Page 21 of Baby's First Howl

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“We’re going to take Maia over to her place to collect her things,” Christopher says, and I glare at him. Who the fuck gave him this audacity? And, no, those bright gold eyes of his are not pretty. “Aren’t we, love?”

There’s an infliction on the words here as if he truly expects me to just agree. Fool.

“No. I will go back to my place—” I start, shaking my head.

“Not how this works,” he says, still with that placid look on his face. Asshole. “We’ll take you to your home, get enough supplies for the night, and organise the full move come tomorrow. I’d much prefer you and Phoebe were settled tonight.”

Oh, how benevolent of him.

“Phoebe will be much more comfortable with her own things,” Seb says quietly. I’ve noticed that in the short time I’ve been around this man, that he does everything quietly. He doesn’t speak much to anyone, unless asked a direct question, and the only time he’s really been vocal with the group has been in my defence or when he wants to engage with Phoebe.

It’s weird, and I don’t know what to make of it.

He seems… nice. Seb’s introverted nature sets me at ease—mostly—and if it were just him, I probably wouldn’t be fighting this weirdness as much as I am.

And yet, he comes as a set—literally, too. His other three brothers are rude, domineering, and so abrasive I don’t want to be in their company for longer than I need to be. No matter how pretty they may be.

“I truly can’t move in with you,” I say, glaring at all four of the men in front of me. They’ve got the same bashful expression on their faces, Ben going as far as shoving his hands in his pockets and avoiding looking my way entirely.

I hope my glare is as piercing as my tone is. “We don’t know each other, and honestly, I don’t want to get to know you any further.”

Seb looks devastated, maybe because I’m holding Phoebe and not him. His obsession with my daughter rivals his obsession with me, and if I couldn’t sense the purest of intentions from him, I’d be creeped out. The way he hangs his head causes a heavy knot to form in my stomach.

Instead of acknowledging my feelings, I turn to the other brothers. Ben, on the other hand, looks amused, and his eyes are darting between Christopher and myself. I’m not sure why, considering Christopher doesn’t get to decide whether I move into their house or not, but it’s almost like he’s waiting for a big blow up. He’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, his loafers getting a crease in them.

Alexander’s eyes are bright silver, and there’s a pout on his plump red lips, and whilst hot, it’s something I will not be submitting to. His sadness doesn’t have the effect on me he thinks it will. This man is nothing to me. Literally nothing. Why do I care if I hurt his feelings for maintaining a very valid boundary?

But, Christopher, well I’m trying to actively not look at him, either. You can tell he’s the oldest of his brothers because he’s got that older brother authority. The thing is—I’m not his to command. He has no respect for me, and all of our interactions have been negative. His eyes have no business being as magnetising as they are, and I do not want to be under his control.

I don’t know if he thinks that throwing on a tight-fitting and expensive suit is going to make me subject myself to his whims, but it doesn’t have the same sway over my brain as it does over my… nothing.

No part of me finds these men attractive. None, body, are you hearing me?

“If you want our help with Phoebe, you will,” Christopher says with a shrug like my refusal doesn’t faze him. We both know that it’s a lie, though.

“But I never said I want your help,” I say, shrugging right back at him. His eyes turn gold once more, and the glare would be enough to send a lesser person scattering. “I’ll manage my baby on my own, all without you, thanks.”

“No!” Seb whines, his head snapping up. His eyes flicker between bright green and hazel, and I can hear the distraught tinge to his voice.

“That is enough of the arguing,” Christopher snarls, and the hackles on the back of my neck raise as a pressure in my chest forms. I feel uncomfortable, and it’s almost as if little ants are running over my skin. I can’t argue with him. He stole my choice from me, just like the officers did. “You will do as we say and take us to your home. Are we understood on that, Maia?”

“Understood.” The word is dragged from me without my permission, and I can feel my heart racing as the lack of control gets to me.

These men claim we’re soulmates, and yet, they’re willing to rip me of all my freedoms. Sure, Christopher is the one to do it—but none of them have spoken up in my defence. None have argued with him for taking my autonomy from me.

In every story I’ve read, a werewolf adores his soulmate. They’re entwined, their very beings linked as one, and the love between them is pure.

It doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense.

Then again, that is just fiction.

Their mum has a wide smile on her face as if this is the best reaction possible. She delicately tucks her brown hair behind her ears. “That’s excellent news. Why don’t we do brunch tomorrow? Just the five of us? We can catch up and figure out what to do next.”

“Six,” Seb corrects with a snarl. I ignore the way my heart warms as he makes it clear that Phoebe is invited.

“No, Mum, but thank you for the kind offer,” Christopher says. The growl in his words has disappeared, and so has that uncomfortable energy he was emitting. She frowns, and he pats her shoulder. “We’ll arrange something once we’re all settled.”
