Page 227 of Survival is Hard

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“Both,” Orson says, shrugging. “I’ll grab the thermometer and make sure we’ve got it in hand, but I think we’d know if her fever was too high. As long as she’s coherent enough, and getting enough fluids into her—no, cum doesn’t count despite the fact that she’ll want it to be her only form of sustenance—then she’ll be fine.”

“So, this was all normal?”

Orson nods. “I’ve got some information, I’ll share.” Then he smirks. “Actually, I think we could do with a group session.”

“No,” I say, adamantly shaking my head. “Group sex education is something I’m drawing the line at. I’m not doing that. Not even a little bit.”

Orson smirks at me. “We’ll see. Nora might find the idea a good one. Especially if I tell her how fun it’ll be for group bonding.”

“Fuck off,” I hiss, and he smirks. “But is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” he says, dropping the humour. “During these mini-heats, she’ll be fine as long as she cums.”

I nod. “I felt so shitty at first.”

“Understandable, especially since she’s acting a little not like herself,” Orson says, gazing at her fondly. “But you’re no match for the pheromones of a wolf in heat.”

“That’s exactly how it felt,” I say with a small laugh. “Whenever she wasn’t touching me, or I had a second to breathe, I knew it wasn’t right, but then she touched me, and I just lost that.”

“I’ll grab the thermometer, but your tiger would let you know if she was in a dangerous position,” he says, and I nod. “And I’ll let you know what we do about that during our sex ed class.”

Fucking cunt.

But I’m the one who gets to cuddle with our girl, so I’m sure it’s worth it.



None of these fucking fools know how to keep their mind sharp when our mate needs it. We’re sitting here, doing the fun sex education that Orson decided we needed, so that we can make sure Nora’s safe during her heat. We’ve barely even started and Micah’s become a pathetic tomato. Honestly, I might squish him to show him how worthless he is. But the others are just as annoying, constantly making fun of him, laughing as if he’s funny.

Nora’s up in her bedroom with Ari, the pregnant, endangered elephant shifter, having a girl’s night. I’m not sure what they’re doing up there, but the time seems to include a lot of junk food.

Thankfully, Nora and her friend have no idea what we’re doing. They think that we’re just giving them the night alone to chat, and relax, whilst making sure they’re safe. They both seem to need it. Ari especially.

“I’m not sure if she loves me or my brownies more,” Orson mutters, dropping down into the seat next to me. He’s just taken another plate of brownies up for the girls. We’re playing bartender so that they don’t come down and interrupt.

“So, we’re doing this why?” Kai asks looking around at us all with a raised eyebrow. “I handled her just fine the other day without help.”

“Was it or was it not you who freaked out yesterday?” Orson asks, raising his own eyebrow. “Because I don’t remember anyone else frantically texting the group chat then getting their dick sucked in my freshly cleaned kitchen.”

“Green looks good on you, bro,” Kai says, clapping Orson on the shoulder. “And the dick sucking was top tier, I assure you.”

“Green doesn’t look good on you,” Cevon says. “It sure is funny watching it though. You know, since Orson’s clearly—”

The oven timer goes off and Orson jumps up to go handle it. Cevon sighs.

“Not going to finish?” Malachi asks.

Cevon shakes his head. “It’s not as fun if you’re not both insulted.”

“Smart,” I say, nodding towards my fellow psychopath.

He’s actually fun to be around.

You know, when he’s not being a broody cunt.

“So, when is her heat actually going to start?” Micah asks.
