Page 189 of Baby's First Howl

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“Personally,” he drops to his knees and grips my ankles tight in his hands, "I think it means that I like to spread your legs.” He does that, putting my entire naked body on display for him. “And get my entire fill of your body.”

Ben grins up at me wickedly as he buries his face in my core, wasting no time. I gasp, shivering as the cold tile turns my skin to goosebumps, but the heat from his mouth and the passion in his eyes every time they meet mine is relentless.

As he licks and sucks, teasing me with every swirl of his tongue, a familiar feeling begins to spread through me. My nerves light up, every single spark that connects us together stronger than the last, and I cry out his name as he pushes me over the peak.

He pulls back as soon as I detonate, and I whimper at the loss and the unfulfilling orgasm.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as I pant and look down at him. “Did I not do it right? I listened to everything Seb and Topher said.”

I grin as I rest my back against the cold tiles. “You followed the instructions, but, next time, you’re meant to sort of keep going.”

He frowns. “Going?”

“Like, during the orgasm, like…” I sit forward and bring my fingers to my clit, teasing myself, and Ben watches. My demonstration becomes an exhibition as Ben’s eyes never stray from the movement of my fingers, the heated look on his face driving me closer to the edge.

He groans in time with me as my orgasm builds, and it’s tantalising for me to watch him watch me.

“Like this?” I gesture, circling myself, and he swallows hard.

“Yes,” he says hoarsely, his own fingers twitching with the urge to intervene. "And then...?” His eyes are locked on me, and my desire builds.

“And then,” I echo with a breathless giggle. “You don’t stop until... Don't stop even when...”

“I won’t,” he assures me fervently. He understands now. “I swear, I won’t.”

“Good.” I stop touching myself right on the edge of my pleasure, and grin. “Want to try again?”

He spreads my thighs, gets into place, and shows me not once but three times how good he is at following directions.

I’m very impressed.

And, oh, so very satisfied.

He never once stopped with his tongue, barely even pausing to breathe. He was relentless, building me up, coasting me through, and then building me back up.

“See,” I manage to pant out between gasps when he finally sits back on his heels. “You’re a quick learner.”

His eyes glimmer with pride and something more primal, deeper. Desire. The sight of his darkened gaze sends a thrill of anticipation through me. I know what’s going to come next—or at least who—and my body arches towards him in silent supplication.

Ben doesn’t keep me waiting. I don’t even think he knows the meaning of delayed gratification.

Instead, he jumps to his feet and pulls me to mine, pressing our naked bodies against each other.

The water continues to pound against the smooth tiles of the shower, some of it hitting Ben’s legs, but the most of it is completely missing us. The steamy haze keeps me warm and adds a level to our intimacy.

I brush a kiss against Ben’s pecs, and he stills, looking down at me with a desperate intensity that takes my breath away. There’s a question in his eyes, an unspoken request for something.

“Please, please,” I beg.

And he moves. He reaches up, adjusts the shower head so it’s spraying on us a little more, and then sits down on the bench. He gently pulls me towards him, the water so warm and nice as I take in his beautiful body. Droplets of water are dripping down his chest, the veins on his arms pulsing with the rhythm of my heart.

The sparks flying between us excite me, and I step forward, letting him move me as he wants me. He positions me so I straddle his waist, his hands moving to grip my hips, and our eyes lock together.

My heart pounds, my inner walls tightening and relaxing in anticipation. I want him. I need him.

I never thought I’d be the kind of woman who could sleep with numerous men. I never thought I could love more than one man. When I lost Ryan, I expected to spend the rest of my life alone, unable to see a way past my grief.

But now… these Wolfe brothers have shown me that it is possible to still have a life. I can mourn Ryan, but I can move on and let myself be loved.
