Page 29 of Survival is Hard

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“Thursday,” he replies. “Tomorrow we’ll take a break, and we’ll do another one on Saturday.”


“So between now and Saturday, I’ve got three things that I’d like from you.”

“Three?” I groan, but he ignores me.

“The first is the same thing I’ve said since the first session—you’d really benefit from a sleeping tablet.”

“I agree,” I say, looking down at my hands. “Last night, I didn’t sleep very well.”

And I hate that Micah was affected because of it. My tiger doesn’t deserve to continue to be worried about me.

“I know,” George says. “So, are you willing to take one tonight?” I nod. “Really? Great? I’ll get a script filled. Fin’s coming over to pick some things up tonight, and I will give it to him—if that’s okay with you?”

I nod. “It’s not like he doesn’t know about the mental health issues or the suicide attempt.” George laughs. I like that we can joke this way, and it’s not awkward.

“The second thing is that I want you to shift into your wolf every day.”

Now this is what gives me pause. I close my eyes, inhaling sharply. I’ve told him I can’t do this. I’m terrified to do this.

“We’ve talked about this,” George says.

I nod because we have, but that doesn’t mean my fears have disappeared or my feelings have changed.

“And the third thing is also something I’ve mentioned, and I think this will help with the problems between you and Atticus.”

“What is it?”

“I think you need admitted into the pride,” he says. “It’s something I suggested not too long back, but now that you have your wolf, I think you need to go ahead with it sooner rather than later.”

“You also suggested dates,” I mutter, remembering that session.

“I did,” George says, catching my annoyance. Do I have a right to be annoyed, though? My wolf and I are just frustrated, and this is something we do sort of agree on. “Maybe you should bring that up and hold them accountable to that.”

“What time on Saturday?” I ask, changing the subject. He knows that I’m avoiding a discussion but lets me do it since I’ve technically ended our session.

I know he’s filing this away in that brain of his, though, and he’ll mention it next time.

Damn him and his notebook.

“Do you want a morning appointment or an afternoon appointment?” he asks.

“Are you coming here?” I counter.

He hums as he considers that. “I don’t want to do a telephone appointment at the moment. I like being around you so that I can sense any emotional changes. It’s harder to do that during video chat appointments.”

“If… if I can come to you, I will.”

He smiles. “Perfect. We’ll do 2pm on Saturday, which gives me time to come here if not.”

“Perfect,” I repeat. I grab my blanket, and jump to my feet.

He knows the way out, so I make my way out of the room.

“Nora?” George calls, causing me to pause in the doorway. I don’t turn to look at him, too scared of what he’s about to say. “You might find talking with your mates about your wants will help settle the urge within.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, turning to look at him now. Does he mean because Atticus is pushing me away? I thought we talked about that properly.
