Page 147 of Baby's First Howl

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He snorts, reaching up to run his hand through his hair. “You need a safe word. I know that you are a little?—”

“I was joking,” I say, sighing with exasperation. “I choose cactus.”

He nods. “Then… let’s do it.”

I laugh, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. I cross my legs, and his nostrils flare.

“Baby, you’re killing me here.”

“I’m killing you?”

“I want to have a serious talk before I get to touch you how you need.”

I frown, amusement filling me. “How I need sounds like an important distinction.”

A dangerous look crosses his face. “I’d say it very much is. A need is so, so different from a want.”

Now it’s me who whimpers, and since my legs are crossed together, there’s no friction to be gained.

“I won’t bond with you tonight.”

I freeze, my blood running cold. “I’m sorry?”

He curses, rubbing his face, before inching closer. I can see the tension in his body, and he gives me a hesitant smile. “Bonding you is something… well, first off, it involves me biting you, very hard, claiming you as mine.”

I shiver, and he smiles.

“But it’s something that, preferably, we’d do as a unit.”

I cross my arms. “You want to bite me… all at the same time?”

“No!” He sounds panicked, shaking his head. “No, most definitely not. But it’s a group effort. It’s a big moment.”

I nod, not sure if I fully understand. Arousal is still thrumming through me, my core wound up so tightly. I want him, and all the talking is only heightening my need.

An actual need—not a want.

“But also, when the four of us mark you, it’ll release enough of our… well, werewolf sides, into you, that you’ll start the process into shifting.”

I nod slowly. “I’m not ready for that.”

“I know.”

I sigh. “I’m sorry.”

His head snaps up, and he darts over and grips my chin, crouching down below me. It’s such a dominant move, and I’ve either just dribbled or I’m that aroused that his bedsheets are paying the price.

“You do not apologise for having a boundary—especially not one as life changing as this,” he hisses. I’d think he was angry if I couldn’t see the torment in his eyes. “You are more than allowed to need a little longer than a few weeks to come to terms with the werewolf world.”

“Thank you.” My words are soft, soothing, even, and seem to appeal to the troubled alpha werewolf. He lets go of me, rising back to his full height.

“I can restrain myself during… that it won’t be an issue.”

I perk up. “Actual restraints?”

“If we’re using handcuffs in the bedroom, princess, I can promise you they will not be on me.”

I laugh. “You’re overthinking things. I want you. I need you. Let’s just… give in and enjoy ourselves?”
