Page 213 of Survival is Hard

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“We need a pack,” Nora says. “Not a bunch of fools running around dickless.”

Wait… what? The first made part sense. But the second part? No idea what she’s going for.

“I have a week, roughly, until the heat starts,” Nora continues with her take no-shit attitude. It’s kind of hot, you know, if I’m not worried about my dick remaining attached. And the mole rat isn’t the best appendage, but it’s still mine, and he’s functioning a little better now. It would be a shame to lose him. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t have some pre-heat signs. None of you”—she points to me, then Orson, then Atticus, then Mal, then Fin—“are getting anywhere near me until these issues are worked out.”

A small part of me—a giant part of me—loves that I was the one she pointed at first.

“And you all lose a point,” she adds, grabbing her water before storming over to the fridge to grab the brownies that Orson is making her. Who cares about these fictional points? “Now get out because your animals are annoying me.”

And then she’s gone. Micah shovels the last mouthful of food into his mouth before following after her. Can we say simp?

“What the fuck are we meant to do now?” Malachi whines.

“Get out of her house, it seems,” Voss says with a laugh. “I hope you fuckers have tents.”

“Couldn’t you just fucking talk?” Atticus snarls, glaring at me.

“What have I done?” Fin demands, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I’ve talked with you all, I’ve not argued—”

“You argued yesterday,” Mal corrects. “In fact, you started the argument yesterday.”

“Not on purpose,” Fin mutters, but that’s clearly a lie.

“Maybe if we just go for a walk, she’ll let us come back once she’s asleep,” Mal says, glancing at Atticus.

Voss snorts, and Orson sighs.

“You’re missing the point,” Fin says. “You’re all missing the point.”

“You’re the one who just whined about not being to blame,” Voss points out.

Fin rolls his eyes. “Fair play. But this isn’t something she’s doing to spite us. She’s doing this, her wolf is doing this, because she’s fucking terrified. Do you know how dangerous it is for a shifter in heat to have discombobulated bonds? She needs us there, focused on her, and nothing else. It’s going to be a long week—”

“Um, maybe longer than a week,” Orson says, flinching when there are multiple snarls.

“Exactly her point,” Fin says. “You’re already pissed off at the thought of spending longer than the estimated seven days. How do you think that’s going to feel for her? If she’s in the middle of a duo with Cevon and Micah, and Atticus is over there snarling? Or what about if she needs Atticus and Cevon at the same time?”

I don’t know whose snarl is louder there.

“We need to figure our shit out or we need to get out,” Orson says quietly.

“Let’s not do this here,” Fin says, glancing at the living room where Nora and Micah are together. “She’s struggling and up a height, and having us leave so she can calm down will help.”

“How do you know that?” Atticus asks. “I can’t sense that from her.”

“I just know how her mind works,” he says. “Nora, the human, is not going to be on board with the decisions of Nora, the wolf. She’s more understanding of the issues we’re having, and a lot more lenient with the fighting. Of course, it upsets her, but not to this extreme.”

“So, why is her wolf kicking off?” Mal asks.

“And why is Nora not stopping her?” I add in.

“Her wolf isn’t kicking off,” Orson says, shaking his head. “Her wolf is laying down the law because somebody needs to protect them. That should be our job, but she can’t rely on us right now.”

I frown. “That’s not true. She can depend on me.”

“Can she?” Fin asks, raising an eyebrow. “Can she really?”

“Yes. I will do anything she needs,” I say.
