Page 48 of Keep Me Daddy

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After cleaning his body with soap, Benji hopped out of the shower and very briskly dried himself off using his large, fluffy towel. So as to avoid getting all cold again, Benji quickly hustled to his wardrobe and put on a thermal t-shirt and his thermal briefs too. The t-shirt and briefs were a bright red set and Benji knew just how cute he looked…

‘I wish Daddy was here to see me,’ Benji sighed. ‘Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be…’

Benji felt glum.

Despite the fact that his time as Harrison’s special Little had been relatively brief, to Benji it was already feeling like a long-lost golden era. Benji had been able to do everything he loved to do…


Coloring and playing.

Even indulging in his special kinks!

But the prospect of that happening again felt like it was getting lesser by the second. Each new video or silly promotional trick that Tucker was forcing him to do made Benji feel less connected with the passions in his life.

Benji wanted to tell Tucker that he wouldn’t do any more for him. But that just wasn’t how things worked in life. Benji knew that Tucker had complete control of his money and without a supply of money being fed to him, Benji knew he would be out on the street.

‘Come on, Zozo… let’s try and have a good day,’ Benji muttered, really and truly not believing a word he was saying. ‘Who knows, Tucker might decide to be a bit nicer to me if I work as hard as I can?’

Benji got changed into his t-shirt and neon green dungarees. It was time to hit the street outside his apartment and make the twenty-minute walk over toward the studio.

‘Brrrrrrrr! It’s cold!’ Benji said, shivering as he stepped out onto the sidewalk. ‘And it’s barely dawn either. I don’t feel safe. Please protect me, Zozo!’

Benji was genuinely concerned about walking alone at this time of the day. The streets seemed pretty much deserted, but that also meant that bad guys could be lurking behind every corner.

Benji also knew that as much as his stuffie was always there for him, if push came to shove then Zozo wasn’t exactly in a position to fight anyone away.

‘Okay, here goes,’ Benji said, taking a big breath and beginning to set off westward toward the studio.

But before Benji could get very far, he heard the sound of a loud car engine heading in his direction. With its blacked-out windows and bright, halogen lights the car was menacing and made Benji cower behind a trash can.

I don’t like that car.

And I like it even less that it’s headed right for me…

Benji closed his eyes and hoped and prayed that the angry, super-charged car would drive right past him and continue on its journey.

But Benji didn’t need to worry.

The car was heading right for him, and that was a good thing…

‘Boy! Come out from behind that trash can,’ Harrison shouted, jumping out of the car as it screeched to a halt. ‘That’s a direct command from your Daddy, so unless you fancy a paddling right here in the cold morning air, I’d do what I say!’

‘Daddy?’ Benji said, coming out from behind the dirty trash can. ‘I… I… what’s going on? Why are you here?’

Before Harrison could answer, Benji watched as Lars and Zane got out of the car too. Benji didn’t know precisely what was going on, but he knew one thing for absolutely certain – he was super-happy to see his friends.

‘Benji!’ Lars cried out, running over to Benji and giving him a big hug.

‘Hey, save some for me,’ Harrison said, his hulking body looking an appetizing target for Benji to snuggle into in the cold weather. ‘Even better, get in the car with us and we can talk over what the hell has been going on.’

‘Daddy, it’s been awful,’ Benji said, close to tears. ‘Tucker has been so mean and so stinky to me that I almost can’t believe it’s even real.’

Benji saw Harrison’s facial expression harden.

Daddy’s angry.

I think he might just put Tucker in his place…
