Page 130 of Baby's First Howl

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“You’re hurt,” I repeat, angrily, this time.

“My wound has healed,” Seb says as Topher grabs a packet of baby wipes off the coffee table and passes them over.

“Look,” Kane says, gently wiping the blood away to reveal nothing but a thin pink line of skin. It doesn’t look anywhere near as raised or painful, and I bite my lip as he continues cleaning the blood away. “It shouldn’t take me long, okay?”

I nod tentatively. He presses a kiss to my lips before getting up with none of the pain or unease he was showing a few moments ago.

I don’t like that he’s leaving this quickly after being hurt, but I can’t deny the speed at which he has healed. He seems fine, perfect, even.

Seb lifts Phoebe from the floor, pressing a kiss to her head, and I giggle as she reaches out with her paws to try and scratch his nose.

“Get her back into her human form,” Seb says to his brother. “She wants milk.”

“So jealous of that skill,” I murmur as I get one last kiss from Seb, and he disappears.

“I’ll get her bum changed,” Topher says, giving Phoebe’s wolf a stare down, “whilst you run for a wee, and then I’ll go make you some tea whilst you feed her.”

“I don’t deserve you,” I murmur, heading through to do as he says.

I very nearly miss the words he says, but I’m so glad I didn’t.

“That’s not true, is it, little wolf? Your mama deserves the entire world, just like you.”



“Our meeting with the solicitor is scheduled for first thing Friday morning,” Alex says, rubbing my shoulders. I nod, trying not to let my panic overwhelm me, since Phoebe is able to hear my heart rate, but that still feels like so long away.

Three more sleeps until we’re meeting with someone who can hopefully soothe this panic.

“Thank you.”

He squeezes my shoulders a little tighter before going back to the gentle massaging. “Are you okay?”

I laugh, but it’s not a humorous sound. “No.”

My stomach is in knots, my mind racing with the what ifs. Topher managed to distract me earlier, and it was great, but now I’m sitting here, and I’m unable to do anything except let my brain wander and demoralise me that much further.

“This time next year, we’ll be so happy and so stress free. Phoebe will be walking around, getting into everything, and you’ll be—” he cuts himself off, his tone having darkened near the end there. I turn to look up at him, being careful to not disturb Phoebe.

His eyes are flickering back and forth between silver and hazel, and he’s got a very tight grip on the sofa to stop himself from doing something—or maybe saying something? I frown, reaching out to try and touch him, but he groans, taking a step back.

“Alex? Are you okay?”

He gives a jerky nod. “Just arguing with Max. Don’t worry.”

I do a head-to-toe assessment and see nothing too out of place. There’s an almost pained expression on his face, and the restraint he must have when fighting with Max seems to be taking a lot out of him.

He’s—is he... I avoid his genital area and snap my eyes back up to his face, sure that I’m blushing.

“Do you have... do you...” I stop speaking and worry my lip, trying to think about how to ask this.

“I’m fine,” he grunts out.

I narrow my eyes, that answer was not very confident. He seems to be fighting whatever weird state of arousal he’s in, and I’m very concerned.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Ben says, coming into the room with a smoothie for me. “He’ll just be trying to stop Max demanding that he gets to fuck?—”
