he feels and acts.

Trax asks me about my day and we talk about tattoos. He wants me to design one for him. Anything I want. So, I’ve been asking questions to get to know him. Every new piece of information I gain about the man known as Bryce ‘Trax’ Smith makes me fall for him a little bit more. He’s the Road Captain for the Fallen Brethren MC and he’s been in the club since he was eighteen. He just turned twenty-four and hasn’t ever had a serious relationship in his life. I don’t think Trax would know what to do in a relationship with anyone. I’ve also learned he’s loyal, a gentleman, and has old school beliefs. That comes from being raised by his grandparents. He’s the kind of guy I’ve always envisioned myself with even if he fucks every female he meets. Yes, he’s told me that about himself too. The man is an open book and it’s refreshing because I don’t know what else to expect when it comes to talking to a guy since I’ve never had one interested in me before.

Trax is easy to talk to and I live for the moments he messages or calls me. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing or who I’m with. The second his name shows up on my screen, I drop what I’m doing to see what he has to say. I’m getting in over my head with him, and I don’t know what to do about it. He’s someone I could fall in love with and I’m pretty sure I’m halfway there already. That’s a secret no one will know because I don’t have any clue as to how my family will react. I’ve already sprung one surprise on them with the school thing. I can’t add anything else to it right now because I don’t want to overwhelm or hurt them.

“Do we need to get anythin’ else?” my dad Cage asks, looking around at everything.

“I think we’re good. Mom may have gone a little overboard on the shopping,” I say, leaning into him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“I’ve got the bills to prove it,” he says, laughing at my mom’s expense. “We’re leavin’ early in the mornin’ to get you down there.”

“Who’s all coming?” I ask, laying my head against my dad’s strong shoulder like I usually do when I’m upset or nervous.

“Me, Joker, Pops, Rage, mom, Kyle, and Brandon,” he answers. “I don’t know if Jameson and Trax will meet us there or not.”

My heart beats faster knowing I might see Trax tomorrow. I haven’t seen him since the party. For a minute I don’t say anything. I let that information sink in. What I should’ve been doing is making sure my dad didn’t realize what I’m thinking about right now. Nothing gets past him though. It’s why none of my siblings were ever able to get away with anything when we were growing up. While I still got in trouble, it was nothing like when one of them would sneak out, try to lie about something that happened, or anything else they did.

“You like him?” he asks, looking down at me.

“We talk. He wants me to draw him a tattoo,” I answer nonchalantly, trying to avoid eye contact with him because he’ll see the truth in my eyes.

“What about him carryin’ you to bed the night of your birthday? And not goin’ to a different room?” he asks, pushing me to sit up so we can talk.

“Yes, I like him. I was drunk and didn’t want to sleep alone. I’ve never shared a bed with another man in my life. He kept all of his clothes on and nothing happened,” I inform him, letting my attitude come out to play.

“I love ya, Rea. I’ve loved you since the second I laid eyes on you havin’ a seizure in your mom’s arms. I vowed that day nothin’ would hurt you and I’d do everythin’ in my power to protect you. It’s not that we don’t want to see you succeed and follow every single one of your dreams. We want to make sure you’re careful and here for the rest of our lives. That’s why we go overboard with your protection.”

“I get it, Dad. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but you have no idea how hard it’s been to watch the younger kids get to do what they want, come and go as they please, and experience everything I should’ve already experienced. That includes talking to guys and deciding for myself who I want to be with,” I tell him, finally letting one of my parents in on my frustration.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” my dad Joker asks, walking in to sit by me on the couch.

“You wouldn’t have listened. I love every single one of you, but it’s time to let me leave home and start making my own decisions. I’ll make mistakes, get a broken heart, and learn from my mistakes. But you have to let me have the freedom to make them,” I say, snuggling into my other dad’s side.

“Alright, baby. We’ll back off. A little bit. I’m not sure about Trax, but Jameson says he’s a good guy. He’s already been talked to by him and Kyle. He knows what he’s gettin’ into with you. Don’t let him push you though. And I want you to experience datin’ other guys while you’re at school. Don’t hitch yourself to the first man you come across. Got me?” Joker says, a knowing look on his face because these biker men don’t typically wait for anything when they see something they want. They grab hold and don’t let go for any reason.

I nod my head and enjoy a quiet moment with my dads. This is as hard for them as it is for me. Maybe harder. They have to learn to let me go and carve my own path in this world. They don’t even know I want to open a tattoo shop. I’m hoping with the separation we’ll be able to get even closer than we are now. That when I have something to say, they’ll listen to me instead of trying to protect me every second of the day.

We’ve been on the road for hours. I’m in the SUV with my mom while my dads and the guys ride around us on their bikes. While other kids would hate being escorted to school by their family, showing their strength, I love it. I’m proud to be a part of the Wild Kings and I want everyone to know where I come from. To know that my family is loud, aggressive, and will back me up for any reason. That they’ll move heaven and Earth to ensure I’m safe and protected. All it takes is one call from me and they’d break every rule of the road to get to me without hesitation. Even though I’m finally beginning my own path in life, that doesn’t mean I don’t love where I come from or everyone that’s been in my life. They’ll always be my family and I won’t ever push them away from me.

We finally pull up to the school and I watch as everyone outside stops what they’re doing to stare at the entourage that is bringing me to school. It’s comical and I’m not embarrassed in the least. They’ll learn real fast who I belong to and that if I’m messed with they’ll have to pay.

“Ready?” my mom asks, shutting the SUV off as my dad Joker walks over to my door.

“I am,” I answer as nerves fill me to the point I have to wipe my hands down my jeans and take in a deep breath in an attempt to settle myself a little.
