Page 20 of Prepper Daddy

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“All right, babygirl,” he said. “Next time we venture into town, we’ll visit the blacksmith and order one for you. I’ll even put a rush on it.”

“Yay! Thank you so much, Daddy! You’re the bestest Daddy ever!” Giddiness swirled through me, and I opened my arms and lunged at him, giving him a tight hug. He fell back on the cushions, and I suddenly found myself straddling him. I pressed a quick kiss to his lips before moving my center suggestively over his crotch. The feel of his hardness caused a heated wave of desire to sweep over me.

“Young lady,” he said in a scolding tone. “Not gonna happen. It’s well after midnight and way past a certain little babygirl’s bedtime.” He grasped me by my hips and set me on my feet.

“But Daddy…”

He stood up, grabbed my hand, and led me to the bathroom, where he helped me brush my teeth.

“I already brushed my teeth tonight,” I complained, my words muffled by the toothbrush.

He lifted an eyebrow at me. “Yes, you did, but then you were naughty and ate half a box of cookies, so you need to brush them all over again.”

I tried to growl at him, but it ended up coming out like a gurgle, and toothpaste dripped down my chin. Daddy cleaned my face off and ordered me to rinse. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, knowing I was testing his patience.

Once we finished in the bathroom, he lifted me in his arms and carried me to bed. The fresh pine scent of the soap he’d just used filled my senses, and his beard tickled my cheeks when I glanced up to admire his handsome face. His eyes met mine and I started to smile, only for a wide yawn to take over.

“Hm. Maybe I am ready for sleep,” I said.

“You were sleeping earlier, sweetheart,” he said as he helped me get under the covers. “What caused you to wake up?”

“I’m not sure. I was having a dream, but I can’t remember what it was about, and suddenly I jolted awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. So, I got out of bed, and you know the rest.” I snuggled up to him as he crawled under the covers with me. “I guess it was fate, huh? I was supposed to wake up, crave some cookies, and then oh so bravely save your tushie.” I reached down to squeeze his firm butt.

Holding me close, he rested his chin atop my head as he caressed my back. “Well, you did look pretty badass when you threw that knife, babygirl.” He drew in a long breath and exhaled slowly. “Thank you, by the way. Thank you for saving me.

“You’re very welcome, Daddy.”

“However,” he continued in a scolding tone, “I’d like to point out that if I hadn’t been so distracted by the sight of my naughty babygirl sneaking cookies—while she was outside the bunker, no less—I probably would’ve heard that big guy enter the house.” He drew back and narrowed his eyes at me.

“Maybe you would’ve heard him,” I said in a teasing voice, “or maybe you wouldn’t have heard him. I guess we’ll never know.” I giggled.

His only response was a growl.

At last, we drifted to sleep in one another’s arms.

* * *

The next morning, I awoke to the mouthwatering scent of pancakes. I grabbed Possum Bob and hopped out of bed. After a quick visit to the bathroom, I booked it to the kitchen.

“Whoa, Daddy, that’s a lot of pancakes!”

“Consider this brunch,” he said. “We both overslept.”

He gave me a quick kiss and even placed a playful kiss on Possum Bob’s head. He was such a good Daddy. My spirits lifted as he helped me into my chair and pushed me up to the table.

Daddy was in a cheerful mood this morning and I hoped it meant we would be leaving the bunker soon. Maybe he’d heard more about the zombie migration on the amateur news, or maybe he’d decided on his own that the surface was clear enough for us to return to the farmhouse.

“Here you go, babygirl. Chocolate chip pancakes.” He set a huge plate in front of me and for several moments, all I could do was stare.

“Daddy? Did you say chocolate chip pancakes?” I gazed at him as though he’d just sprouted a second head. Sure, I’d noticed the pancakes had something in them, but at first glance I’d thought he’d added blueberries.

“Yes, babygirl. Eat up.” He joined me at the table with his own plate, grinning as he sat down across from me.

“Where on Earth did you get chocolate chips, Daddy?” I sputtered. “And did we have chocolate in the bunker this whole time? And you didn’t tell me? And you know how much I love chocolate?”

He looked guilty for a split second before his dark eyes gleamed with mischief. “I was saving the chocolate chips for a special occasion, sweetheart.”

I picked up my fork and leaned closer to him. “A special occasion? You mean we’re leaving the bunker soon?” I asked hopefully.
