Page 31 of Touch In The Dark

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Harper picked up her briefcase from the floor and unhooked the flap. She pulled out the document she had retrieved from her printer. Holding it in her hand, she read its contents. “This is a court document which found him guilty of ten counts of arson as well as three counts of murder and kidnapping. He is more than just dangerous, River.”

“Do you understand why I wanted to keep him away from you? I thought the less you knew, the safer you would be. I was wrong,” I confessed. “Nothing is gong to stop him from coming after the people I care about the most.”

The fact of the matter was, I was falling in love with Harper. Just as Van had been taken from him, I knew he would seek revenge for Van’s death by taking Harper away from me. I had to find him before he got close to her. I had to make her understand how important it was for her to be protected.

“Harper, I know how dangerous he is and what he is capable of. I need you to do as I say. Allow me to protect you,” I pleaded. “Let Brian watch over you when I can’t.”

Harper shoved the document back inside her briefcase before looking at me and acknowledging what I just asked of her. “Okay. But I don’t want you to hide anything from me again.”

I placed my hand on her knee and smiled. “I promise. I won’t hide anything from you again.”

“Good,” she replied, placing her hand over mine. “I guess you won’t mind telling me the truth about Drake, then.”

I didn’t know what I thought, but in the back of my mind, I knew he would come up again. I knew what I promised her, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to let her inside my dark past. Keeping my eye on the road ahead, I gripped the steering wheel. “Before I tell you anything, I’m going to need a drink. I’m pretty sure you will too.”

“That bad?”

“After I tell you, you might never want to see me again.”


With a heavy heart, I pulled my sleek black Audi alongside Harper’s silver one. Dread filled me as I thought about the conversation that was inevitable once we reached my apartment. I knew that once I revealed the truth about Drake, it could mean losing Harper for good. But I couldn’t keep what I knew from her any longer. I only hoped that after she heard the truth, she would leave Black, Worth, and Shell and work solely with me as my attorney.

The tension in the elevator was palpable, evident in the way Harper fidgeted with her necklace. Her nervousness mirrored my own. A part of me desperately wanted her to forget about Drake and trust me, but deep down, I knew that was wishful thinking. Harper was too strong-willed and independent to just blindly trust someone like that.

Stepping into my luxurious apartment, I made a beeline for the kitchen and pulled out my best whiskey without bothering to ask Harper if she wanted any. Pouring us each two shots, I tried to steady my nerves and figure out how to tell her the truth about Drake.

I could see the concern etched on her face as she watched me approach with the glasses. The air between us felt thick and suffocating, like this conversation could be the end of everything.

She downed her shot quickly, coughing from the harsh burn of the liquor. I took a moment to compose myself before following suit. As she handed me her glass, she looked at me with a determined expression. “All right,” she said firmly, “I’m ready for whatever you have to say.”

I placed the empty glasses on the mantel below the large screen TV before taking hold of her hand and leading her to the couch. I needed to make sure she was sitting down for what I was about to tell her. Her eyes locked onto mine, intense and unwavering, as she waited for an explanation. There was no more avoiding it, so I braced myself and began.

“Drake Pierson isn’t his real name,” I began. “His real name is Julian Turner.”

She remained surprisingly calm. “Lots of people change their names,” she offered.

“Yes, but that’s not the issue here,” I continued. “It’s who his father is.”

I stood up from the couch and ran my fingers through my hair as I searched for the right words to explain. Turning back to her, I continued. “His father is Jed Turner. He used to be a business associate of mine.”

“Go on,” she urged.

“He tried to blackmail me into giving him 200 million dollars and sharing my brand with him by including Turner International on the trademark.”

“Wait! Turner International? I just won a case against Turner Investments. Do you think it could be the same company?” she interrupted.

I hated to consider the possibility, but it couldn’t be ignored. “I’m not sure, but we can easily find out.”

“Do you think that was why Drake changed his name?” she paused. “Do you think it was because of his father’s business practices?” Her expression changed with worry. “Maybe he came after me because he found out I won the case against Turner Investments.”

“There is something else that I haven’t told you about, Drake.” I hesitated for a moment before delivering the final bombshell.

“What is it?”

“You aren’t the only woman he’s forced himself on. There were other sexual assault changes brought up against him. The charges were either dropped or dismissed.”

Before she could say another word, I took a seat beside her. I laid yet another bombshell on her. “I want you to resign from Black, Worth, and Shell.”
