Page 194 of Baby's First Howl

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“Aw, can I take a photo, Seb, love? You’re so cute with her,” Julie coos, smiling at Seb as if everything is okay.

The three of their dads share identical looks, and I hate that I don’t know who is who. I met George last time, and I’d be inclined to say he’s the one in the armchair, just based on the aura he carries. They’re all wearing similar clothes—shorts and T-shirts—and, of course, look identical with their broad frames and light caramel hair.

Their frowns are matching, and the icy blue gaze from three men who I think want to cause me harm makes my body shiver.

It’s strange seeing them now that I know who Ryan is and who Ryan’s dad is. They have his face, and it’s so jarring knowing that even without the mate bond, these people would be my daughter’s family just because of that.

“What are you boys doing here?” one of their dads asks, his frown deepening, as he sits forward. He’s on the sofa to the left of Julie and is wearing a red T-shirt. “We’re not meant to be meeting until tomorrow.”

Ben scoffs.

“We need to talk,” Topher says firmly. There’s another look exchanged between the men, and each of them seem to sit up properly as if they’ve been prepared for this.

“About what, Christopher?” his mum asks, tittering away. “Come, sit down. Why are you all standing in the doorway like this? I’ve really missed you boys.”

“Are all the windows shut?” Alex asks, not making a move to sit down. I don’t, either, despite my legs trembling.

“Are all the—what is wrong with you?” she demands, looking at each of us in turn. There’s a furrow in her brows, and she genuinely seems confused about why we’re here.

Surely, she’s not this good of an actress?

“Clearly, they’re here to talk about something important,” one of the dads says, giving me a kind smile. He’s wearing a green shirt, so I’ll have to start keeping track. “It’s nice to see you in person, Maia. I’ve heard some lovely things about you from my sons. I’m Edward, the middle one. Red shirt is Charles, the baby, and the blue shirt is George, the eldest of us three. Charles, go make sure everything is shut properly so that the boys can share their news.”

“It’s always me doing the grunt work,” Charles mutters under his breath but gets up to do it anyway.

“You don’t order us around in our own house,” George says, cocking his brow as he regards Topher.

“And yet, it’s happening anyway, Dad,” Topher says with a nonchalant shrug. There’s no waver in his feelings, he’s so confident that this is going to go his way.

I clutch Alex’s hand tighter, and he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand in soothing support. I feel like I’m moments away from throwing up, but I’ve been unable to eat anything so far today.

“Come sit down, Maia,” Julie says with a smile. “Do you want a drink or something to eat? The little one is getting so much bigger.”

I shake my head, not sure how to react to her kindness. Alex all but drags me over to the empty armchair, settling me in it, and he sits down on the arm of the chair. Ben comes into the room with two of the—I’m assuming—dining chairs. I didn’t see him leave, but he sets them up directly opposite the sofa, much to his mother’s surprise.

Seb comes to stand next to me and shakes his head when I offer to move over so he can sit down. It’s tense, and the stares from each of the men aren’t helping me settle, either.

Topher sits down, seeming so confident, so sure of himself. There’s a strong presence of Orion, and I know the two of them are practically merged as one. It’s not something I’ve ever felt from Topher, and it’s a little unsettling for me.

Ben comes to sit at my feet, surprising me by not sitting with Topher, but I’m grateful for it. He’s a much lighter weight inside me, his bond lit up with almost excitement. There’s annoyance and even distaste, but it’s like he’s been excited for this.

“All locked up,” Charles says, trudging back into the room. “Now, what do you boys want? I’d really like a hold of the baby, so can we get on with it?”

I flinch, looking down at my lap. His mate is the lead suspect in killing my fiancé—my daughter’s father—and he’s asking for baby cuddles. Baby cuddles.

Tears sting my eyes, but I blink them back and look over at Seb and Phoebe. He’s got his hands over her back, holding her to him, even with the carrier holding her in place. They’re adorable together, the dark hair of my daughter’s so similar to mine.

I hate the way my heart pounds at the thought of any of the quads’ family touching her.

They’re Phoebe’s family, too, and yet, they’re toxic and dangerous people.

What kind of birthright has she got?

“Mine,” Seb growls, smirking at his dad, who rolls his eyes.

“So possessive,” Charles says with a sigh as he moves to sit back down on the sofa. “He’s definitely yours, Ed.”

Edward mimics Charles and rolls his eyes. “What can we do for you, boys? I really do want to get on with it.”
