Page 19 of Sharing the Nanny

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“Yeah,” I smiled. “Let’s talk baby stuff.”

We went over food, snacks, baths, bedtime, and changes of clothing. We also discussed the overall schedule, which might change at a moment’s notice depending upon when and where he was needed. There could be overnights too, but only if Erika couldn’t take the baby that particular night. That possibility had driven away other potential nannies, but I told him I was perfectly okay with it.

“I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” he said finally. “I mean, it’s one thing getting someone to watch your kid. But when it’s someone you love, someone you trust…”

“Save it,” I smiled, pointing at the door. “Go on, I’ve got this. Do your thing. You’ve probably got—”

Almost on cue, there was a low rap at the door. Adrian smiled, handed Brayden back to me, and made his way over. He opened the door, and embraced the tiny brunette who ushered herself inside.

“Hi!” she waved at me merrily, over his shoulder.

“Ummm… hi?”

The woman had short-cropped hair, and big round eyes that seemed too big for her slender face. Still, I couldn’t deny that face was pretty. Her smile was perfectly straight and ridiculously white, framed by symmetrical lips that were plump and full.

“I’m Amy,” she said enthusiastically. “You’re Heather, right? The babysitter?”

“The Nanny,” I shot back. “And I’m not—”

“Amy,” Adrian jumped in quickly, “this is Harper. She’s a good friend of mine, who’s going to be watching Brayden for me.”

Amy, still smiling and chewing gum, reached out to shake my hand. It was the last fucking thing in the world I wanted to do.

I took it and shook it anyway.

“Pleased to meet you, Amy.”

Amy was wearing a green dress, matching shoes, and enough rings, bracelets, and earrings to open a small jewelry store. She shuffled two steps closer to Adrian in a series of jingles and jangles.

“You ready?”

It was all coming together now; Adrian, all dressed up. Going out on a weeknight, cufflinks and all.

And of course me, standing here, holding his son. My hands still smelling like peas and carrots.

“I’m ready,” Adrian said.

He leaned in close, like was going to kiss me goodbye. For an awkward moment I froze there… then realized he was only kissing his son on the cheek.

My God, I felt so stupid.

“Have a great night,” Adrian said to me. He added a wink. “I’ll call in a bit, to make sure the two of you are getting along.”

“Yeah,” I smirked. “And I’ll do the same.”

Amy blew a perfect bubble, then popped it with her tongue. She waved to me as they walked out the door, her bracelets sounding like sleighbells as they rang about her wrists.

Then the door closed, leaving me standing there all alone. Holding the baby in silence.

That is, until Brayden giggled and spit up on my shoulder.

~ 9 ~


The door opened on the second knock. Which I was grateful for, because there wasn’t going to be a third.

“Oh… hey.” Jax stood there in his EMT uniform, looking wholly confused. “Did Comic Con let out early, or—”
