Page 40 of Imperfect Cadence

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“Fuck Gray, you’re going to make me cry again. I can’t marry you with mascara smudged all over the place. I’m not some hussy,” he declared with a touch of haughtiness.

“You look perfect,” I declared with a kiss to his wet cheek. “You always look flawless.”

“Ugh, don’t say things like that unless you want me to jump your bones in this filthy alley,” Colt quipped, reaching down to adjust himself to drive his point home.

“Hey now, I wouldn’t object. Alleys are kind of our thing after all,” I winked.

“I’m dead serious, Gray. I want you. All of you. I want to give myself to you. Now, let’s go so you can make an honest man out of me. Then, I want you to take me back to our room so we can be together in every way that matters.”

“Colt,” I exhaled. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like you have to be ready for that step just because we’re tying the knot. I’ll gladly wait as long as you need to.” And it wasn’t just a platitude. There were days when the desire to be inside Colt surpassed even the need for my next breath. But, if Colt never felt prepared for that leap, my love for him wouldn’t waver. I needed him to understand that.

“I’m sure. I’ve been sure for a while. It sounds stupid now, but I think I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop, thinking that if I still had something you desired, you’d keep me around longer,” Colt admitted, dropping his gaze to avoid my reaction. Clearly ashamed of voicing those fears. “I-I don’t want you to think that I believe you would do something like that. I know you wouldn’t, but...”

“But it’s hard for you to change your thought patterns overnight. I know, Colt. I get it. And if having a legal document in your hands saying I’m yours helps shift those thoughts, then that’s just a bonus,” I reassured him, lifting his chin with my finger and locking my eyes with his that exposed his beautiful vulnerability, envisioning my future and everything in it.

Colt visibly swallowed and nodded. “Alright then. Let’s go make me a Scott.”


I hadn’t lied when I said I’d planned for this moment. Colt may have been under the impression I’d done this on a whim, but the plan to propose to Colt today had been in motion for weeks. It was the main reason behind suggesting Las Vegas as the destination for our road trip before officially diving into adulthood. Turns out, the movies aren’t entirely full of shit: you can indeed tie the knot in Vegas at a moment’s notice. And there are chapels far classier than those with Elvis impersonators. No disrespect to The King, but my man deserved better than that.

As usual, I had confided in Remy with my plans, trusting his judgment to steer me in the right direction. What I hadn’t anticipated was him telling me to think bigger.

“I know I had my doubts initially, but Colt is the best thing to ever happen to you. If you two were anyone else, I’d call you both crazy for wanting to get married fresh out of high school. But, there’s something about you two. You’re perfect together. And if you want that boy to agree to be yours, he needs to be treated like the king he is. I’ll see to it that happens, even if it’s the last thing I do.”

Remy wasn’t kidding. As it so happened, my best friend could kickstart his own elopement business. I was floored by the amount of time and effort he’d poured into ensuring every detail would be flawless. The sneaky rich bastard even jetted out to Vegas to orchestrate his grand plan to perfection in person. He’d gone as far as arranging custom suits—something he kept under wraps until the last minute—to be delivered to the chapel. I’d been very apprehensive when I learned that detail, picturing gaudy camouflage or something equally as hideous but likely to reside in Remy’s wardrobe. He’d told me to chill, apparently Colt had a fashion Pinterest board that Remy had taken for inspiration.

I’d sent Remy a quick text en route to the county clerk’s office to fill out the paperwork for our marriage certificate. With my green light, he’d used the spare key I’d entrusted him with to whisk our belongings away to our new swanky honeymoon suite, a generous gift from the guys, who had me in full-blown tears when they revealed it. Their unwavering support in a world where many would have doubted my sanity, meant everything to me.

Now, standing at the chapel altar in a full blown tux, Remy subtly nudged my shoulder, urging me to stop fidgeting and cast my gaze behind me. As I slowly turned, my breath hitched.

There, striding toward me, was the epitome of breathtaking. Fuck, Colt made cover models look average. I should’ve known Remy would opt for something out of the ordinary for Colt to wear, and he absolutely nailed it. Never had an outfit screamed Colt more than the sensual red silk ensemble he wore, accentuating every contour of his body. The sleeveless blouse showcased his slender yet defined arms, plunging at the neckline to draw attention to the delicate column of his throat and collarbones. Clearly, he’d touched up his makeup, his eyes outlined with precision, and a seductive red adorning his lips. His tousled waves had been tamed but retained their inherent allure. And to top it off, a killer pair of black heels that bore a striking resemblance to the Louboutins Colt had saved as his phone lockscreen—his ultimate purchase goal upon securing his first record deal.

Fucking Remy.

As Colt approached the altar, our gazes locked, speaking volumes without a single word being uttered. Hope, excitement, love—all swirling between us in an unspoken dance. The ceremony unfolded in a blur, our attention entirely fixed on each other, almost oblivious to the minister’s words. This moment belonged solely to us, after all.

Our vows, however, were etched into the depths of my soul, sacred and cherished to be remembered for the rest of my life. Not that I’m going to share them, because as I’ve said, some moments are just for the two of us.

But that kiss? It eclipsed everything. The pinnacle of my existence, without a doubt. Being declared husband and husband, followed by the sweet, electrifying sensation of claiming Colt’s lips, sealing our union, sealing our destiny as soulmates. In that moment, I held firm in my conviction that whatever trials lay ahead, we would face them together.

Mr and Mr Scott. A title that filled my heart with an indescribable sense of completeness.

17. “Science & Faith”


Today hadn’t unfolded even remotely close to my expectations. This morning, I anticipated spending our final full day of the trip exploring Las Vegas with Gray, immersing ourselves in the city’s vibrant offerings.

Instead, here I was ten hours later, strolling hand in hand with my husband towards our opulent honeymoon suite in a lavish hotel, with the business card of a huge record label’s producer tucked into my pocket, no less.

And tonight? Tonight I was going to make love to Gray for the first time...

I may have been shitting myself.

In theory, it shouldn’t even be such a big deal. By many people’s definition, we’d already been fucking like rabbits for months. Hand jobs, blow jobs, frotting, mutual masturbation, dry humping. We had shared intimacy in a myriad of ways, and our love ran deep.

Yet, allowing someone to enter my body felt different. Such trust, such vulnerability didn’t come naturally to me. Retaining my virginity had become a form of control, a shield against potential pain—both physical and emotional. The thought of becoming attached to someone, only to inevitably lose them, haunted me. Embarrassing as it was to admit, for all the shit I gave Gray, I too was a romantic at heart. I yearned for my first time to be with someone special, someone who reciprocated my love.
