Page 84 of Survival is Hard

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I don’t know how—likely because he’s a powerful fucking shifter—but my mate identified these hunters, and he knows we’re in danger.


The four humans climb out of the truck as Atticus helps me out of the car. They’re carrying large guns, and the bullets within them smell like tangy iron and wolfsbane.

It makes my nose itch, and my throat burn, but my wolf isn’t concerned.

She’s on edge, waiting and ready for the order that we know is coming from our mate.

I hate him. I hate this situation. I hate the hunters.

But most of all? I fucking hate that Orson was right.

“Gentleman,” Atticus calls, walking forward so he’s blocking me from sight ever so slightly. “What can we help you with?”

“You help us with nothing,” the human at the very front says, glaring at Atticus. “Your kind are nothing. You are nothing.”

Atticus gives a nod. “Hunters, typical. So smart, so eloquent. Are you really ruining my weekend getaway with my friend just because we’re shifters?”

Despite his amused tone, I can see how tense he is, smell the fight that’s burning in the air. They don’t seem to realise it, though.

But Atticus’s words seem to unsettle the hunters because they all begin to give each other uneasy looks. I don’t think they expected for us to realise they were hunters.

“Your friend?” the ring leader asks.

My ears cock, and I hear a third car approaching in the distance. But unlike the second one that’s coming our way, this one seems to be heading a different direction.

“Oh, did I say friend?” Atticus asks with a smirk. “I meant my mate.”

And, with that, he turns to me, giving me a smile full of sadness.

“Run, little queen, run.”

The utter power in his words has my shift overtaking me without my permission. I can’t fight the command, no matter how hard I try.

I plead with my wolf, beg her to work with me, but she ignores me. She’s determined to make us survive rather than let us stick here with our mate.

The wall I built between us all those weeks ago when I was determined to protect myself from her has been rebuilt.

But, this time, she’s the one doing it. She’s building a wall to protect me from me.

I don’t hesitate in running away, leaving my mate to his fate. I sob in my head, stuck behind the barrier my wolf created.

She picks a random direction, one where there’s fewer people in, and we race off to the sound of a giant roar from the most powerful Alpha I know.

The sound propels us forward, causing us to run at speeds I didn’t even know were possible.

The moment Atticus shifts, I feel it in the air. There are some screams, but the further I get, the harder it is to hear properly.

I frown, my wolf and I confused when we scent a lion. It’s familiar, like that of our mate, but not.

It’s nowhere near as powerful.

Nowhere near as safe.

I keep running, the scent getting stronger, before I yelp out in pain.

There’s a sharp jab in my side, and, within seconds, my legs go numb, and I collapse.
