Page 91 of Imperfect Cadence

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“Yeah, oh,” Colt echoed. “If we’re going to make this work, we need to be a team. You don’t “let” me do anything because that would imply you’re in control of my decisions.”

I absorbed his words, beyond proud of the man Colt had become. The younger version of him would have eaten me alive for that remark, just to prove he could. But now, I could see a different strength in his eyes. He was setting boundaries in a healthy way, standing firm, but also not starting an argument just for the sake of it. I had a feeling that, this time around, it would be me learning from him.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s just that I hate the idea of you having to sacrifice anything for me.”

Colt nodded in understanding. “You said it yourself, this isn’t going to be easy. We are both going to need to make compromises if we want to be together, and it just so happens, this one wouldn’t be a huge sacrifice for me. Once this tour is done, I want to move back here and live a quiet life with you and Violet. Maybe build a music studio where I can still write,” he mused, his eyes lighting up with the possibilities.

His inclusion of Violet in his vision of the future warmed my heart, but I couldn’t shake the nagging doubt that maybe he was only okay with it because she would be off to college in a few years. I knew I needed to come clean about my own dreams for the future, even if they would be a dealbreaker. We’d never broached the topic of children before, having been babies ourselves, but after raising Violet, I knew that my life wouldn’t feel complete without them.

“That sounds better than anything I could have dared hope for. But there’s something I should tell you that might make you reconsider those plans,” I confessed. “Before the accident, I was in the process of being cleared to be an emergency care foster parent. My idea was to ease myself into fostering slowly, so that when Violet eventually moved out, I could transition into full-time fostering. I realized that I have a lot of love to give, and I also really love being a parent. So I need you to know now that having more kids is non-negotiable for me.”

Colt reached up to swipe at his eyes again, his makeup well and truly ruined. “Did you decide to foster because of me? Because if you want to have biological kids, I’m totally okay with that as well. Just so you know.”

I nodded. “Yes and no. When I first took in Violet, it was a huge adjustment. I had to get my shit together and fast, or otherwise she was going to end up in foster care. And I knew from what you’d told me that I couldn’t take that risk with her. And because of you, I know how broken the system can be and how desperately it needs parents who are in it for the right reasons.

“But it became so much more than that. I don’t feel the need to have my own biological kids, especially when there are so many kids out there that need a loving home. Violet is my world and she isn’t my kid, but she’s my kid, ya know? And even though she’s my blood, blood doesn’t make a family. My parents proved that. Your parents proved that. Love makes a family, and I want to give that love to kids who have potentially never had it,” I finished.

Colt gently cradled my hand between his own. “I’m with you, Gray. I might not have any clue what I have to offer a kid, considering I’m still kind of screwed up, but I want to try. With you.”


We spent the next few hours reconnecting, both physically and emotionally. Between frantic kisses and sloppy blowjobs, we reminisced, revisiting our favorite memories together and shared stories of the experiences we’d had apart. Because it was important to acknowledge that we’d built whole lives outside of each other, and while sharing those moments might have made us happier, it would be a lie to pretend that every moment we’d spent apart had been terrible. Raising Violet had been the single greatest achievement of my life, and hearing Colt’s stories about traveling the world and reaching so many people with his music, made me smile for the boy I’d known who never thought he’d amount to anything.

I bragged about Violet like the proud dad I was, because her accomplishments were mine as well. Colt, in turn, shared stories of his best friend Willy, describing their unbreakable bond forged through sarcasm and hard truths. I couldn’t wait to meet him.

We delved into logistics, mapping out our plans for the immediate future. Colt needed to head to Dallas for his next show tomorrow, but we agreed that I would join him in a few weeks once Violet began her summer vacation. It made sense for us to travel together during the next three months; distance was the last thing we needed. After all, I could do my rehab from a hotel room just as easily as my living room, and this journey would provide Violet with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world. Something I never would have been able to give her on my own.

We discussed the implications of Violet joining us on tour, recognizing that her presence might draw even more attention. I loved Colt even more for asking whether I was comfortable with it, knowing the importance of safeguarding our family’s privacy. Of course, I would need to double check with Violet how she felt about the likelihood of being photographed for the world to see, but I didn’t foresee her objecting. After all, now that we were back together, it was inevitable that our relationship would become public knowledge at some point. We’d need to take precautions to ensure her safety and preserve as much privacy as possible, but it felt doable.


When the doorbell rang, Colt raced to answer it, his hunger evidently outweighing any patience he had left. Apparently, after a day of fucking, he was ravenous, and the takeout we’d ordered seemed to be taking an eternity by his standards. Colt appeared to have forgotten that pizza required actual cooking time; you couldn’t just snap your fingers and have it magically appear. Although, I wouldn’t put it past celebrities to have that power.

Only, it wasn’t the pizza delivery person at the door. Instead, Remy and Violet stood on the stoop, with Remy looking like he anticipated a lecture. Violet, on the other hand, couldn’t contain her excitement when she realized Colt had opened the door.

“Oh my god, you’re still here! Please, please tell me you guys worked out your issues?” she pleaded, clasping her fists together in a dramatic plea.

Colt glanced back to where I was propped up on the sofa, seeking guidance on how to handle the situation. I could tell he was torn between wanting to keep the more complicated aspects of our relationship private, and not wanting to disappoint Vi.

“Our relationship isn’t any of your business Violet. And it certainly wasn’t okay for you to manipulate Colt into coming here. Neither is clearly bullying Remy into going along with your plan,” I stated firmly, shooting Remy a pointed glare to let him know he wasn’t off the hook either. A savvy businessman like him didn’t get bamboozled by a teenage girl unless he was also cool with the plan.

Remy merely shrugged, unapologetic. “It was way past time for you two to sit down and talk. Violet made it happen. You should thank her, since it seems to have worked out,” he said smugly.

I couldn’t help but smile at Colt, who returned it with equal warmth. He walked back to the couch and took my hand in his. “Yes, we did,” I admitted, not breaking eye contact with my husband.

Violet squealed, and Colt and I shared a look of love and contentment as both Remy and Vi enveloped us in a bear hug. Everything fell into place.

This was our family.

This was our future.

Everything we had ever wished for.

38. “You’re Still The One”


I didn’t need the roars of my fans to know that I was absolutely killing it tonight; I could feel the energy pulsating through the crowd. Stepping onto the stage, waves of euphoria crashed over me, intensifying with each familiar lyric that flowed through my veins.
