Page 135 of Finding My Name

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I shiver as he pulls away and gets down on one knee.

No fucking way.

“Oliver,” I warn, “what are you doing?”

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He presents the flowers that are still in his hands.

A gasp comes from across the parking lot as I spot a group of students walking past. One of the guys in the group whistles.

“You can’t be serious. You are going to ask me like this?” I chastise.

“Is that a no?—”

“What? No, you dumbass.” I reach for his shirt, pulling him up off his knee.

“That’s not a yes, though.”

“God, you’re impossible. Yes, I want you to be my boyfriend. I want to be your girlfriend.”

He grins, bringing the hand still holding the flowers around my back and the other up to my cheek as he leans down, pushing a kiss onto my lips.

A moment later, I’m waving bye to both Ella and Renee as we run off to Oliver’s Jeep.

“I’ll send you the footage!” Renee calls after us.

Once inside the Jeep, Oliver is all over me again, pressing a kiss to every inch of my face.

“You’re my boyfriend.” The title sends a tingle down my spine all the way to my toes.

“You’re my girlfriend.” Another tingle runs down, this time with heat pooling in my stomach.

“My first boyfriend.”

“My first girlfriend.” He quickly explains after I give him a skeptical look. “I went out with girls in the past, but I could never see a future with them. You are the only person I can see a future with. I love you.”

Some might say this is too soon, and I might freak out a little, but I’ve loved Oliver for a long time, and there is no point in fighting it.

“I love you.”

I can’t wait to run away and see the world with him.
