Page 113 of Baby's First Howl

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“You are strong, and sensitive, and you are the empathy that this group sometimes lacks,” Fluffy says, pushing forward ever so slightly, offering me his strength. “Our mate is safe, Benjamin. Our pup is healthy. Neither Seb nor Kane would be able to contain themselves if that weren’t the case. He’s still upstairs. She is fine.”

“Don’t move,” Topher commands, and Alex freezes. Moments later, I can feel a connection open between the four of us, and weirdly enough, it helps ground me a little.

“What is it, Seb?” Topher asks, holding his hand up as I move to get up now, too. No matter how confident Topher is, I feel a huge pull, trying to take me to Maia.

I can barely feel her, but through the bond with Seb, I can feel his worry, his upset, and his anger. Something has upset our brother, and I have no doubt it’s related to our mate. I hate that whatever burden she has, she’s chosen to share with him.

Then again, after my pathetic attempt?—

“Not pathetic,” Fluffy argues.

“I feel pathetic. I wish I was stronger.”

“She is sad,” Kane’s the one to reply, which surprises us all. “Big problem. I will share later.”

“No,” Alex protests, moving to leave once more. Topher doesn’t allow for it, snarling at Alex to sit down. Whilst Alex and Max could probably fight off Topher’s weak commands, he knows that it’s not the right move. “Tell us what is going on.”

“No,” Kane says. “Mate is distraught. I’ll fix her, then share.”

And then he’s gone, blocking the three of us from his mind as he tends to our “distraught mate.”

“What do you think has happened?” I ask weakly.

“Are you okay?” Alex asks, turning my way. I nod, and he returns it with a heavy sigh. “If she’s upset, I don’t want to go and make it worse?—”

“But it fucking kills me to sit here, knowing that she’s distraught,” Topher says in agreement.

“Please. Go to mate. Help mate.”

“Fluffy’s begging for me to go to her,” I say, hanging my head. Topher kicks my thigh, and I groan but look over at him. “What?”

“So is Orion. It’s not a weakness to love your mate, Ben.”

“It’s just a weakness to be crippled because your brothers are stronger than you,” I say, resting my head on the back of the sofa. I shove the laptop to the side and take the beer when Alex offers it.

“You’re so fucking dramatic,” Topher says, rolling his eyes. “You’re not weak. You’re just sensitive to our energies. It makes you one of the most important members of our little?—”

“Do not finish that sentence,” I say, giving Topher a grimace. “Your vocabulary needs some work, Mr I Need To Learn How To Woo My Mate.”

Alex sniggers.

We don’t pick the work back up, each of us taking the opportunity to poke and prod each other—Topher, we just picked on Topher—and wait for Seb to come down and fill us in on whatever we’ve missed.

It’s clearly big.

Unlike Ryan’s cock.

“Was that needed?” Fluffy asks dryly.

I smirk. “It most definitely was.”

“Ethan has been tormenting Maia for the last eight months or so,” Kane says, glaring at each of us as if it’s our fault our cousin is a demented fucker.

The four of us are all sat in the living room, the lights on low. Maia’s upstairs asleep in bed, with Phoebe in her crib. We’ve got her door shut, and all of us would hear if she’d come down. There’s no chance my practically deaf mate would overhear something, but it’s best to be safe.

“He’s been tormenting us longer by even being alive,” I mutter, shoving a handful of peanuts into my mouth. I grimace. Who the fuck bought unsalted peanuts? It’s disgusting.

“No, I mean he has been tormenting my mate. He’s been following her around, showing up out of the blue, standing outside her windows, and overall just being a creepy son of a fucking bitch as he taunts our mate and makes her think she’s hallucinating her dead fiancé.” Kane clenches his fists, and the glare he has trained on each of us intensifies. “It gets worse.”
