Page 8 of Tame Me

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“Look, I know she’s gonna end up with me. Just like I know she hasn’t had any experiences of her own. So, if you want her to date a guy or two in school, that’s fine. I’m not gonna like it but I’m not gonna stand in her way either. Especially if it’s somethin’ she feels she needs to do. Because once she’s mine; it’s forever. There won’t be a chance for another man to get near her,” I answer, crossing my arms over my chest to let him know I’m not backing down from this.

It kills me to know some other guy might get to take her out. But, Reagan is worth the wait and I know it won’t be too long before she’s on the back of my bike. I’ll make that shit official while she’s still in school. And she’ll know her degree will be the most important thing she does while we’re together. I’ll stand up at her graduation and cheer louder than any fucker there for her. Every single time we talk or message one another, she digs her way deeper under my skin and I couldn’t stop her even if I wanted to.

“It’s not gonna be long before she’s yours. I know my girl. She’s got her heart set on you and no one will stand in her way of gettin’ you. I’ve seen the look on her face when she looks at you and I see the way you look at her. The way you follow her in a room with your eyes. The only warnin’ you’ll get is my girl comes first. I know all about club business and shit, but that’s my girl. She needs to know she’s important to you.”

“I know this. She’ll always be number one to me. She has been since I laid eyes on her,” I assure him. “I haven’t looked at another woman and all the Fallen girls, our club whores, know to leave me the fuck alone. The most I do is work as Savage’s wingman and don’t let another woman get close to me for any reason. That’s because I fuckin’ respect your daughter and can go more than a few days without gettin’ my cock wet.”

Cage nods his head at me as his only response. For several minutes, he simply stands in front of me and stares to make sure I mean what I’m saying and not going to go back on my word.

We make our way in and join the rest of our party. Lunch is spent talking and getting to know one another as far as me joining in goes. It’s easy to see where Savage gets his personality from and where Reagan gets hers. Savage is just like the two men that raised him. He won’t take any shit from anyone and he’ll always stand up for what he thinks is right. Reagan is soft-spoken and utterly sure of herself and what she wants out of life. But, she also has a softer side not many people get to see. She can be vulnerable and let her emotions take over at times.

Savage and I are just pulling back into the clubhouse after spending a few hours with his family before they headed home. I didn’t mind hanging out with them in the least. It let me get a look into Savage’s and Reagan’s life. Plus, they got to know me a little bit and know that I mean what I say about claiming Reagan as my ol’ lady. Now, it’s time to get back to the clubhouse and find out what’s going on for the next week or so.

“Savage, Trax, good to have you both back,” Reaper says, motioning us to join him at the bar once we’re through the door. “Did you get your sister all settled in?”

“Yep. She has a lot of work to do. But, she went a few days early to give herself the time she needs to do it. And she knows we’re less than an hour away if she needs me,” Savage responds, pulling up a stool and motioning for a beer.

“Good. You two all set to go on a run next week? Need some bodies to help out on a transport.”

“Always,” I answer, not one to back down from taking any job Reaper needs me to go on.

Precious, one of the Fallen girls, walks in the common room and I see her change her direction to make a beeline for me. She’s one of the newer ones here and has a goal to fuck every member. Not just a patch, but an office holding member before moving on to the patches. I’m not one that will be testing the goods though and I’ve had words with her already about this more than once. My cock belongs to one woman now and that’s not this loose piece of pussy.

“I missed you, baby. I thought we could spend the morning together but you disappeared,” she purrs, trying to rub up on me and climb in my lap.

“And I thought I told you I wasn’t gonna touch you,” I say, getting off the stool so she can’t sit on my lap.

Nodding to my President and club brother, I make my way to my room. I can hear her talking shit about me not touching her and I know Reaper will have something to say about that. He barely tolerates the Fallen girls anymore since he found Alex. Before he would take two or three a day and not think twice about it. Hell, he’d take two or three at a time more than once a day if I’m being completely honest. Now, he’s tired of their bullshit and the games they try playing with the guys to become an ol’ lady.

Shutting the door of my room and making sure it’s locked, I flop down on my bed and take a few minutes to let thoughts of Reagan invade my mind. The two times I’ve seen her, there’s been a pull I’ve never felt before and I want to see where this goes. As far as I’m concerned, she’s it for me. I’ll just give her the space she needs for now while we keep getting to know one another. I promised her dad that’s what I do and I’m a man of my word.

Picking up my phone, I send out a message to Reagan.

Me: How are you settlin’ in?

I set my phone down and wait for her to message me back. I’m sure she’s busy and won’t answer me back right away. But, I’m not in a hurry to do anything so I’ll wait in my room until a little later on.

There’s a party almost every night unless we’re on lockdown or have other club business going on. Tonight will be no exception. I’ll go out and have a few drinks with the guys before making my way back to my room. Hopefully I won’t have to worry about Precious attempting to pull any shit with me again. If she does, I may have to talk to Reaper about kicking her ass to the curb. She’s going to be trouble; I can already see it. Most of the other girls give me a wide berth since I told them to leave me the hell alone and that I’m no longer interested in anything they have to offer.

My phone goes off as I’m thinking about the party tonight.

Pixie: I am. I’ve gotten some stuff put away after having a pity party for myself. Here’s a pic.

I wait while the picture loads and I see my girl sitting on her bed. Most of the bags are gone. I’m not sure if they’re on the floor or she’s already put that much stuff away. I can see in the picture her hair is wet and she’s changed from the clothes she arrived at school in. Now she’s wearing a tank top with her hair cascading over one of her shoulders. I’d kill to see what’s covering her lower body and get a glimpse of her long as fuck legs, but I’ll have plenty of time for that later on. We’ve got the rest of our lives for me to explore every inch of her body and find out what turns her on and what makes her moan. I’m a patient man when it comes to her and it’s going to be worth it in the end.

Me: Gorgeous as always. I’d love to see what you’re wearin’ for pants.

Pixie: I bet you would. Some things are better left to the imagination.

Me: Oh, don’t worry about my imagination. I’ve already pictured a ton of things involvin’ you.

There’s no point in hiding the fact from Reagan. She’s been the star of all my fantasies lately. Everything I want to do to her and have her do to me has been on a loop in my mind for weeks. And I hope none of the fuckers at her school think they’re getting a taste of her because I’ll own all of her firsts.

Pixie: Do I want to know? Or are you just fucking with me?

Me: I would never fuck with you like that. Savage, your dads, and the rest of the Wild Kings would have my balls in a vice. I’m just not gonna hide what I want from you.

Pixie: That’s a nice change of pace. It’s good to know where I stand with someone.

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