Page 163 of Baby's First Howl

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“Now, we’ve got two weeks until we’re due in court,” Penelope says, unbuttoning her jacket, before taking a seat at the head of the table.

“That’s right,” Alex replies.

“That gives us a good amount of time to prepare our defence.” She smooths out the wrinkles in her shirt and looks at me. “The first question that I have for you is: are you willing to enter into negotiations for shared custody with the family?”

“No.” My tone is hard, and I don’t waver in my eye contact.

“I know we discussed that in our first meeting, but it’s always smart to go back over now that it’s more real and double check,” Penelope says with a firm nod. “Mediation? Offerings of any visitation?”

“No.” It’s Alex who answers this time, and he places the palm of his hand on my knee. “We’re not negotiating, we’re not offering up any visitation. Phoebe is ours—Maia’s and ours. She’s the current heir to our pack, and?—”

“She’s not,” Penelope says, cutting him off. “You four are the heirs to the pack. Not Phoebe.”

“Does that affect things?” Topher asks, exchanging a look with Alex that I can’t decipher.

Penelope’s face stays in that same professional mask. “It’s no different than you were when I took the case. Phoebe, while in the line of succession, isn’t the direct heir to the Wolfe pack. That role falls to her future mates. It’s a crucial distinction for our case.”

My blood runs cold, and I let out a huff at the patriarchy. My daughter is not a male, so she can’t be alpha.

Are they seriously telling me I might lose my child because she’s the rare thing they’ve been needing all this time? That her worth has now all of a sudden decreased because she’s a girl?

I clench my fists and ignore the soft squeeze of my thigh from Alex. The audacity of this system… I can’t understand it.

I don’t think I ever will.

“It’s not that she’s a woman,” Topher says, smiling at me. His eyes are lit up in amusement, despite his worry I can feel hammering in my chest. “Phoebe is just not an alpha wolf.”

“We’re alpha’s,” Ben says, gesturing between him and his brothers, and I nod. “But not all wolves are. Phoebe was born to an alpha and has a very strong wolf, even for her age… she’s just not an alpha herself.”

“I see.” I purse my lips, not impressed. Fair enough, it’s not the patriarchy’s fault. That doesn’t make it any better.

“We’re in the position where a few things could strengthen Phoebe’s tie to your pack and ultimately help the case itself.”

“What?” Seb demands, his word a growl.

Penelope doesn’t even flinch. “The first thing would be if Maia cemented a mate bond with at least one of you. It would tie Phoebe to you properly and would give you a stronger connection to her.”

I blush, dropping my head, as panic fills me. A couple nights ago, I told Topher I wasn’t ready for that step, and then bonded him myself. I need more time before letting him claim me, since it comes with so many strings attached.

Having the full connection with him would be amazing, if this lite version is so… powerful. I can feel the longing at deepening our connection, but I hope that Topher doesn’t feel that from me.

It’s not a bad idea, outside of the fact that it would turn me into a werewolf. I’m not ready. I don’t ever think that I’ll be ready for that.

But if it would save my daughter…

“What else?” Alex asks.

The door opens, and Lily comes back in. She hands the envelope to Topher and gives a set of papers to Penelope before sitting back down.

“Sorry for interrupting,” she says softly.

As far as I’m aware, Lily has no wolf, but she’s definitely part of the pack.

“No interruption,” Penelope says. “The best thing, of course, would be to bond with all four of your mates and let yourself shift into a wolf. You’d be accepted immediately, and their claim would be denied.”

“How long does the shifting process take?” Ben asks, looking at me before turning to Penelope. “I’m positive it took a few weeks with Iris and Talia.”

“It did,” Alex says. “And we do not have that time. The hearing is in two weeks.”
