Page 185 of Survival is Hard

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“He saw you getting out the truck,” Micah says with a smirk as he blatantly lies to the fox.

“Speaking of trucks,” Fin says with a raised eyebrow when Voss appears in the doorway. “Where the fuck did you get the keys for mine from?”

“Your pocket,” Voss says, and Fin groans. “I was going to go shower first, but there seems to be a lot of tension in here.”

“We’re fine,” I say before shaking my head. “Do you know what? We’re not fine. We’re a terrible unit, and my heat is coming within the month, and I’m going to have a bunch of people there who hate each other and will snarl and complain and ruin it.”

I burst into sobs, pushing the reassuring arms away from the mates who are trying to console me. “And then I’m going to have to have sex for the first time, and have my first orgasm, and I’m not even going to remember it. And then we’re going to have a baby, and I’m going to have to kill it, and my wolf is going to hate me and leave again.”

“Shit,” Atticus says, echoed by Malachi.

“Enough!” Cevon roars, hopping to his feet. My eyes meet his, and I’m surprised to see an unwavering resolve within them. He’s proving his mettle here, and it’s taking me by complete surprise.

He comes to my side and sits in front of me on the coffee table, ignoring the dirty looks from Micah at the fact that he’s messing up our jigsaw.

Cev takes my hands in his and tugs gently so I look at him once more.

“Stop crying. It’s annoying me, and it upsets my lion,” he commands sternly. “You’re worried about having us all there for your heat?”

I shrug, but nod slowly. “I’m not going to be in the right state of mind to mediate any fights and none of you are able to be in the same room.”

“We’re not going to fight during your heat, little queen,” Atticus says, coming to sit down next to his brother. My breath hitches, my heart stopping, but neither acknowledge the other. “I promise you—we’ll be there for you and won’t upset the other.”

Cevon nods, too. “Now, for this baby bullshit. I’m on the team that avoids you taking birth control. I’ve read fourteen journal articles, read through numerous posts on both Reddit and Mumsnet, and it’s become apparent that birth control is one of the most toxic things you can put in your body.”

“Dr Likens didn’t say it was that bad,” I say, glancing at Orson, who shakes his head.

“She didn’t, but she wasn’t a fan of you taking it,” he says. “And some of the other side effects are alarming, too.”

“It’s your choice, though, little warrior,” Mal says, drawing my attention away from the others. He’s hovering behind Micah with a tense expression on his face. I don’t understand it, but it’s still there. “We don’t get to decide that for you.”

“I didn’t realise you were this worried,” Micah says with a frown.

“Let’s all sit down, so we can talk this out,” Griffin says, and, surprisingly, everyone listens to him.

After we all calmed down a lot, we actually managed to talk things out. The guys all apologised for the fighting and reassured me that they’d work on it so that I don’t need to worry. I’m not sure how much I believe that, but considering it’s barely been one day since Cevon’s been here, I’m walling to give it more time.

It’s just frustrating that my heat is coming now, when if it was even just a month away, we’d have so much more time to meld as a group.

Speaking of the heat, we talked about babies. Every person in the room—Cevon excluded, but that’s more because he didn’t share than because I think it’s a hard no—wants children one day, but we all agreed there was no rush.

I’m going to see what my results show, and, hopefully, we can move past this and keep it on the back burner for another six months.




My phone rings, waking me up, and I groan, reaching over to grab it.

“Hello,” I murmur, trying to untangle myself from Cevon and Micah. Micah rolls over, scrunching his legs up, and I manage to scoot out of the bed. It’s only been two consecutive nights where they’ve both claimed a spot in my bed, but they seem to have it down to a T.

“Hello, may I speak with Nora, please?”

“This is her,” I say, glancing around for some pants. Did I not take some off before I went to bed or what?

“Amazing. This is Gemma from Dr Likens office. Is this a good time for you to talk?”
