Page 35 of Bishop

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I sway on my feet slightly, and Oberon reaches out to grip my arm. Rook keeps a steady gaze on the two of us, arms crossed as he waits for questions.

“How…how long?” I ask.

“I’ve known for maybe three weeks.”

I can’t help it; I lunge toward him, Oberon catching me just before I can make a huge mistake. That’s when I see the mounted gun in the corner, swiveling straight toward me.

“I don’t want you shot, newbie,” Rook says, cool as a fucking cucumber. “But you’ll be dead before you can touch me, and this operation will be over.”

I try to calm myself down, clenching my fists at my sides. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, because based on your reaction just now, you may have blown the whole damn thing wide open,” Rook says. “Because you’re emotionally invested—the two of you—and you’re both young alphas ready to fuck everything up if you get her back.”

“But isn’t that the point?”

“It is,” Rook says. “But it turns out she has aims of her own; she’s been on the island trying to gather support, get her friends out. Oh yeah—her friends are there.”

“Well, let’s go get her then,” I say.

“Easy, boys.“ Rook shakes his head. “Luka has it well in hand.”

I’ve tried so hard to temper my jealousy when it comes to Ais…but right now, all I can think about is Luka telling me she would be safer packed up with all of us. He’s wanted her this whole time, and now…

…I’m going to have to let this go.

Because he’s embedded in this cult, according to Rook, and now he’s the only one who can get her out without unnecessary risk.

“What can we do to help, then?” Oberon finally says, his voice measured.

Rook blows out a breath. “Well—first off, you can stop antagonizing your brother,” he mutters. “If we’re going to pull off a rescue mission for five women—and shut down their operation for good—we’re going to need both of you onboard.”

“If you think Vance would even bother, you’re out of your mind,” I tell him. “He doesn’t give a damn about Aisling, about Luka, about eros. It seems like he doesn’t care about anything at all.”

“Yeah, that’s because he’s in love with your girl.”

I snarl and Rook raises his hands, giving me a hapless look. “I can’t control you people,” he shrugs. “Don’t blame the messenger.”

Rook’s words hang in the air, heavy with implications and truths that I’ve been trying to ignore for too long. Vance, my own brother, in love with Aisling. Luka, probably in love with Aisling.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but right now, there are bigger things at stake.

I take a deep breath, trying to reel in my emotions. “Fine. We’ll leave Vance alone for now if that’s what it takes.”

“For now?” Rook huffs out a laugh. “Newbie…I think you’re asking for a world of hurt taking on your brother, but I’m not gonna stop you.”

“You don’t think I even stand a chance?” I mutter.

“When you’ve watched Vance Solace beat as many men to death as I have, it’s hard to think anyone could take him on.”

I think back to all the opportunities he’s had to take me out…to the way he let me lay into him the other night at his house.

Yeah—he’s devastated.

He’s in love with her, and I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do.

Chapter fifteen

