Page 101 of Rock

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God. What am I even saying?

Tara’s right. I am just another notch on Rock’s belt. I know that, but I just don’t seem to care.

The way he caressed me softly. The way he painted my breasts and then sucked his cum off me… What in the fuck? I’m still slick just thinking about that.

He tosses me my t-shirt and I thumb behind me. “I should take a shower.”

He watches me as I lean down to collect my jeans. “Wish I could join you.”

I smile regretfully as he shucks into his jeans and pulls them and his boxers up, tucking his dick back inside as I mourn the loss of him.

“Let me ask you somethin’,” he says, as I pick up my panties and bra.

He moves toward me, cupping one side of my face as I still stand there naked in front of him.

“You haven’t once argued about not bein’ able to go out, why is that?”

I stare at him, surprised by the question. “Uh, because I’m not allow–” I stop.

He comes closer. “Aspyn, you’re a grown woman. You can go out. I know your father wants you safe, but I’m certain we’ve never been followed, nor does your stalker know where you are.”

“But… I don’t wanna piss off my dad even further.”

“You’ve got me. I’ll protect you.”

I stare at him. “You’d dive in front of a stray bullet?”

He nods. “Though that’s extreme and highly unlikely, that’s my job. That's why I’m here.” Then, I watch as he points to his chest. “Took a bullet right here one time.”

I gape at the red scar on his skin, surrounded by tattoos, and look back up at him. “You really got shot?”



“My brother… Someone was tryin’ to kill him.”

“So you…you took a bullet for him?”

He shrugs. “Of course I did. He’s my brother. He’d do the same for me if it were reversed.”

I look back down at the jagged scar and shake my head. “I thought this club was supposed to be safe,” I mutter.

He leans forward and kisses me on the head. “It is safe. Now go and shower. When you come out, I’ll be gone, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I don’t want to look or sound like a baby, but I also can’t help but feel pouty.

“Fine. But you owe me.”

He smirks, pressing his lips against mine. “I owe you?”


“I think I just gave you enough to dream about.”

I feel so warm and safe having him here. I can pretend for a while that my father didn't send me here in exile. That Rock cares about me and what I think. That he thinks I deserve to be let out for once. I’m not just some pet that can be kept locked up in a tower for the rest of my life because he worries about me.

I’ve only been gone five days and I feel like it's been a lifetime.
