Page 127 of Baby's First Howl

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“And if I said yes?” Do I sound as hesitant as he seemed?

I’m not sure if... no, I know that this isn’t the way I want to introduce intimacy into our relationship. The last three weeks have been filled with lust and flirtations. It’s been filled with bonding between me and the guys in a more romantic way but also a bonding between them and Phoebe.

The relationship they share with her is so beautiful when I don’t put any limitations on it.

We’re making so much progress.

But other than kisses and cuddles, we’ve not broached anything... else.

And since I got my all clear from the doctor... I’ve been a little too interested in the touches they could offer.

I look down at his clenched hands, his thick and long fingers hidden mostly from my view, and hate the full body shiver I have.

His words are husky, tortured, even. “Then we’d order in.”

I gulp and slowly walk over to the sink, avoiding all eye contact completely. I turn the tap on and run my hands under the warm water, not brave enough to turn around and see Topher’s reaction.

It seems I didn’t need to. He steps behind me and drops a gentle kiss to the top of my head, the warmth of his body relaxing mine.

“We’ve got forever, little mate,” he says, and I can’t tell whether it’s Orion or not who says it. He kisses my forehead once more, squeezing my hips, before leaving entirely.

His ability to switch between turned on and domestic startles me. I’m so envious… but also wondering if it’s as big a lie as it seems.

He strides over to the fridge and starts pulling out ingredients as I wash my hands properly with the soap. I let the water soothe the anxiety away.

I look out the window, watching the wind blow the leaves in the trees around, and just try to emanate the mostly peaceful atmosphere.

Once I’m all dry, I turn back around. There’s an array of ingredients set out on the table, and a very proud Topher stands next to them.

“We’re making our own dough for the bases,” Topher says, wiggling his brows at me. “Ready to get your hands dirty?”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “I am. But first, music. It’s not cooking if we can’t boogie.”

I walk over to the speaker in the corner and connect my phone, putting on my favourite playlist. I turn the volume down enough that we can chat without needing to raise our voices, and that hopefully even I can hear Phoebe if she stirs.

“Any more procrastinations or can we get started?” His words sound rude, but his tone is anything but. He seems eager, excited.

It’s very cute.

“Pass the scales,” I mutter, and he laughs, handing them over. The next few songs are filled with us getting to work on the dough, each of us uttering quiet commands to pass an ingredient.

I sing softly, just enjoying the presence of him as we work.

It’s soothing.

It’s nice.

Well, it was, until we got to the making of the bases. The dough is all settled, it just needs to be rolled out into circles. Does mine obey?

Of course, it doesn’t.

“You look like you’re struggling a little over there,” Topher says, and I don’t even need to look at him to know that he’s smirking. He’s got two perfect circles that look to be the exact same width all around, whilst mine is a weird triangle with super thin corners and a little mountain in the middle.

“How on Earth?” I gasp. Envy fills me as I glare at his perfect little pizzas. “That’s disgustingly cheaty.”

“Cheaty?” he mouths the word, the humour causing his lips to quirk up.

“You’re a cheater.”
