Page 177 of Baby's First Howl

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Talia snarls, her eyes flashing blue as her wolf makes a brief appearance. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that, Christopher. I’m a member of this pack, and my unhappiness over your little discussion here has nothing to do with me trying to earn mummy’s approval.

“I do not want to be part of plots to try and usurp our parents. They’ll hand the pack to you all when you are ready. You clearly aren’t, so stop throwing a little tantrum and trying to find ways that you can be so much better, when clearly, you’re just as desperate as I am.

“You may have reinforced your home, but you’ve not done that to the pack. Your protection is extended to your mate only, and if you knew nothing about the rogues, then why bother tightening security? My mates might not have questioned that, but I am.”

“That’s none of your business, sister,” Alex says, his tone far calmer than any of theirs. “But it’s got nothing to do with these rogue scents, and if we were informed on that issue, we’d have taken very different steps.”

“And besides, you’re crying about the fact that we’re going against our parents,” Topher says, using a whiny tone of voice when imitating his sister, “but I was strong enough to break George’s hold on your mate. So I’m at least stronger than one of our parents.”

Topher smirks at his sister, but it’s not a nice look. It’s one I don’t often see from Topher anymore, one so smug and full of himself, and I hate that this situation has brought this nasty side out of him.

His anger is so strong it’s starting to pulsate through our bond and overwhelm my system. I’m finding it hard to breathe through it, the burning edges of it causing my nerves to sting.

I clutch the baby monitor tighter in my hands, low-key praying Phoebe will wake up, and I can escape this little showdown. I’m not brave enough to get in the middle of this sibling argument, but worse than that, I’m not stupid enough to get into the middle of an argument with so many angry werewolves.

The food was nice. The conversation is even nicer.

But it wasn’t this venomous to start with, at least.

Now, they’re ready to rip each other apart, and honestly, I don’t think they’ll stick to the verbal insults. I’m not sure if my men would actually fight their sisters, but I don’t know the girls well enough to say if they’ve got the same restraint.

Iris’s men have already tried to intervene a few times on her behalf, and she’s taken their head off, but I have no doubt that if it were to get physical, the men would not be able to control themselves.

It’s a little worrying.

“I’m sure you are,” Talia scoffs. “But they’d be able to overpower you.”

“And I’m strong enough to knock our father’s on their asses.” Topher glares at his sister. “You’re acting like I’m doing this out of spite or some stupid little rebellion. The wolves won’t ever be content until the strongest is on top. Our pack is in danger every single day with our parents ruling and under-utilising us.

“They’ve been gone for a month without informing us of these threats that not only were they aware of, but they were actively working to keep from us. Actual threats. I’ve got a child now, Talia, and I’m appalled that you’d be on their side and not mine.”

My head hurts, and I can’t believe that this is another thing that’s happened with their family. I couldn’t… I grew up in a home where I was loved, where my family supported one another, no matter their views or their opinions.

My mum’s “spite company” still had the full support of my granddad, and despite them arguing over policies and politics, they still loved each other enough that they’d never act this way.

I know I come from a place of privilege compared to my men and their family.

I may have lost my parents, but it was to an accident, not to a… murder and a death. It’s not a comparison, but if it were, the guys would have won.

Ryan lived a hard life, but I don’t think his cousins have had it any easier.

And it’s hard to sit here and watch this. It’s so personal, so intimate, and so damaging.

“It shouldn’t ever be a battle of sides,” Talia snarls, and Iris nods, backing her sister. “And don’t ever doubt my love for my children. I’d do anything to protect them. You’re barely a parent, don’t try and tell me how I should be behaving.”

“Barely a parent.” Alex echoes her words, his face pale, his tone devoid of emotion. I wish I could feel how he felt.

Iris lets out a hollow laugh. “It’s fucking ridiculous that you’re sitting here so high and mighty when I know exactly who fathered your child. Who even gives a fuck about her?”

I flinch as numerous eyes fly my way. My stomach churns, and bile rises up in my throat, but I do my best to keep my face unbothered. Her words hurt so badly that I ache. It kills me to know she feels this way.

But the disgust in Topher’s emotions, the increase in his anger, and the absolute devastation in his feelings, prove to me that he does not feel the same way as his sister.

Ben and Alex have to grab Seb and hold him back because his snarl is so vicious. My men don’t feel the same way.

And whilst that’s nice, it kills me to know that Ryan’s entire family won’t ever love her. They can’t see past their history with her dad to love her for her.

Which kills me.
