Page 77 of Sharing the Nanny

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“It’ll be much better than this, eventually,” I promised. “I just need to figure out a few more things.”

As I watched, Preston’s avatar shook its head slowly in disbelief.

“You get those things figured out, and people will never leave the house.”

I laughed again, this time longer and louder than before. Using my left hand, I toggled my index finger a few times to increase my height, growing me just tall enough so that I didn’t have to stand on my toes to face him. Eventually, we were eye to eye.

“Wow,” said Preston. “That’s a neat trick.”

“Sure is. It helps with this…”

I could tell by the appearance of his avatar that Preston was wearing the full headgear I’d sent him back with, including the facial mask. And so was I.

Just as in real life, I leaned in and kissed him.

Holy shit…

My kissing software kicked in instantly, the delicate receptors around my mouth causing my lips to tingle. I could sense Preston’s were too. We could feel each other — actually feel each other! Each subtle movement of the mouth. Each tiny muscle, quivering with desire.

“We’re the first ones to do this,” I murmured softly against his virtual lips. “Not just with my system, but maybe ever. The first in the whole world.”

It was surreal. Unbelievable. Especially standing on the surface of an alien planet, surrounded by mountains, beneath an outer-space, star-filled sky.

We kissed and touched and the whole alien world began spinning away beneath us. We kissed through the heat, the thirst, the longing. Through whole different levels of want and desire.

We kissed until we were dizzy, and vertigo threatened to take over.

And then we kissed some more…

Eventually our bodies parted, and together we stepped away. My avatar shrank back to its normal, non-matching height.

I looked to him for a reaction, but Preston’s avatar was stone-faced and still. I could tell solely by his body language, he just couldn’t believe it.

“You’re going to make a zillion, billion dollars,” he breathed, totally dumbstruck.

“Yeah, right.”

“You’re gonna be the next Jeff Bezos,” he swore softly. “The next Elon Musk.”

“I doubt that,” I chuckled.

“You’re going to have a super-yacht, and maybe a beach house on Mars,” he went on. “You’re going to sprout wings and fly away from Buffalo. You’re never going to talk to us again.”

“Oh, stop it!”

“And that’s going to be sad too,” he said. “Because… well because…”

His voice trailed off, as his gaze shifted upward. Somewhere over his head, a meteor exploded spectacularly in the sky.

“Because what?” I pushed.

Preston stepped in again. He reached out and set his hands on my hips. From the point where he touched me, electric shivers shot down my legs.

“Because I think I love you.”

His words shattered everything around us, as my breath caught in my throat. I was shocked. Dismayed. Secretly thrilled and abruptly guilty and a hundred other sensations, all at the same time.

Because of the conflict, I just didn’t know what to say.
