Page 117 of Baby's First Howl

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His hair is dishevelled and a little damp at the front.

And despite knowing he’s been exercising and probably smells disgusting... the sight of him looking so wrecked has my own dampness occurring.

“I thought you had it,” Topher says with a frown. “I brought it up to Alex last night once you were asleep because we couldn’t find it, either.”

I look at Ben, who is frowning even deeper than Topher now. “No. On Phoebe’s birthday?—”

“She didn’t have a birthday yet,” I mutter, and two sets of eyes snap over to me. One pair of hazel with gold flecks and a deep intensity that has me clenching my thighs together. The others are bright blue, and he licks his lips, giving me an amused look.

Two identical but very different men, who inspire the very same reactions in me.

I have no idea where the arousal is coming from, but it’s been simmering and burning away all day long.

I can’t take it.

Not only am I not cleared to put anything inside my vagina, never mind very... large... things, this is also not the time. There are much more important things going on than me getting... well, the orgasms I so desperately want.

“Someone seems needy,” Fluffy murmurs, his words deeper and more primal as his eyes rake up and down my body. It’s like his very gaze burns, igniting a fire in me that I’ve not felt in so long.

Last night’s talk has really brought us closer, and I feel like a huge weight is now off my chest. There’s no more secrets, no more lies.

Everything that comes, we’ll face together.

And, hopefully, everyone comes, too.

“Not the time for this,” Topher snaps, giving me an apologetic look. “What happened on Phoebe’s birthday, Ben?”

“It wasn’t with the rest of his things,” Ben says, the sudden switch from him and Fluffy surprising me. “I came down at one-ish, maybe?” He looks over to me, and I shrug. It was about then, sure. “To get the cake I made, and I cleared up all his shit so that Maia didn’t need to see it. The journal wasn’t there then.”

“Which birthday?” Topher demands, an edge of urgency creeping into his tone. I step closer to him, his panic causing me to worry, but there’s no comfort being offered by the worried alpha werewolf right now.

“Her one week ,” Ben says. Unlike Topher, there’s a dejected look on his face. “We’ve not noticed it missing for three fucking weeks?”

But Ben’s anger is nothing compared to Topher's. I can feel it seeping out of him, the air practically rippling with the pure frustration pouring off of him. There’s an uncomfortable pressure on my chest, my body not yet sure how to handle it.

I know, logically, that he won’t hurt me, but my brain doesn’t. We see a predator, we feel a predator, and our instinct is to run, to hide, to keep us safe.

The coil seems to be tightening and tightening in my alpha mate, and I’m nervous about what will happen when it unleashes.

“What is it?” I choke out, the words sounding quiet and full of my nerves. My hands are trembling, the pressure intensifying.

“They’ve found a way into the fucking house,” Topher roars, kicking out at the coffee table. I flinch and dart back towards the wall as anger radiates from him, and the table shatters. Ben jumps to his feet, letting out a large growl, his eyes bright blue.

My heart is thudding, my head pounding. The wall isn’t doing a good enough job of holding me up, of keeping me calm.

Someone came into our home and stole Ryan’s diary.

I think I’m going to be sick.

“There better be a very fucking good explanation for this,” Alex roars, his voice even louder than the breakdown that’s going on in front of me. He steps to my side, cuddling me into his chest, providing me the support that the wall didn’t.

His wolf lets out soft grumbles, the vibrations aiming to soothe me just as much as the pleasurable sparks do. I don’t think it’s working.

Tears are soaking into his jumper, and I’m grasping onto him as tight as I can as heaving breaths leave me.

“They” broke into our home. They took what wasn’t theirs. They have been inside the house.

Was it Ethan? Did he... was it...
