Page 83 of Survival is Hard

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“What’s wrong?” I ask when I can’t take it any longer.

“Nothing, little queen,” Atticus says, his voice as fake as the smile he gives me.

“Atticus,” I say, and I don’t know if it’s my tone or if he can smell something, or what, but he turns towards me, and I gasp.

Atticus’s ocean blue eyes meet mine, and, for the first time ever, I see fear filling them. My wolf is now anxious within me, reacting on the feelings that are coming off our alpha mate, and it’s making the tension within the car worse.

It’s a vicious cycle of my anxiety making his worse, and his upsetting me.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper, my voice thick with tears. “Something is happening, and I don’t understand what. Please just be honest with me. My mind is creating scenarios that shouldn’t be in existence.”

He blinks slowly, not moving his eyes from mine as our car’s speed slows ever so slightly. I see the change in him happening, and that scares me even further.

He’s reacting to the fear from me, and he’s buried his own deep within so that he can be strong for me. He’s gone from being scared, and he’s now portraying a calmness that I just can’t trust. He’s looking at me in a way that I don’t believe.

“I need you to trust me,” he murmurs, and I nod slowly. No matter what, I trust him. I trust him with my entire fucking life.

“I’m going to pull over,” he says gently, and my heart starts to race. “And when I say the word, you’re going to run, and you’re not going to stop until you’re safe.”

“No,” I snarl, a tone that’s full of both anger and fear. I shake my head as tears now start dripping down my face. I don’t understand what is happening, but, clearly, he wants me gone because there is a danger here. “I won’t leave you behind.”

“You will,” he replies firmly, and I shake my head adamantly. He snarls, and his eyes flash between amber and blue as he fights with his lion for control.

“You will run, little queen, and you won’t fucking stop until you are safe.”

A command from my Alpha bypasses my consciousness, bypasses the feelings of my wolf, and cements itself inside my fucking soul. I hate him for this. I hate him so fucking badly.

Because I’m not strong enough to fight against him. He’s too powerful, too fucking dominant for me to fight back. He’s decided for himself that I’m going to run and leave him to die, that I’m going to save myself.

He’s going to die.

Is he forgetting that only a month ago I tried to kill myself? I’m the one who should be sacrificed. Kill me, let me be the one to die.

But with that look on his face, the one that I sort of recognise from the night of the gala, his words come back to me. He seems to make the connection at the same time as I do, and he sits up straighter in his seat.

“Like I said that night, little queen, I am the King, and you will do as I say. Safety is a non-negotiable topic with me.” The car slows a little bit more, and I know we’re getting ready to stop.

We’re getting ready to face whatever threat he’s identified.

But I’m not ready.

I’m fucking terrified.

“I will not let you be harmed. Do you know what will happen to me if I lose you?” I blink back tears and nod. It’s time to stop being a little bitch, Nora.

“The same thing what will happen to me if I lose you,” I whisper.

“That’s not true,” he replies, pulling over to the side of the road. As soon as he stops the car, he undoes my seatbelt and gives me a quick but passionate kiss.

When he pulls away, he cups my cheek, and my eyes slowly meet his. Gone is the ocean blue, and, instead, in its place is the beautiful amber that lets me know he and his wolf have merged as one.

“You’re far stronger than I am, Nora Hart, and you’ll live a very long life full of happiness and love with or without me in your life.”

“Well, it better well fucking be with you!” I snarl, and he smiles.

He’s out of the car in a flash and opens my door just as four humans pull up in some kind of truck. I sniff the air, smelling another few people in the trees behind, and I hear another vehicle on its way.

