Page 67 of Survival is Hard

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“I’m going to grab my phone to do it now then,” I say, but Orson offers to go get it for me. I don’t even get the chance to decline, before he’s gone.

For someone of his size, he moves so quickly.

I don’t mind, though. I want to text David now before I change my mind, even if I’m not really sure what to say.

“What are you going to say?” Micah asks, and I groan, glaring at him. “What?”

“I was just thinking about how I don’t know what to say,” I say, causing him to laugh. “I didn’t immediately reach out when I got his message because, well, you know…”

“You tried to kill yourself?” Micah asks, no judgement in his tone. Atticus does a sharp inhale, but we both ignore him. His lion is still touchy over it, even if Atticus and I have had numerous conversations about things. I nod, and Micah shrugs. “He acknowledged it would be difficult for you in his note, and I think he’s fully expecting to never hear from you. I think he’ll just be happy that you have reached out, rather than judging how long it takes.”

“That’s fair. But…” I trail off, not sure how to voice it.

“Take it from me, little queen, he’ll be happy to hear from you,” Atticus says, and when I look over at my Alpha mate in concern, he’s not looking at me, but at his own phone with a melancholy look on his face.

His brother.

“Here you go, little cub,” Orson says, drawing my attention. It’s probably for the best—Atticus doesn’t enjoy group discussions on this topic. Orson passes me my phone before sitting down on the arm chair next to me. “So, what are you going to say?”

I groan, and Micah laughs.

“I’ve just said I’ve got no clue,” I say, and Orson shrugs.

“Maybe just say hi.”

That’s not terrible advice.


Hi, David, it’s Nora. Um, this is my new number if you want to save it.

“What did you say?” Micah asks, leaning over to read. He sighs, and kisses my temple. “Aw, baby, I wish you had more confidence in yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

But the phone buzzes before he can reply.


Hi. I’ve saved it.

“He’s just as awkward as you,” Micah says with a laugh.


I’ve been wondering if you were going to reach out. I know my letter probably wasn’t wanted, but I could never forgive myself if I didn’t try.

“Aw,” Micah says.

“Okay, let’s give Nora the room,” Orson says, jumping to his feet. Micah pouts, looking at me with a pleading expression. I don’t react, though. Less people means less pressure. Of course, I’ll tell them everything later, hell, they can even read the messages, but right now? I think I need to do this with less eyes and ears.

My tiger mate doesn’t move, he’s scrutinising my expression, but that doesn’t fly with Orson, my bear protector.

“That means get out, Micah,” Orson snaps. Micah sighs and kisses me softly, murmuring reassurances in my head, before leaving the room with Orson hot on his tail. The latter gives me a searing look, blowing a kiss, before lecturing Micah in the kitchen about hoarding little spoons in his room.

Standard, really.

“I can leave, but I’ll need a few to get things sorted before I can go,” Atticus says, giving me a soft smile. He’s already in the process of adjusting his paperwork, but I shake my head. “I don’t mind moving my things, little queen.”
