Page 9 of Tame Me

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Me: Always. Get more work done and text or call if you need me. I’ll try to call later on.

Pixie: Okay.

Setting my phone down after saving the picture of Reagan, I get up and jump in the shower. I’ll go out and grab dinner before I make an appearance at the party tonight. Maybe Savage and Hawk will join me. But, they might have their own pre-game shit going on.

Savage and I make our way to the diner across town. It’s a business the club has invested in. Cory, the owner, got into some financial trouble when her husband decided to up and leave her and their small children for some hooker he was using to cheat on Cory with. Reaper has known her all her life and decided to have the club invest in the diner to make sure she could support her young children and not have to go work for someone else. Cory’s like a daughter to my President and we all voted to help her out when he brought it to our attention. She’s been grateful ever since and won’t let us pay for our meals. That’s not why we go there though. Her food is fantastic and we love the low-key atmosphere of the place.

Going inside the diner, we make our way to one of the back tables Cory always keeps empty for us. We shoot the shit about nothing in particular while waiting for our food to arrive. The one topic we don’t go near is Reagan. Savage has said his piece about it and I know he won’t say another word to me about her. Not unless he thinks something is going on with her and wants to find out if I know what it is. Then all bets are off and he’ll come to me to find out what I know. The same thing I’d do if I were him.

“You goin’ to the party tonight?” Savage asks when we’re finished eating.

“I’ll put in an appearance. I’m not stayin’ long though. I want to go over my bike in the mornin’ and make sure it’s ready for the run next week. Plus, I want to avoid that piranha Precious. She’s trouble man,” I answer wiping my hands clean on the napkin by my plate.

“I hear that. She was bitchin’ up a storm when you walked away earlier. Reaper told her she’s on her last chance to stay at the clubhouse. He’s done fuckin’ around with these bitches.”

“I know. Alex has changed him. In a good way. I just know if that bitch lasts and says the wrong thing to one person, especially your sister, I’ll make sure she’s gone in a heartbeat. Not gonna have Reagan fucked with like that,” I tell him looking at him so he knows how serious I am about it.

“Didn’t figure you would.”

Cory stops by to make sure we like everything before we head out. It’s the same thing she does for every member of the club. Savage and I both leave a massive tip for her before leaving the diner and heading back to the clubhouse. She’ll bitch when we go in again, but that’s our thing since she won’t take money from us any other damn way.

The party’s been in full swing for a few hours. Precious has kept her distance from me, but she’s been watching my movements since I walked back in the door. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s biding her time until I’m alone to try and make another move. I don’t know what her game plan is, but I’ll make sure it’s done and over with before anything gets too out of hand. It doesn’t matter if it involves another brother or me.

“Trax, where you been?” Hawk asks, walking up to me at the bar.

“Been around. Where you been? Haven’t seen much of you lately,” I ask in return.

“I’ve been spendin’ time away from the clubhouse. Got a girl and I’m tryin’ to decide if she’s cut out for the life or not. Don’t want fuck all to do with the skanks around here. Heard you’re goin’ after Savage’s sister. Sure that’s a wise move?” Hawk asks, taking the beer from the Prospect.

“Yep. She’s different. Grew up in the life, knows what it’s about. Reagan is different and captured my attention the second I saw her. She’s it for me,” I answer honestly.

“Why isn’t she here then?”

“Because she’s gettin’ ready to start school and I promised one of her dads I’d let her get some experience before I claimed her as mine officially.”

“You’re gonna let her fuck around with other guys?” he asks.

“Nope. But, she’s gonna get the datin’ shit out the way because once she’s mine, that’s it. We both know it’s not gonna take long for her to do that and be here where she belongs. Well, when she’s not at home or school. Her degree comes first,” I tell my friend.

Hawk sits with me while we finish our drinks before I head back to my room. It’s time for me to get some shut-eye with the Fallen girls coming out in droves tonight. No one is gonna mistake anything happening with any of them.

Walking to my room after telling a few brothers along the way I’m out, I open my door to find Precious laying in my bed. She’s naked and spread out like a nasty feast. My door was locked so I have no clue how the fuck she got in here.

“What do you think your doin’?” I ask, not moving one inch into the room.

“Waiting on you,” she answers, her voice grating on my last nerve.

“You know I want nothin’ to do with your ass. Get the fuck outta my room!” I yell, stepping back in the hallway as Reaper and Savage make their way toward me. “Bitch broke into my room and put her nasty ass on my bed. Reaper, I want her the fuck gone from here.”

Reaper pokes his head in the room to see Precious still spread out and fingering herself. He shakes his head and steps back in the hallway behind me. Savage is a different story altogether. His face is red as fuck and I can see a vein in his neck pulsing away.

“You dumb skank! What gives you the right to go in anyone’s room here? I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinkin’ but your shit ends now,” he hollers, ready to take her out in a split second. The only thing saving her is that he’d never put his hands on a female for any reason.

“I’ll take all three of you on at once,” she says, further burying herself in the eyes of the club.

“You’ll get the fuck out right now!” Reaper finally bellows. “Don’t grab your clothes or anythin’. You’re the fuck out the way you are right now. Don’t come crawlin’ back here either. I’m puttin’ the word out you’re done.”

The bitch tries to put on the waterworks thinking we’re going to change our minds about her. It’s not gonna happen. As far as I’m concerned, the trash is being taken out and we won’t have to worry about her shit anymore. There will be others trying to pull the same shit she is now, but they’ll learn their lesson too.
