Page 36 of Touch In The Dark

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Like that was going to make me feel any better.

For the rest of the drive, I kept my thoughts to myself. Until I saw this so-called shelter for myself, there was no reason to worry. What I assumed was River’s home came into view and my eyes fell upon a beautiful log home that was basically in the middle of nowhere. Somehow, I pictured his home to be anything else but what I saw.

As he helped me out of the sleek black SUV, my eyes were drawn to the impressive two-story home in front of us. Each log that made up its exterior was perfectly cut and bound together, creating a sense of sturdiness and security. River took hold of my hand and led me up the wide set of wooden steps that led to the front door. Before he reached out to open it, a woman who stood no taller than five feet appeared on the other side. Her salt-and-pepper hair was styled in loose curls, and her warm smile immediately put me at ease. Her smile reminded me of the sweet little lady back home who always brought over fresh baked peanut butter cookies.

“Gretta, I would like you to meet Harper,” River introduced us, pulling me away from my thoughts.

“It’s nice to meet you, Harper,” she greeted me with genuine warmth in her voice.

As we stepped inside River’s home, the smell of something delicious filled the air. My stomach couldn’t help but growl in protest—it had been hours since I last ate anything.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, feeling embarrassed by my stomach’s loud announcement.

“There’s no need to apologize,” Gretta replied kindly. “I figured you two might be hungry once you got here.” She glanced over her shoulder as she heard the other men coming up the steps. “Luckily, I’ve cooked enough food to feed an army.”

Despite feeling tense and uneasy on the drive here, Gretta’s warm hospitality instantly put everyone at ease. We all broke into a round of laughter.

“Thank you, Gretta, but unfortunately we can’t stay,” Davian announced.

“If it’s all right with you, I would like to stay behind,” Axe chimed in, turning to face Davian.

It had only recently been revealed that Axe was actually River’s half-brother. It made perfect sense for him to stay behind.


I was amazed at the meal Gretta had prepared for us. Aromatic, steamy dishes of fragrant spices and savory meats adorned the table, tempting my taste buds with their rich flavors. The guys chattered away about various topics, from sports to the latest news on a notorious crime syndicate, while I savored every bite of my delicious meal. Most of the names mentioned were familiar to me, but one caught my attention—Magdalena Harris. Having the same last name as River’s brother Niles, was she a sister, aunt, cousin, or niece? Before I could inquire further, Axe abruptly changed the subject. River’s intense gaze toward him hinted at a much deeper meaning behind this name.

I couldn’t shake off my curiosity about Magdalena Harris, but for now, I let it go and focused on enjoying the rest of my meal. Once River and I were alone, I would pester him for more information about who this woman was.

As we sipped our drinks in the cozy living room after dinner, talk turned to the issue of seeking refuge in the shelter. The thought of spending my days cooped up there was as appealing as getting a root canal.

It seemed that Axe could sense my hesitation and was quick to reassure me. “I think until Niles figures out where you are, there is no reason to take refuge in the shelter. I and the rest of The Society are well-equipped to watch his every move.”

While his words brought some comfort to me, they did little to ease River’s worries. “I appreciate your efforts, Axe,” he said earnestly. “But I’d rather not take any chances.”

The feeling in my stomach was like being promised a fortune, only for it to be snatched away. My uneasiness only grew stronger at River’s words, and I knew that this was far from over. It was time I stood my ground.

“I think what Axe said makes sense, River,” I spoke up, looking straight at River. “There is no reason to spend days on end in the shelter until we know for sure that Niles has come to Atlanta.”

At first, I thought River would shoot my opinion down, but then he surprised me. “Okay, I will go along with putting off the shelter,” he began. “But as soon as you find out that Niles is in Atlanta, we are staying there.”

After a lengthy discussion of what needed to happen once Niles set foot in Atlanta, we all went our separate ways. It was getting late and I could feel the events from the day taking hold. River and I retreated to his bedroom, which was on the second floor, while Axe and Brain remained on the main floor where there were an additional two bedrooms.

As River opened the door to his bedroom, I couldn’t help but notice the luxurious bed that dominated the space. The thick, gray comforter beckoned to me, promising a night of rest and relaxation. I kicked off my heels and sank my feet into the plush rug before slowly making my way to the edge of the bed.

I gazed up at River as he approached, taking in his tousled hair from the long trip. I knew he had been frustrated with me, but all thoughts of that melted away as he stood before me. He placed his hands on my thighs and leaned in closer, his lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss. In that moment, all weariness fled from my body, replaced by a palpable excitement.

His hands roamed up my body, igniting sparks of desire wherever they touched. With a gentle push, he guided me back onto the bed. Wrapping one hand around his neck, I used the other to scoot myself further onto the soft mattress. The anticipation between us was electric as River parted my legs with his own and lifted his head.

The scent of his cologne filled my senses as he pressed his lips to mine once again, sending shivers down my spine and setting every nerve ending ablaze with pleasure. This was where I wanted to be, wrapped up in this moment with him, lost in our passion for each other.



The world around us disappeared in a blur of colors and sensations, leaving only the two of us in a bubble of desire. I couldn’t resist the urge any longer and took her face in my hands, marveling at every curve and angle. My body ached to possess her completely, and I pushed aside all thoughts of Niles and my mother as I focused solely on Harper.

As our lips met, I was engulfed in a taste unlike anything I had ever experienced before. She was sweet like ripe strawberries or juicy raspberries, and her scent enveloped me like a warm embrace. Slowly, my fingers traced down her neck and over her bare shoulders, relishing the softness of her skin. They danced along her collarbone, down to the curves of her breasts that begged for my touch. With each gasp that escaped her lips into mine, I knew she wanted this just as much as I did.
