Page 211 of Survival is Hard

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Mal’s position has always been that he can insult the tiger, he can hit the tiger, and he can be mean to the tiger.

But anyone else? They go through him first.

And they’re not likely to make it out alive.

I used to be on that team with him, and now I’m not. Now we’re both alone, and it’s better that way.

It’s not. It’s really fucking not.

Micah shakes his head, reassuring me that that’s not the case, and tells me how the others all have high body counts and that it counts.

“It really doesn’t,” I say, knowing that they didn’t kill in cold blood. “But I’m not here to debate technicalities. She asked for a list of their names, and I don’t understand why.”

Realisation fills him, and he gives me a strange smile.

“She’s gonna reach out to contact the families,” he says.

“And do what?” I demand, fury filling my tone. “Like, she can’t go and out me, not even a little bit.” I shake my head and run my hands through my hair, my eyes darting to the door.

“Calm down,” Micah soothes. “She won’t do anything that will affect you. She’ll reach out to see if they need support, check on their stability, check if everything’s okay. Check that they got a fucking grave, probably, knowing her. She’ll look to try and do her best to make things right.”

I frown, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“Why would she do that? I don’t understand. That’s not her burden to bear,” I say, looking at Micah properly.

“No,” he replies, “it might not be. But you and her are mates now, and she probably sees this as your burden to bear.”

“Oh, great,” I mutter, hating how nice she is.

“Anything else?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Do you think I should do it?” I ask, my tone dead and flat. Huh, just like all those people I killed.

He shakes his head.

“No. Nora will do it with sincerity in her actions. You’ll be doing it just to try and make her happy. She’ll know the difference, and it will not make her happy at all because she’ll feel guilty for making you act in a way that’s not normal. But, also, because the family who she’s contacting won’t be getting something from the heart.”

“Okay,” I reply, “good talk.”

And, with that, I walk out his room. I hear his laughter, but I shut his door and nobody else in the house does.

I don’t want them thinking that I’ve got a sense of humour or that I’m funny enough to make Micah laugh.

I am, but then that means I’ve got to put the effort in and try to do it with the others, and I just don’t have that in me.

The only person I care about is Nora.

But maybe some of the others have kind of grown on me.



“Enough,” Nora’s shrill voice fills the air as she slams her glass onto the table. “The lot of you”—she gestures between us—“need to get out and not return until you’re all friends. I’ve reached my limit with the fighting, so I don’t want to be around it anymore.”

“What?” I demand, glaring at her. She can’t kick us out.

This is my house.
