Page 2 of Touch In The Dark

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The disappointment on Gretta’s face was evident. She was a softy for handsome men, even Davian. “All right. How about I make a plate for you and Reyna?”

“How could I refuse?” Davian smiled. “Reyna and I both love your cooking.”

Davian and I remained outside as we watched Gretta go inside the house. There was something up with him and I was afraid the subject of my mother was on his mind. I hoped I could avoid having a conversation about her, but I knew it was only a matter of time before she came up.

“I want to talk to you about Magdalena. Were you able to find out anything?” Davian asked.

“I came up empty. I wanted to avoid a visit to the prison, but the only way I am going to get any answers is by talking to Niles.” The thought of seeing him again made my stomach churn. He was lucky I didn’t put a bullet in his head like Davian had done to Van.

“Do you want me to go with you when you go?”

“No. It’s better if I do this alone.”

I really could have used Davian’s support, but I was afraid if Niles saw Davian, he might not be so forthcoming with information on where my mother disappeared to.



Once again, Gretta had outdone herself. It felt so good to be home eating a home cooked meal. It wasn’t that I was a bad cook; I was actually a pretty good one, but my cooking didn’t compare to hers. After dinner, I left Gretta in the kitchen and headed to my office. The trip I would need to make to the prison was at the top of my mind as I took a seat on my desk chair. There wouldn’t be any reason for Niles to speak to me. It could possibly end of being a wasted trip, but I had to try. Hopefully, he would realize how much our mother betrayed him and want revenge on her.

Firing up my computer, I tried to think about anything except what would take place tomorrow. As I entered my password, I remembered the ad in The Chicago Times. I brought up my photo gallery on my phone and plugged the web address for the event into the browser. The first step to the entrance process was to take a short quiz that could only be accessed online. But before I could download it, I had to create an account.

Creating an account was pretty straightforward as I typed in my profile information and set up a username and password I wouldn’t forget. Per the site’s policy, everything would be confidential and wouldn’t be shared. As I uploaded a recent photo of myself, I chuckled. This was a blind date event, and uploading a photo seemed to defeat the purpose of remaining anonymous. Then again, everything was confidential.

As I read each question, I thought about how to answer them. I didn’t want to appear an arrogant bastard, but still, I wanted to be honest. Keeping some of the information about myself private, I answered the more personal questions regarding financial status and employment honestly, but vaguely. If they chose me to take part in the game, I didn’t want the woman I met to go after me because of how much money I had and what I did for a living. I wanted it to be because she was interested in me and my dazzling personality.

I placed my mouse over the submit button and thought about what Davian said. Screw him. It was my choice and not his. With a double click, the submit button turned gray and a confirmation that I had submitted my answers appeared on the top of the page in green, thanking me for my submission. The only thing left to do was wait.

The night was still young, but I didn’t want to spend it alone at home. Davian’s flashy new hotel resort seemed like the perfect place to try my luck at some blackjack and distract myself from thoughts of my brother in prison.

As I grabbed my coat and headed out the door, Gretta’s voice called after me. “Have a good evening, River.”

I turned toward her and smiled. “I will certainly try.” I couldn’t help but feel guilty for leaving her alone once again. But I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on my own desires for the night.

I wondered if Gretta ever wished for more excitement in her life, someone to spend her evenings with instead of crossword puzzles and old movies. But then again, maybe she was content with her simple routines. For me, there had always been a woman by my side, fueling my adrenaline and adding spice to every adventure. Lately, love or companionship seemed far from reach, and I couldn’t imagine living without it much longer. It was almost like an addiction—constantly needing someone else to fill the void within me.

Shaking off these conflicting thoughts, I stepped out into the crisp night, ready for any distraction. I might even find a woman willing to share the evening with me.


When I walked inside the Olympian Hotel, I remembered the first time I entered the place. Davian and I weren’t on the best of terms back then and I wished him every ill wish I could think of for the hotel. I was glad that my wishes hadn’t come true. The Olympian was an enormous success for him. It was evident by the number of guests milling around the lobby. I always wondered how he was able to secure a gaming license when gambling was prohibited in Atlanta.

With a sly smile, I made my way toward the extravagant casino, my mind buzzing with the thrill of high stakes and big wins. As I navigated through the sea of slot machines, a sense of unease crept over me. Lately, the odds hadn’t been in my favor. But my eyes were set on the ten blackjack tables ahead, each one beckoning me with promises of intense competition and lucrative rewards.

As I approached the row of tables, my gaze fell upon a striking woman at the end of the line. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulder in a single curl, drawing my attention to her ample bosom. When she looked my way, a hint of danger lingered in her piercing brown eyes, captivating me in their depths. And when she parted her perfectly painted lips in a smirk, I knew I had found my match.

I took a seat next to her, our eyes locked in an unspoken challenge. The air around us crackled with electricity as we both reveled in the adrenaline rush of the game. But it was her alluring beauty that kept distracting me from the dealer’s words, like a forbidden fruit waiting to be tasted.

Pulling my eyes from hers, I managed to retrieve my money clip from the pocket of my trousers and threw ten hundred-dollar bills on the table. “Please give me $20 chips,” I said, keeping my sights on the dealer as he counted the chips before shoving them toward me.

Every time her lips curved into a victorious smile or her hand reached for her chips, I felt a surge of desire coursing through me. And as we played on into the night, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was more than just a game of blackjack—perhaps it was fate that had brought us together at this table.

My mind wandered, wanting nothing more than to taste her red lips, which mingled with the intoxicating scent of her perfume. The thought sent a surge of excitement to the erection forming within my trousers. I knew then that this was no ordinary game of blackjack—it was a seductive dance between two equally matched players vying for control. And I was determined to come out on top.

Carefully scooping up the remaining poker chips scattered across the table, she rose gracefully to her feet. Her slender fingers slid across the smooth surface of the chips, collecting them into a neat pile before tucking them away in her small purse. “Good luck,” she said with a kind smile, her voice like honey and velvet. “I think I’ll indulge in a drink before calling it a night.”

I took her words as an invitation and stood up as well. “Mind if I join you?” I asked, sliding five chips toward the dealer.
