Page 54 of Keep Me Daddy

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Benji wasn’t sure what Harrison was going to do next. Hoffman was an easy target now, totally helpless and with a despondent, pouty look on his face.

‘I’d offer you a hand up, but you might try and punch me again,’ Harrison said, shaking his head. ‘But thank you, Hoffman. You’ve given me a great idea for how to finish my novel. You’re quite the inspiration.’

With that, a triumphant Harrison took Benji’s hand and they walked out of the conference room.

With Tucker and Hoffman both out of the picture, there were no longer any barriers for Harrison and Benji. The path was clear for them both to achieve their dreams and live happily together as Daddy and Little.

It had been a day of good news and celebration so far.

But the day was far from over…

Chapter 24


Everyone was having a great time at Zane’s penthouse. With its high ceilings, glass walls and open-plan rooms, it was a great place to enjoy some beers, high-spirits, and celebrate what had been a spectacular success of a day.

It was nice to see some familiar faces that Harrison hadn’t seen in a while. Catching up with old friends and being in the city was great, in fact.

Now that his situation at college was sorted out, and his book too, Harrison decided that he wouldn’t be a stranger to the city for so long again.

That said, not everything at the party was totally to Harrison’s liking…

‘Here’s to Harrison!’ Zane said, standing on the glass staircase that led up to his master suite. ‘Three cheers to Mr. Bestseller!’

The gathering of Daddies and Littles all raised their glasses and toasted to Harrison. Harrison felt himself blushing. It had been a long time since he’d had this kind of focus on him, especially as far as his writing was concerned.

Harrison would have to get used to it. But in the meantime, his torment wasn’t quite over yet either…

‘Speech!’ Michael called out, laughing at Harrison’s obvious discomfort. ‘Speech! Or the beers are on you all night!’

Grrrr. Michael knows I hate public speaking.

But I’m not paying for the beers all night, so…

Here goes.

‘Fine. Fine,’ Harrison said, trying to hide his annoyance but failing. ‘Michael Dornan everyone. He might be a millionaire but I wish he’d invest some money in being slightly less of an SOB!’

The room burst out into laughter and Michael acknowledged the joke with a big smile. Harrison may not have especially enjoyed all the attention being on him, but he would have to get used to it all over again ready for when his new novel was published.

But first of course Harrison would need to actually finish it. Sure, what he had written had been strong enough to cause a highly competitive auction between publishers, but that would count for little if the ending didn’t do it justice.

Harrison however felt confident about his work for the first time in a long time, and that was down to his boy, Benji. It was time to tell the world exactly that too…

‘Sometimes a boy changes everything,’ Harrison said, speaking to the crowd but focusing his gaze directly on Benji. ‘And I can consider myself incredibly fortunate to have met my special boy. Benji, thank you for changing my life. None of this would have happened without you.’

Everyone cheered, and it genuinely felt like the kind of moment that Harrison would remember for the rest of his life.

‘Okay, now everyone quit staring at me and get back to having fun!’ Harrison bellowed, happy to see everyone listen to his command and resume the party. ‘Benji, a word please.’

‘Yes, Daddy?’ Benji said, his angelic face perfectly lit underneath the exquisite lighting of Zane’s penthouse. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘It is, but I have a question,’ Harrison said, his voice serious. ‘I’ll just spit it out. Would you consider moving upstate and living with me… for good.’

Harrison waited for a response. For once, Benji’s face was hard to read and Harrison couldn’t help but think it was all too overwhelming a moment for his boy.

Holy hell. Why isn’t he answering.
