Page 47 of Keep Me Daddy

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‘Benji’s last message to me,’ Lars said. ‘It seemed weird. Like, not really written in his normal voice. At first, I thought he was maybe tired. Or using a voice app to convert it to text. But then I sent another message and asked a question that only Benji would know the answer to…’

‘Go on…’

‘And Benji, or rather not Benji, got it wrong!’ Lars replied. ‘Benji isn’t the one who’s been messaging me. I think someone, and I’m guessing that horrible manager of his, has been controlling Benji’s phone!’

Harrison could feel the anger building up inside him.

That motherfucker Tucker.

I knew he was bad news.

This can’t stand. Not on my watch…

‘If Tucker is controlling Benji’s phone, then who knows what kind of hold he has over him,’ Lars said, speaking so fast that he was almost tripping over his words. ‘We need to do something! Benji needs his Daddy’s help!’

Harrison’s first instinct was to get in his car and drive to the city right there and then. But he knew that he’d had way too much to drink to even contemplate such a thing.

‘I don’t suppose you can drive?’ Harrison said, looking at Lars.

‘Sorry, Harrison, I’m strictly two wheels,’ Lars replied sadly.

Then it hit Harrison. Zane had a private driver who was available 24/7. As long as Zane wasn’t being driven somewhere for a late-night booty call, then that could be the answer.

One quick call later and not only was the driver heading over to Harrison’s house, but Zane was coming too. All three of them would go to the city. There was no telling exactly what Tucker was up to, and it may well have been the case that Harrison, Zane or Lars could hold the key to sorting this mess out.

The one thing that Harrison was certain of was that something had to be done and there wasn’t a single second to waste. Harrison was determined to get his boy back and vanquish Tucker from Benji’s life for good.

‘I just hope we’re there in time,’ Harrison said as he stood outside with Lars as they waited for the car to arrive.

‘You’re his Daddy, you’ll make it right,’ Lars replied. ‘I just know you will.’

Harrison nodded. But beneath his stoic exterior, his heart was racing. They had identified the problem, but solving it was a whole other matter.

Harrison wasn’t able to dwell on things for too much longer as he heard the sound of Zane’s car coming around the corner and parking up in front of his house.

‘New York City, here we come,’ Harrison said, his voice strong and determined. ‘It’s time to write some wrongs and get my boy back where he belongs – in my arms.’

Chapter 21


Benji had not enjoyed what little sleep he had managed to get. The fact that his alarm had gone off at five AM did little to cheer him up. Apparently, Tucker had arranged an extra-long day of filming, and it was going to be the beginning of at least one whole week of early morning starts.

I don’t know how much longer I can do this.

Maybe I should just run away?

From Tucker… from the city… from everything.

Benji finished off brushing his teeth and gave his face a splash of water to try and wake himself up a little bit better. The apartment was cold and even in his clothes from the night before, Benji still felt the chill running over his body.

‘Maybe a shower will at least warm me up,’ Benji said, looking over to Zozo who was sitting patiently on the bathroom chair. ‘That’s if the hot water is still working!’

Fortunately, the shower still worked and the water was nice and hot. It was good that at least one thing was working out in Benji’s favor, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that his life was absolutely not okay as it was currently proceeding.

Benji wanted to be having fun.

Whether that fun was hanging out in The Cuddle Corner, coloring and playing with Lars, or having wholesome times with Harrison… all Benji knew was that these things were sadly absent from his life currently, and he didn’t really see how that was going to change as things stood.
